Water and Woods Field Service Council
Cub Scout Investigator
We would like to introduce you to allthe fun and excitement that Day Camp has to offer each andevery one. It is our pleasure to present this guide to you, to explain our overall program as well as the programs at our Day Camp. It is our goal to help answer your questions and any questions your cub parents may have. Our goalis for everyone to have a Great Experience at CAMP.
This guide will provide information that pertains to both CubScout Day Camps. You will also find information for each individual camp. Each of our camp locations has the same theme: Cub Scout Investigator. Yet, each location has a different Camp director, staff and resources and each camp has its own special touches.
This year we are proud to hold traditional Day Camp at Bicentennial Parkin Grand Blanc.Bicentennial Park is a THREE day camp (Monday through Wednesday)
Camp is planned and conducted by a Certified Volunteer Camp Director and a Program Director. Camp is conducted with the assistance ofvolunteers such as yourself. This guide will explain the role that the leadership of your Pack will play in order to make Day Camp a valuable experience for everyone involved.
It is important to know that all Water and Woods Field ServiceCouncil Day Camps meet the National Standards that are set by the Boy Scouts of America. Each camp is inspected to confirm that all mandatory standards are met, which ensures the safety of all campers.
If you have questions about Day Camp in general,or questions about an individual camp, then please contact the Day Camp Directors.
Thank you for your support and dedication to Water and Woods Field Service Council Cub Scout Day Camp. We know from experience how much the boysreally enjoy themselves and appreciate your involvement.
Yours in Scouting,
Vince Levi
Bicentennial Park
Day Camp Director
Bicentennial Park - DayCamp2016
1505 E Grand Blanc Rd
Grand Blanc Township, MI 48439
Welcomeallto“Cub Scout Investigator” – DayCampatBicentennial Park!
Wewillbedoingan early Check-in, PackorientationANDREQUIREDshirtpickuponSunday,June 26tht,at 6:30p.m.,atBicentennial Park,1505 E Grand Blanc Rd Grand Blanc Township, MI 48439.
What to bring to orientation: Health Forms (Section A&B only) for ALL attending Camp, registration confirmation, if you would like to bring awagonandcooler feel free.Wewillstorethemforyou in an unlocked room at the Park, as we have never had an issue with theft in the past, however if they come up missing Day Camp is not responsible to replace them. Duringthe orientationandshirtpickup,wewillcoverallsafetymeasuresforcamp, a Den Roster will be provided, if a Pack is sending more than 15 boys we may split the Den up with another Pack so everyone can have fun. Weaskthatyouhave the appropriate adultcoverageforeachrankthatyousendtocamp. Ifyoudonothave enoughadultcoverage,thenpleaseletusknowandwewillpairyourpackupwithotherpacksinthesame situation.Onepersonneedstocomefromeach pack,butifmoreleadersorparentswishtocome,theymay. Atthistime,wewillmakeanypaperwork correctionsasneeded.TherewillbeNOon-siteregistration. Online registrationclosesonJune19th. If you are unable to meet this date and want to attend you must contact the Day Camp Directors to see what your options are.
Mondaymorning(June 27nd),checkinwillstartat8:30a.m. all bag lunches will be placed in coolers assigned to individual dens.OpeningFlagceremonyisat9:00a.m.Allcampers arerequiredtoparticipateintheFlagCeremony.ClosingFlagCeremonyendsat4:00p.m.Weonlyneed1 leader/adultfromeachpacktodothecheckin,attheregistrationtable,tocollecttheattendancesheets. Ourscoutsparticipateatcampintheir respectivePacks. WerequirethatALL Tigerscoutshavesomeonewiththem. Whileatcamp,eachDenwillbeworkingon skitsandsongsanddenyells.Luncheswillallbeinsidethe Pavilion. Ifascoutneedstoleaveearly,orarriveslate,theyMUSTcheckinandoutat our Camp Registration Area. IfaScoutisill,ornotcoming,pleasecallorwewillbecallingyou.Weareresponsibleforevery Scoutandyouthonthepropertyandwetakethatresponsibilityseriously,andwillfollowallNationalStandards toensurethesafetyofouryouth. IfaScoutismissing,wewillfollowallBSAguidelines.
Tuesday morning(June 28th), your designated Den locationall bag lunches will be placed in coolers assigned to individual dens. TheFlagceremonywillstartat9:00a.m.andcampwillhaveaclosingceremonyending at4:00 p.m.Ifitrains,wewillhave alternate activities under the Pavilion.
