Name: ______Date: ______Pd: ______

How to Win at Germ Warfare

Introduction/And when eating out:

1. List 5 places you will find bacteria.

2. What is E. coli 0157:H7 and why is it well known?

3. Explain why the 24 hour flu is not the flu at all.

4. List and briefly describe the 3 of the 7 suggestions given in And When Eating Out.

Safe Kitchen:

1. How many chickens are contaminated with salmonella?

2. When is salmonella in chickens a cause for concern?

3. What environment do Salmonella prefer?

4. Use an example to explain the term “cross-contamination.”

5. What is the “Danger Zone”?

6. Instead of leaving food out what should you do?

7. What is unique about wooden cutting boards?

Kitchen Part II:

1. How can you cut cross contamination by 90 percent?

2. How many people die of food poisoning every year?

3. Who is at risk from dying from food poisoning?

4. Who has the highest infection rate for salmonella and why?

5. What does Gerba suggest you should do with the kitchen sponge?

6. How frequently should you clean the faucet and fridge handles? What should you use?

7. What does Gerba recommend you do with the inside of the fridge?

Telephones, Tabletops and Doorknobs:

1. What is a fomite?

2. Are you more likely to get a cold virus from touching someone’s hand or a fomite?

3. How many virus particles on a tabletop does it take to infect a person?

4. How does a virus get to a tabletop?

5. How long can some viruses survive on a fomite?

6. Approximately how much surface of fomite do little kids put in their mouth each day?

7. What is the best precaution against infection?

The Safe Bathroom:

1. What is aerosolization?

2. How long can an “enclosed aerosol” exist?

3. What is a fan in the bathroom useful?

4. Explain how a person might end up brushing his teeth with toilet water.

5. How often does Gerba recommend you disinfect the toilet and bathroom surfaces?

6. Is disinfecting the same as cleaning or deodorizing?

7. What should you use to clean the toilet with?

Bathroom Part II:

1. When using bathrooms outside your house which stall should you use?

2. Why is the stall above the cleanest?

3. Which stall has the highest bacteria counts?

4. Can a disinfectant kill all the germs around a toilet?

5. What can completely kill all the bacteria in a toilet?