New York State Department of Health

Request for Information (RFI)

Translational Research Projects in Stem Cell Science

Response Form

(use as many pages as needed to allow NYSTEM to thoroughly understand your response)




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Does the description of the translational research project funding mechanism on Page 1 provide sufficient information to convey to applicants for future funding, including those who have not previously applied for NYSTEM support, to understand the nature of the proposals that NYSTEM is soliciting? If not, please offer suggestions that would help prospective applicants to understand what is appropriate for submission for funding under the translational research project mechanism.

Is the description of the translational research project funding mechanism provided on Page 1 sufficiently distinct from the “Investigator Initiated Research Projects (IIRP) and Innovative, Developmental or Exploratory Activities (IDEA) in Stem Cell Research” funding mechanism? If not, please offer suggestions for the translational mechanism that would further distinguish translational awards from IIRP and IDEA awards and indicate to prospective applicants that their application is appropriate for submission to the translational research project mechanism. For your reference, the most recent RFA issued for the IIRP and IDEA funding mechanism was RFA #1206180230.

Is the description of the translational research project funding mechanism provided on Page 1 sufficiently distinct from the “Consortia to Accelerate Therapeutic Applications of Stem Cells” funding mechanism? If not, please offer suggestions for the translational mechanism that would distinguish translational awards from Consortia awards and indicate to prospective applicants that their application is appropriate for submission to the translational research project mechanism. For your reference, the most recent RFA issued for the Consortia funding mechanism was RFA # 1212030210.

In 300 words or less per project, please describe any translational stem cell research project(s) for which you might wish to seek funding, and which you think would qualify for funding, under this mechanism. Please include the length of time and the amount of funding that you think would be necessary to complete your project(s).

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