of the summer vacation practical training in Practical Dentistry 3

for the 4thyear of Dentistry

Duration:4 weeks (120 hours)

Place of training:Dental surgery room or dental consulting room (also private-owned), Department of Stomatology, Dept. of Oral, Jaw, and Facial Surgery.The places of practical training may be combined.

Course of training:Students work under the leadership of a supervisor.They are obliged to observe the principles of safety at work and to work using safety and protective aids.

Content of practical training:

1.Complex and check-up examination of a patient.

2.Treatment of dental caries with plastic filling materials.

3.Diagnostics and treatment of dental caries consequences.

Pulpitis, periodontitis, endodontic treatment.

4.Basic examination and methods of prevention in paediatric dentistry.

5.Periodontological examination, indexes, prevention.

Conservative treatment in periodontology.

6.Preprosthetic examination, proposal of prosthetic treatment.

Preparation for fixed restoration.

Making removable restorations.

7.Application of anaesthesia. Simple extractions.

Diagnostics in oral surgery.

8.X-ray examination.

of summer vacation practical training in Practical Dentistry3
for the 4thyear of Dentistry
in academic year ………………..…..
Name + UČO
Medical Institution
Period of training
(min. of 4 weeks,
120 hours) / from: to:
*Practical dentistry3 training content and evaluation of the student:

Section* indicates characterisation of the student by his/her supervisor, assessing the student’s qualities, diligence, aptitude, attendance at the training etc.

The records of practical training and student evaluation serve as a document confirming the completion of the required training and entitling the student to have a credit granted in his/her record book. The respective credits will be granted after submission of the above record of practical training at the Department of Study Affairs when enrolling on a higher year of study.

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date official’s signature and stamp

Masaryk University, Faculty of Medicine

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