Chamber Online TOols Guide

1.  Profile Information

☐ / Go to
☐ / Click “Member Login”; insert Username & Password when prompted; check THCC welcome letter for your login details (or enter your email address and it will send you your password)
☐ / Click on “Change Contact/Profile Info”; update & verify information
☐ / Confirm appointments, schedules, reservations, etc.; click submit when finished
☐ / Click on “Upload/Change Photo”; have a JPG or GIF headshot of yourself for our Member Directory; click submit when finished
☐ / Click on “Change Username/Password”; change the password to something you will remember; click submit when finished

2.  YOUR WEB LANDING PAGE – Basic Editing

☐ / In the 4 tabs; Click “Advanced Tools”; click “Edit Site”; Verify your information again; click continue
☐ / Fill in your “About Us” Section with your Mission/Vision Statement as well as additional details you feel are relevant to your business from an outside view; click continue
☐ / Input your hours of business in the “Business Hours” section; click continue
☐ / Add in your website link if applicable; click continue
☐ / Highlight your top 3 services that you offer with your Business when prompted for “Services” as well as input relevant Search Engine keywords at the bottom of the page(location/areas served/specialties/etc); CAN BE MULTIPLE WORDS; click continue
☐ / Create a name for your mobile site within our App with your Business/Personal name; something people will remember you when they see; click continue
☐ / Review the final page of your Member Profile with tabs such as “Do you Offer Wifi at your business?” as well as “Fundraisers you support” etc, click continue to take you back to the Homepage of the Traffic Catcher Site Center

3.  Your Web Landing Page – Branding/Advanced Editing

☐ / .Click on “About Us/Photos Uploaded” tab; Upload a relevant image for your business such as a Company Logo, Outer Façade, CEO/Executives within the company, etc; once you choose your file click “Upload” so the file can be sent to our server, go back to the TCS Center
☐ / Click on “Company Logo Uploaded/Color Selected” tab; for “TCS Color/Style” choose “Custom”; click inside the text box of “Custom Background Color” and pick your main business color; next click inside the text box of “Custom Body Color” and pick your secondary business color; after that click on “Choose File” to upload your business logo; when you are finished click “Upload” which will take you back to the TCS Center
☐ / Click on “Alternate Image/Header” tab; for your header image it must be in JPG or GIF format & no wider than 980 pixels; to upload a header image click “Choose File” to find your image on your computer or if you are using a link then input your link, then click upload so the file can be sent to our server; if you decide to have an alternate main image it must be in the same JPG/GIF format & no wider than 770 pixels; to upload the alternate main image click “Choose File” to find your image or if you are using a link then include your link, verify that you have copyright access in the box, when you are finished you click “upload” to send the image off to our server
☐ / Click on “TCS Center” at the top of your page after uploading your alternate images to take you back to the TCS Center Homepage

4.  Broadcasting – Coupons/Events/Video

☐ / Scroll down to the “Broadcasting” tab on the TCS Center
☐ / Click on the tab next to “Coupon or offer…” if you are uploading a coupon pertaining to your company, click “Add Coupon” and fill out the “Start Date” & “End Date”; a good time-frame is about 3 months; then click on the boxes “Publish in Website/Mobile App”, “Include In Daily Deal Broadcast”, and “Publish in Membership Card & Member to Member offers”; you also have the option to use an image as a full coupon with “Full Graphic Coupon” and the “Choose File” tab; when you are finished, click “Continue & Share” to publish your coupon
☐ / If you have events that you would like to post on our Community Calendar, you click on the tab next to “Post Events”, fill in all of the important details in the text boxes, then click “Continue to next step”, verify the information and click “Confirm”, then “Return to Traffic Catcher Site center”

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