Vol. MMVIIIEditor: Lloyd JohnsonIssue: July
The Beach in General:
June gave us plenty of gloomy days, but also days of hot sunshine. Few people were here, but most of the US Open days were gloomy. While there were posted signs stating we could not get to the beach that week, people were able to park far and walk down the usual trail.
Perhaps two thousand people have been visiting sunny weekends, only hundreds on weekdays. People generally play in the water during the hot mid-day and move to volleyball when the sand cools off later in the day. The water temperature has ranged from 66-73.
Future Events:
Sunday picnics begin this month. They will all be contingent on good weather. Ice cream will be made on exceptionally hot Sundays.
You don't have to bring food, but the key to participation is to bring something to share. We provide the fire, but you cook it. Then you pass it around in bite-sized pieces and mingle.
Toys and games are available, including body boards, horseshoes and volleyball. We still have tattoos to pass out. We still lead swims.
July 4 / Independence Day PicnicJuly 6 / Sunday Picnic
July 6-13 / Nude Recreation Week
July 11-14 / Catalina Sunsets
July 13 / Sunday Picnic
July 20 / Sunday Picnic
July 27 / Sunday Picnic
August 3 / Sunday Picnic
August 10 / Sunday Picnic
Surf Event
August 17 / Sunday Picnic
National Nude Recreation Week:
National Nude Recreation Week is July 6-13 this year. To us here at Black’s Beach, it means doing what we always do, enjoying our freedom to choose not to wear clothes. The problems at San Onofre remind us that we cannot take this freedom for granted.
It’s a freedom our forefathers enjoyed, but is facing more challenges every year as our population grows. Will this freedom be reduced to just private property, and from there be restricted to the shower and bedroom?
The Naturist Society (TNS):
TNS is a member organization formed to promote nude recreation and body acceptance. They do this by defending clothing optional use of public land through participating groups like ours. Without their hard work in years past, you would not be nude on this beach or any other.
We constantly need your help. You say you’ve been coming to Black’s Beach for how many years? Has it gotten better? Has it gotten worse? What have you done? What have you given back?
TNS membership is a good start. With TNS membership you get a subscription to their quarterly magazine, discounted admission to resorts, invitations to gatherings and festivals, discounts on Skinny Dipper merchandise and voting privileges. Most importantly your membership adds strength in numbers to protect our choice not to wear clothes. Please join with us to ensure that there is always room on public land for nude recreation. Look for our yellow flag for more information.
San Onofre:
The freedom of our northern brothers at San Onofre is still in jeopardy. Rangers are still intent on revoking Cahill/Harrison, as it applies to San Onofre State Beach. "Nudity Prohibited" signs have been erected at many locations in the park, but rangers have stated publicly that citations will not be given until September 1.
Many people have received a form letter from J. M. Milligan as replies to our letters to Ruth Coleman. In that letter he tries to portray nudity as illegal and Cahill/Harrison as nothing more than an enforcement guideline. We know it is more than that. When rangers or police failed to follow the policy, judges dismissed the charges. This proves it is more than a guideline. It's law.
Currently there is no threat against Black's Beach, but it could happen here next. Please help us fight for our freedom. Friends of San Onofre have hired a lobbyist to try and get an audience with Director Ruth Coleman. They need donations, and Ruth Coleman should continue to receive letters. Please visit our website and visit the Friends of San Onofre site through our "Alerts" page for more detailed information and letter writing suggestions.
Parking Lots:
As summer use increases, the west lot will fill and people will be forced to use the east lot. Overflow parking has been allowed on the other side of those signs "No Parking" signs, the east lot.
Gay Pride celebrations in Balboa Park will run from July 19-20 this year. That always has an impact on parking here.
The parking lot is often locked promptly at 8pm. Newcomers should know how to get out if they find it locked before they leave. Left of that gate and a ways across the gravel lot is another exit. Look to the right.
Sunsets and the Green Flash:
With a sharp horizon and a clear sky, it should be possible to see the green flash following sunset. Once the sun gets low enough in the sky and the refraction of our atmosphere separates colored images of the sun, we can see the green image after the brighter, red image goes over the horizon. Watch for a moment of green light after sunset.
Catalina is seen silhouetted by the setting sun late in May and mid-July, perhaps 11-14. We don't always have a clear horizon, but if we can confirm the dates, we should be able to predict this every year.
Spring Tide:
Spring tide is a condition of very high and very low tides in the same 24 hours. The highest tides in the summer typically occur at about 9pm. We get a wide beach during the busy day, but there's a sharp rise late in the day.
Consider this before taking a long walk. You wouldn't want to return to find your stuff has been washed out to sea. When you're laying down watching the waves get closer and closer, consider that the next big wave might reach you. Spring tides are closely bound to new and full moon, but comparably high a few days before and after. Also the time of highest tide gets about 40 minutes later each day.
moon / low / highJul / 3 / new / -1.9 / 7.5 9:59pm
Jul / 18 / full / -0.7 / 6.5 9:51pm
Aug / 1 / new / -1.4 / 7.3 9:50pm
Aug / 16 / full / -0.5 / 6.5 9:34pm
Torrey Pines Reef 2:
There is an artificial reef offshore, about 3/8 mile out and 35 feet down. This reef is host to a variety of life, fish, lobster, starfish and other invertebrates. Now that the water is warm, swim expeditions to the reef will take place in the early afternoon. Ambitious swimmers should look for buddies between our two flags, or contact Lloyd through the website.