TOLCIDE PS20A is a broad-spectrum, fast acting microbiocide blended with a non-foaming biodispersant applicable to a wide variety of cooling and process water types. This microbiocide has use applications including open & closed cooling recirculatingwater systems, air washers, paper mill systems, and various process heat transfer systems. The microbiocide chemistry, tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate (THPS), is an effective bacteriacide in controlling aerobic and anaerobic bacteria (particularly SRB-types) and slime forming bacteria. Also,TOLCIDE PS20Ais effective in controlling algae.

TOLCIDE PS20A can be fed in combination with certain chemistries, but is not compatible fed in the presence of halogens, glutaraldehyde, and DBNPA.

It is environmentally friendly – having won the “Green” chemistry award.

-It functions over a wide pH range particularly between pH 6.5 - 9.5.

-It will NOT react with conventional inhibitors and anionic dispersants used in modern cooling water treatment.

-It does not cause objectionable foaming in well treated systems, but may lead to foam in “dirty” systems as excessive biofilm is penetrated and released. Antifoam is recommended for use in applications where biofouling may be present.


When a system is noticeably fouled, TOLCIDE PS200 should be slug dosed to establish a concentration of 200 - 600 ppm (as product) in the recirculating water (i.e. 2472 fl. ozs PS200/1000 gals. contained water) and repeat until control is obtained. Once control is evident, a dosage of 100 300 ppm product (12 - 36 fl. ozs PS200/1000 gals.) several times weekly will normally maintain control unless unusual conditions develop. There are various microbiological and fouling monitoring methods. Specific federate, monitoring methods and start-up precautions must be specified by the technical service representative.


Appearance...... Clear liquid

Odor...... Characteristic

Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulfate...... 20%

Specific gravity...... 1.10 @ 68 deg. F

pH(@72 deg.F)...... 3.0 to 6.0

Flash point...... Non-flammable

Freeze point...... 3oC(27oF)


TOLCIDE PS20A may be toxic by ingestion; may cause nausea, vomiting. Wash mouth out with water. GET IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. Contact with eyes causes severe irritation or burns. If eyes are contacted, immediately flush with clear water for 15 minutes and get medical attention. Inhalation can be irritating to the respiratory tract, remove victim to fresh air. If skin is contacted, immediately wash with soap and water. Change and launder contaminated clothing before reuse. The use of goggles or face shield and rubber gloves when handling this product is recommended. For more information, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet provided with this product.


TOLCIDE PS20A is packaged in 55, 30, 15 gallon and 5-gallon plastic containers.

® TOLCIDE is a registered trademark of Rhodia
