New Manchester High School

School Website:

Honors & Tenth Grade Literature & Composition

Course Syllabus

Teachers’ Contact Information:

Room# C1108

Room# C2112

Room# C2100

Room# C1106

Room# C2217

Room# C2213

Room# C1214

Course Description:

This course focuses on a study of literary genres; the student develops understanding that theme is what relates literature to life and that themes are recurring in the literary world. The students explore the effect of themes in regard to interpretation. The students will read across the curriculum to develop academic and personal interests in different subjects. While the focus is argumentative writing in tenth grade literature, the student will also demonstrate competency in a variety of writing genres, including narrative and expository. The student will engage in research, timed writings, and the writing process. Instruction in language conventions will occur within the context of reading, writing, and speaking, rather than in isolation. The students demonstrate an understanding of listening, speaking, and viewing skills for a variety of purposes.

·  For the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for this course, visit

·  Assessment/Evaluations/Required Student Products:

The student will show mastery of performance standards through a variety of activities, both in and out of the classroom. Such activities will include—but are not limited to—class assignments (teacher directed and independent study), homework, vocabulary, grammar review and exercises, research, tests, quizzes, projects, collaboration with partners or groups, oral presentations, essays, etc.

Evaluation/Grading Plan:

Major Assignments (tests, projects, major essays) 50%

Daily Assignments (quizzes, classwork, homework) 30%

Final Exam 20%

·  Students may retest specified assessments to provide mastery.

Grading Scale:

Grades shall be calculated on assignments, tests, and/or projects in the following method:

A-  90-100

B-  80-89

C-  71-79

D-  70

F-Below 70

Academic Honesty:

Academic honesty and integrity are taken very seriously at New Manchester High School. Any student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero on the assignment and will forfeit the opportunity to make up the grade. Cheating includes plagiarism, copying work, allowing another student to copy your work, and the use of technology that gives an unfair advantage.

Student Resources:

Teacher Website (links available @ NMHS website under “school staff,” Tutoring/Remediation (before or after school with teacher by appointment),, and

Late Work:

Due dates will be scheduled and announced far enough in advance to ensure that each student has enough time to complete assignments; therefore, late assignments will not be accepted without penalty.

Make-Up Work:

It is the responsibility of the student to find out what work was missed because of an absence and to complete that work within a week. Make-up work is provided for excused absences only. See the teacher to set up an appointment to make up tests or quizzes.

Attendance: If you are absent for an extended period, please call or email and leave a message for your teacher. We will enforce the Douglas County Attendance policy.

Tardy Policy: School tardy policy is strictly enforced and no exceptions will be made.

Recommended Student Supply List*:

3-ring binder (1 inch)

5 divider tabs

Notebook paper

Blue or black pens and pencils

3 in. X 5 in. index cards

Tissues and hand sanitizer



*See individual teacher as required supplies may vary

Honors Addendum: If you are taking honors 10th grade literature, please see your specific teacher for any additional requirements or expectations regarding the course.