Date Resolved By Council:14 May 2008

Commencement Date:14 May 2008

Review Date:May 2011

Responsible Department:City Infrastructure

This policy has been authorised and is included on Council’s Website.

Peter Brown

Chief Executive Officer

14 May 2008





This policy relates to the Waste Service Levels provided by Council and the Waste Charge and Fees applying to those services.

This policy should be read in conjunction with Policy DCI10 – Garbage, Recycling and Green waste Services


The Moreland Waste and Litter Strategy was adopted by Council on 30 January 2008

One of the objectives of the Strategy refers to a volume based user pay waste charge to encourage residents and commercial property occupiers to reduce the quantity of waste generated and reduce their garbage bin size.

To support this objective Council in 1996/97 introduced a Waste Charge. The Waste Charge is a volume based charge and varies depending on the capacity of the garbage bin/s chosen by property owners. No charge is imposed for the recycling bins

In 2001 Council introduced a “fee for service” option for Commercial and non residential properties, known as the Commercial Plus service.


Residential Waste Service

For the payment of the appropriate Waste Charge a residential property is entitled to a weekly garbage, weekly recycling, fortnightly green waste (subject to payment of connection fee) and an annual Hard Waste Service.

Commercial Waste Service

For the payment of the appropriate Waste Charge, a commercial property or non – residential property is entitled to a weekly garbage and weekly recycling service.

Commercial Plus Waste Service

For the payment of the relevant bin lift fees, a commercial property is entitled to multiple collections of garbage and / or recycling bins each week.

3.1Residential Waste Service

a)Single dwellings

  • Are entitled to either 80 litre or 120 litre bins.
  • Can have a maximum of two bins up to a capacity of 240 litres. This can comprise

-80 litre plus additional 80 litre

-120 litre plus additional 80 litre

-120 litre plus additional 120 litre

  • Where multiple bins are provided, the Waste Charge will be based on the total capacity

b)Multi unit dwellings

  • Are entitled to shared 120 litre bins or shared 240 litre bins up to a maximum of 120 litre capacity per unit.
  • Individual 80 or 120 litre bins may be provided subject to sufficient bin storage space and sufficient roadside area for collection.

c)Boarding Homes, High Density Multi Level Development Units (On One Rateable Assessment)

  • The Waste Charge applies to the first garbage bin.
  • Are entitled to shared 120 litre garbage bins or shared 240 litre garbage bins up to a maximum of 120 litre capacity per unit.
  • Additional garbage bins will be charged at the appropriate additional bin charge.
  • Council’s Commercial Plus Waste Service will be available to assist in reducing bin numbers and Waste Charges

3.2Commercial Waste Service

a)Commercial premises

  • Are entitled to 80 litre, 120 litre or 240 litre garbage bin collection once per week
  • Where a single rateable property comprises both commercial and residential uses, each may have a garbage bin and each garbage bin will be provided at the appropriate Waste Charge per bin, consistent with this Policy.

b)Non Residential Properties

  • All non residential properties provided with Council’s Waste Collection Service will be charged the Waste Charge. Properties such as the following will incur the charge:



-Non Council organisations.

  • These properties will be allowed up to 240 litre weekly garbage capacity subject to the payment of the Waste Charge.
  • Groups or organisations requiring more than 240 litre garbage capacity per week must use Council’s Commercial Plus Service.

3.3Commercial Plus Waste Service

  • Are entitled to multiple 240 litre bins (garbage and / or recycling) collected weekly or multiple collections of 240 litre bin/s per week.
  • Each bin lift will incur the fee as set by Council in the annual Fees and Charges, set as part of the Budget Adoption, payable annually in advance.

3.4Waste Charge

a)Residential and Commercial Waste Service

The waste Charge will be set annually by Council as part of the setting of the annual rates and generally include the following garbage bin capacities and combinations:

80 litres – (Individual bin or shared* 240 litre bin)

120 litres –(Individual bin or shared* 240 litre bin)

160 litres –(base 80 litre capacity plus additional 80 litre capacity)

200 litres–(base 120 litre capacity plus additional 80 litre capacity)

240 litres –(base 120 litre capacity plus additional 120 litre capacity)

240 litres –(240 litre bin for commercial premises only)

* Council encourages the sharing of bins to minimise storage / collections space and reduce collection costs and will provide a reduced Waste Charge for premises sharing garbage bins. The Waste Charge for shared bins will be 90% of the charge of the individual bin charge

b)Bin Size Changes

Property owners may request a change of garbage bin size at any time throughout the year.

Garbage bin size changes undertaken prior to 31 December will result in full credit being given for a bin downsizing or full costs being charged for upsizing.

Garbage bin size changes requested after 1 January in any year will result in only 50% of the relevant credit or debit.

The Director City Infrastructure may authorise the credit / debit to be based on a monthly pro rata charge if appropriate

Where more than one bin size change is requested in any one financial year an additional changeover fee will be charged. Council will set the fee annually as part of its Fees and Charges

c)Commercial Plus Service

The bin lift fee will be set annually by Council as part of the Fees and Charges


a) Large Families

Concessions for large families will be based on one or two parents and six immediate children and only be given subject to the following:

  • There is a written application providing appropriate details.
  • The application is approved by the Director City Infrastructure or his nominee
  • The concession will be on the second garbage bin and the charge will be:

-120 litre (additional bin) - 50% of additional 120 litre bin charge

-80 litre (additional bin) - 50% of additional 80 litre bin charge

b)Residents with Medical condition/s that generate additional waste

Concessions will be based on advice from the medical practitioner or hospital that alternative recycling facilities are not available and only be given subject to the following:

  • There is a written application providing appropriate details.
  • The application is approved by the Director City Infrastructure or his nominee
  • The concession will be on the second garbage bin and the charge will be:

-120 litre (additional bin) - 50% of additional 120 litre bin charge

-80 litre (additional bin) - 50% of additional 80 litre bin charge
