St. Frances Academy
501 E. Chase Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
410-539-5794 (main office)
410-685-2650 (fax)

2017-2018 Re-Registration


Student Full Name: ______2017–2018 Grade Level: ______

Saint Frances Academy tuition cost for the 2017-2018 school year is: $ 9,150.00


Class Dues: $150
Academic Res: $500 Activity Fee: $150
SMART: $ 50
Total: $850 / Class Dues: $300
Academic Res: $500
Activity Fee: $150
SMART: $ 50
Total: $1,000 / Class Dues: $400
Academic Res: $500
Activity Fee: $150
SMART: $ 50
Total: $1,100

*All fees are nonrefundable.

__ I DO NOT wish to be considered for Financial Aid. __ YES, I wish to be considered for Financial Aid.

In order to guarantee continued financial assistance and be considered fully re-registered you must complete the following:

1.  $150 registration fee is paid in full.

2.  The re-registration packet is complete and turned into the main office.

3.  Your March 2017 tuition is paid in full.

4.  You have no other outstanding financial obligations to the school.

*The above items must be complete by, Friday, March 17, 2017.

You must also be fully enrolled in SMART Tuition no later than Friday, April 28, 2017. If not, you will need to go through the entire financial aid process from the beginning and financial aid is no longer guaranteed after that date.

St. Frances Academy will be using SMART TUITION for all tuition and student/class fees.

Payer Name: ______Relation to Student: ______

Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip code: ______E-mail: ______

Home phone number: ______Cell phone number: ______

The payer understands that tuition assistance is contingent upon prompt and current payments.Failure to maintain an up-to-date balance will jeopardize the continuation of any remaining tuition assistance for the school year.
NOTE:Any student who leaves for any reason afterSeptember 8, 2017will be responsible for the tuition through the remainder of the 2017-2018 school year.Additionally, any student who leaves after the deadline will forfeit all outside aid including BOOST.Complete payment of tuition/fees and repayment of the outside aid must be satisfied before official school records can be released.
Payer Signature: ______Date:______