41 Mayflower Avenue
Middleborough, MA 02346
“In your hands the classroom computer has become an expressive tool for discovery and true learning. In the process of finding your own best way to approach technology you’ve also found something else of great importance- that the only limitation to the use of this tool is your own imagination.”
David Thornburg
Education, Technology, and Paradigms of Change for the 21st Century (1991)
The Technology Staff welcomes you to Middleborough Public Schools. We are here to support you. Have a wonderful year teaching and learning with technology.
Technology Department
Ellen Driscoll / Chief Technology Officer /Mark Mobley / Network Manager /
Cindy DiStefano / Systems Support Specialist/Webmaster /
Louise Bertelli / Technology Support Facilitator /
Michael Mills / Technician /
Jason Casimiro / Technician /
Moe Brodeur / Technician (Part-Time) /
Katie Goodine / Student Information Specialist /
Middleborough Public Schools’ website:
Log on to Network: Username and password are provided by the Technology Department. Typically the log on name is the first initial and last name. If you have a common last name you may be assigned the first name and last name.
Email Address: Your email address is the username you have to log on to the network plus @middleboro.k12.ma.us. The password is the same as your network password.
To access your email, go to and select Google Mail under Quick Linkson the leftside of the webpage.
Change Password:Feel free to change your email password using the directions below.
Directions to change password for email:
- Log in to your account using the address above
- Click on gear shaped icon
- Click settings
- Choose Accounts and Imports
- Choose Google Account Settings
- Choose Security
- Next, choose change password
- Put in current password
- Then new password two times
- Choose change password
If you forget your network or email passwordplease contact Cindy DiStefano at extension 4392.
Student email addresses have a two digit number, last name, first name, middle initial (ie. ). Students can only send and receive email within the Middleboro domain. It is recommended that teachers do not use their personal email address to communicate with students.
H Drive: All teachers have an H drive (think Home directory) to save their documents. H drive can be accessed on any computer in the district. It is strongly recommended that you save your documents to the H drive because the H drive is backed-up daily to prevent the loss of documents should your hard drive crash. H drive can only be accessed when you are on the district’s network.
ID Badges: All staff are required to use an ID Badge to enter buildings in the school district and should be worn throughout the school day. If you have any problems with your badge, please email Cindy DiStefano at . If you misplace or lose your badge, text or call Cindy immediately 774-319-9071 she will deactivate it immediately.
Filtering:Middleboro Public Schools is compliant with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and filters the Internet. If you need a site opened or blocked please contact Ellen Driscollat .
AUP: The staff AUP guidelines (located under the Staff Only link on the homepage) for ethical, educational, legal and efficient use of the network. Student AUP is located on the District Technology page; .
Please read policy and supervise student use of the Internet.
Social Networking:use caution with self-disclosure. Discretion is important. The line between our public and personal lives are sometimes blurred what you post online can cost you job security. A good rule of thumb is; if you do not want your peers, your supervisor, or the Superintendent to read about the post then do not post it.