October FestivalApplicationForm

Due September30th 2017

Be a part ofSMTAOctoberFestival 2017

October22,20171pm-4pmKerry HallCornishCollegeof theArts

To apply:Please fill out the form below.Use a separate form foreachperformancegroup and

mail it with the appropriate entry fee (checks payable to SMTA).

Mailto:GraceAnn Cummings, October Festival Co-Chair



* Applications must be received notpostmarkedbySeptember 30th, 2017


SMTA Member Applicant

(Student(s)study with an SMTA member orWSMTA member teacher.)

SMTA Member Entrance Fee:$25 solo performer/$40 ensemble

Non-member Applicant

Non-member Entrance Fee $35 solo performer/$50ensemble


Elementsof ClassicalChamber MusicCreativeVarietyJazz


Please put an * by students of WSMTA instructors


Teacher/Contact for Performance Group:


Time Required:




Students bring a visual prop and discuss some element of the piece theyareplaying.


Brahms and Chopin uses polyrhythms in theirmusic.Bring a Rubik’s cube toshow theaudiencehow this works.Holdasolved Rubik’s cube for the audience tosee, then turnthesidesin opposing directions, and look at all thecolorsintermix, like the rhythms the audience can feel mixed up in the music.

Simple visual props can be used likedropping leaveson the stage for pieces aboutfall.The

student can drop them on the ground as they explain.Students can toss feathers into the air if

their piece is about thewind/birds.Students can wear a mask if their piece isabout parties etc.

Playing John Cage? Ask Audience to listen carefully during his 4’ 33” for piano solo.

Playing Rachmaninoff?Explain about his life and how he became a concert pianist at age 42!

Chamber Music

Groups can include percussive ensembles aswell asinstrumental



Do your students sing? Play more than one instrument? Play music in different cultures fromaround

the world?Here is their chance to share such things as Broadway songs, folk songs, Indian-classical

on a sitar, Japanese music on a zither, arias from operas, percussion from Africa? Have them come

share these rare treasuresinperformance.


Questions:October Festival Committeechairperson: