Expert MT
Table of Contents
Resource Library
Edit Profile
Student Forums
MTACC Staff Contact Information
Medical Trivia
How This Course Works
Module 1- Getting Started
Module 2- MT Basics
Module 3- Grammar and Punctuation
Module 4- Using Your Computer
Module 5- Learning the Medical Language
Module 6- Integumentary
Module 7- Skeletal
Module 8- Muscles and Joints
Module 9- Nervous
Module 10- Blood and Lymphatics
Module 11- Laboratory and Pathology
Module 12- Cardiovascular
Module 13- Respiratory
Module 14- Digestive
Module 15- Endocrine
Module 16- Special Senses
Module 17- Urinary
Module 18- Male Reproductive
Module 19- Female Reproductive
Module 20- Obstetrics
Module 21- Child Health
Module 22- Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
Module 23- Oncology
Module 24- Pharmacology
Module 25- Mental Health
Module 26- Gerontology
Module 27- Beginning Medical Transcription
Module 28- Intermediate Medical Transcription
Module 29- Advanced Medical Transcription
Module 30- Preparing for Employment
Final Exam
Work Simulation Program
Job Placement
Welcome to MT Advantage! You’ve made a great choice in quality MT education. We want you to get the most out of your learning experience in our program. Medical Transcription is an exciting field with a lot of opportunities waiting for well-trained graduates. Working at home is the dream of many of our students. Many others want the flexibility or potential excellent income that MT offers. Just remember, whatever your reason for wanting to pursue MT, your goal is attainable!
Please follow along in this editable workbook as you move through the course. This workbook and your initial e-mail will serve as your first source of information. It will be your guide throughout the program. In this workbook and the Student Forum you will find the answers to most of your questions regarding the course, and we will point you to where you can find other answers on our forums. So, when you have a question or feel confused, first open your workbook and see if the answer is here. Additionally, your workbook will serve as place that you can take notes throughout the program, and will guide you through each chapter of the course. You will find lists to check off as you go through the course so that you will never be confused as to where you last left off in your training.
As you move through the on-line modules you will see many links that are highlighted. These links take you to interesting articles that will give you more detailed information about the subject being studied. Take time to read some or most of these articles. Remember, the more medical content that you understand, the better MT you will become. Also, when you come across words that are highlighted in the course, click on them and you will be able to hear audio pronunciations of those words.
Course Link: Please refer to your Welcome Letter for the course link. Write it here: ______.
Resource Library
We have a very comprehensive resource library built into the on-line course. When you first reach the sign-on page of the course website, there will be a link that you can click on that will take you to the Resource Library section under the Main Menu on the left. Please make sure you use this section of the course to your benefit. You will be able to research the spelling of terms and hear pronunciations using the Resource Library. You will also find a lot of interesting medical articles and medical resource links here and throughout the medical modules (Modules 6-26) as well.
Edit Profile
When you first sign into the course with the above link, it is a good idea to change your password and edit your profile. You can do that by clicking on your name in the upper right hand corner of the Main screen.
Student Forum
You may be wondering what you would do if you had a technical question, such as you are not hearing sound when you reach the website audio files. On our student board you will find a Technical Forum, and this is where you will be able to search for answers to questions of this nature.
You can reach the Student Forum by clicking the link above or on the link in the tool bar located at the top of your screen on the right called Student Forum. Then click on Student Forum.
Be sure to save the Student Forum in your Favorites so you can access it easily.
You will need to register and be approved before you can read the Student Forum so be sure to do that right away. Please use the e-mail address that you signed up in the course with so we can identify you quickly. You will need a username and password, so be sure to keep that in a safe place.
When you have a question, please first search the Student Forum to see if your question has been asked before. If you do not find your question there, then post your question to the correct forum and you check back shortly. Usually we are able to give a fast reply. We have a FAQ list on the student website which may contain both your question and answer, so make sure you check on our Technical page and the FAQ page.
Also, at the Student Forum above you will find many different message boards that are available to our students, mentors, instructors and graduates. Get to know your fellow students and share the joy of learning together. There are contests and games on the forums periodically to reinforce your learning and to make it fun! The Student Forum also includes chat rooms where you can meet and talk with other students or play medical trivia. Get involved with your school and make this a memorable time in your life.
You’ll want to keep up with announcements and additions to the course as we create, add, and install them. The announcements are made on the Student Forum. Because we don’t want you to receive e-mails that do not pertain to you, the Student Forum is our primary way of contacting all the students at once.
MTACC Staff Contact Information
If you ever have any questions about the course, about MT in general, technical issues, etc. and have not found an answer on the forums or on the FAQ pages, then please post your question on the appropriate forum. If it is urgent, please e-mail the office at ( ) or call us toll free at (877) 336-8222. We want all of our students to understand that we are with you every step of the way throughout your training.
We have an open door policy. Below is our contact information.
Margery Hinman, CMT, Director
MT Advantage Office
Address: 6432 Golf Club Road
Gloucester, VA 23061
Phone: Toll Free 877-336-8222
Direct Line: 804-695-2100
Fax: 804-824-9813
Medical Trivia
MT Advantage Career Center is working with Quia to design our own personalized medical trivia games. In the meantime, here are some other good medical trivia games to try:
Be sure to also check our Student Forum under Great Links to Have to find other games and fun sites related to medical trivia.
Chat Classes
Please join us every Thursday evening at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time for a chat class. This is extra training time that may help you better understand a subject and have the ability to ask questions live. The link is located just to the upper right of the Student Forum, and the exact times and days, if deviated from the above, are posted on the Student Forum.
Note that every Thursday night at 9:00 p.m. EST is Student Chat night except in the summer months and holidays. Participation is optional although this is when instructors and mentors will join in with students and graduates to talk about some area pertinent to transcription. Many students have said that this hour or so is a wonderful investment of time because of the practical information they learn.
How This Course Works
The MT Advantage Program is designed generally into 2 parts:
First is the online portion which consists of the following:
2 MT basics modules
1 extensive grammar and punctuation module
1 computer module consisting of computer and Internet courses through Learn2
1 comprehensive medical suffixes, prefixes and root words module
20 medical specialty modules
1 final comprehensive exam (online material)
The second half of the course consists of the following:
Modules 27, 28 and 29 which are transcription modules. In these modules you transcribe from one of three SUM CDs which we send to you along with a foot pedal. You will send the work back to the school as instructed for grading and comments.
Module 30 which is the employment module
Advanced Practice Dictation (in which we work with you one-on-one)
Final comprehensive exam (transcription)
The first half of the course (the online material) contains numerous self-tests and a final exam at the end of each module. These self tests and final exams are for your benefit only and do not contribute towards your overall grade. They are designed so that you may test yourself to assess your knowledge of that module’s content. You may take these self-tests and exams as many times as you like, until you feel you have mastered the content. However, we strongly recommend a grade of 90 or above on every exam before continuing on to the next module.
The foot pedal is yours to keep as long as you finish the program. If you decide not to finish this program, you must return this pedal to us.
Along with your course material, we hope you will participate regularly in discussions in the Student Forum as well as in the chat room. Extra credit may be given on the final exams according to class participation in these areas.
Also along with the course material, you are expected to read at least some of the medical articles that accompany each medical module. Outside reading of medical material is also encouraged in your spare time. Right now, you are building your foundation of medical knowledge, so keep reading all you can!
Note: Our goal is to create a wonderful learning environment for you with up to date resources. If you happen to find a link inside our course or student forum that is inoperable, PLEASE send it to us () so that we can update our course.
IMPORTANT: You will get out of this course exactly what you are willing to put into it. It is possible to “cheat” and skip these tests and exams. However, you will only hurt yourself in the long run, and you will NOT be able to pass our end of course Final Exam. We have seen it happen before, so please be sure to follow the instructions for the course as you go along and don’t skip anything.
Touch Base
Throughout the first half of the course (the online material), you will see the Touch Base reminder. Touch Base is a program where we need to hear from you as to your status, how you are doing in the course, any questions, concerns, frustrations, compliments or general comments you might have about your work or the coursework. Extra credit may be given to students who complete each Touch Base within the online portion. You will find a reminder for the Touch Base every fifth module beginning with Module 5.
Near the end of the first half of the program, at the beginning of Module 25, we have posted a reminder for you to send the Equipment Rental form from this workbook so that we may send you the foot pedal and SUM CDs for your transcription practice. These CDs are sent to you on loan only and must be returned upon leaving the course or after graduation. Note that even though the Equipment Lease agreement states that a fee is charged, we do not assess the fee unless the CDs are not returned. If you do not graduate, then we must have the footpedal back as well. Complete instructions for requesting these materials and returning them are located in the module 25, giving you enough time to request them and have them shipped before you actually need them.
Along with your online course access, you will be sent a shipment of other items such as reference materials and other learning items. Please follow the above guidelines for installing or using these items:
Typing Tutorial – Please install immediately and use this to build up your typing
speed as you complete the first half of the course (the online portion). You should aim for a goal of at least 50 wpm. (If you are already at this level, try setting a higher goal for yourself.)
Medical Spellchecker – Please do not install until the second half of the
course. (Module 29) If you have made a partial down payment, you may receive the spellchecker at a later date.
Quick Look Drug List (Excel file) – This is a comprehensive list of drug names which can be viewed only with the Excel viewer (or the Excel program itself.) If you do not have Excel on your computer, you may install the Excel viewer which is also available as a download in the Resource Library and can also be found in the Pharmacology module. Please install this drug file at that time as per the instructions found there. Keep in mind, both the drug list and word lists are designed so that you can add terms to it anytime you like.
MT Advantage Word List (Excel file) – This is a comprehensive list of terminology which can be viewed only with the Excel viewer (or the Excel program itself.) If you do not have Excel on your computer, you may install the Excel viewer which is available as a download in the Student Resources section. Then please download the Word List file itself from the Resource Library as you will be using it extensively within both portions of the program. Keep in mind, both the drug list and word lists are designed so that you can add terms to it anytime you like.