Wednesdaymorning(June 29th), your designated Den locationall bag lunches will be placed in coolers assigned to individual dens. TheFlagceremonywillstartat8:45a.m.andcampwillhaveaclosingceremonyending at4:00 p.m.Ifitrains,wewillhave alternate activities under the Pavilion.
Wednesday(June 30th) Closing Flag Ceremony, Weaskthatparentsandvisitorsarriveat3:00p.m.forour closingceremonyandshow.Densareencouragedtohaveaskitorsongprepared.Themebased(Cub Scout Investigator)areencouragedandpreferred.Showwillcommenceat3:15p.m.and continueuntil4:00p.m.TheDenthathasdonethebestserviceprojectoftheweekwillgetasurprise. Scouts whohavesteppedaboveandbeyondwillberecognized-fromEACHDEN. Sopleasetakenoteofwhich scout(s)hasshowntrueScoutingSpirit. Each Den will be asked to present their Den flag to someone of their choice. Advancement information sheets will be handed out to each Pack. ALLmedicalformsMUSTbepickedupbythepacksortheywillbe destroyedattheendofcamp.
Camp Activities Will include:Scout Skills, Nature Hike, BB Guns, Archery, Games, STEM, Scout Craft, and so much more….
LOSTandFOUNDitemswillbefoundintheCampOffice.Pleaseputnameandpack#oneachitemat camp.AnythingleftoverAFTERCampisover,willbetakentothe Flint CouncilOffice.
From 23 - Take the Grand Blanc Road exit off US-23. Proceed east on Grand Blanc Road approximately 1.5 miles you will go over I-75 the park is on your left. Drive through the Park back to the Large Pavilion#1. Park in the gravel lot by the Pavilion.
- You’rePackCampPromotionRegistrationCoordinatoror your Cubmaster istheprimarycontactthattheCampDirectorswillusetocontactyourpackforallitspromotionregistrationneeds,aswellasthecontactpersonforanyshirtpick-ups.ThiscanbealeaderorparentthathasattendedtheLeaderKickOff andhasextraregistrationmaterialsonhandorcanforwardmaterialstoanyoftheparentsthatmay needthem.Thispersonwillalsoberesponsibleforansweringsimplequestionsregardingcampand deadlines,andgettingtheformsfilledoutandforwardedtothecouncil. Theresponsibilitiescanbe splitbetweentwopeople,whateverworksbestforthepack.
•YourPackwillneedtoprovidetwoadultsforthefirst5campersandoneadultforeveryadditional5campers thereafter.
- Oneadultmustbethedesignatedastheon-sitePack / DenLeadereachday.
- Pack / DenLeader are responsible to check the boys in each day as well as to stay until all boys are picked up.
- Pack / DenLeader are responsible to ensure the group is at each station on time and assist with keeping the boys well behaved.
- SubmitthefinalversionofyourPack'sDailyLeadershiptotheCampDirectoronthefirstdayofcamp. Ifadultleadershipisunavailableforyourchild,youwillneedtocontactthecampdirectortoexploreavailableoptions.
- PotentiallysevereweathermaycauselocalofficialstoordertheclosureofDayCampfortheday.TheDayCampDirectorwillnotifyallonsiteLeadersofanyemergencyproceduresandclosures. Thedesignatedon-sitePackLeadermusthavean emergencycontact list,includingthenamesandvalidphonenumbersofbothparentsorguardians andemergencydrivers.
- Eachcamper'shealthformmustbefilledout,COMPLETELY.Thisincludesalladults,and scoutsattendingcamp.
•IfaScoutfromyourPackhasaconditionthatrequiresemergency medicationtobegivenimmediatelyuponanoccurrence (e.g., bee sting, etc…), thecamper'shealthformmustreflect whoisallowedtocarryandadministerthemedicationtotheScout. ThatpersonmustidentifythemselvestotheCampHealthOfficeruponcheck-in.
•AllcampersleavingEARLY,orarrivinglate,needtocheckinat the Camp Registration area.Allmissing scoutswillhaveparentscalled.Eachcampisrequiredtokeeptrackofallcampersandtoreport missingcamperstothepolice,afterparentalnotification.
WeencourageallthepackstorecruitnewScoutspriortodaycamp,especiallynewTigerCubsinMay.As longastheScoutsareregisteredwithBSA,theyareeligibletoattendDayCamp.Pleasecontactyour Unit Serving ExecutiveattheBoyScoutOfficetoscheduleatimeforaSpringRoundup.IfanewScoutturnsin theirDayCampregistrationwiththeirBSAmembershipapplicationaftertheearlybirddeadline,the earlybirdfeewillbehonored.
JanuaryAtyourleadersmeetingsetdate,timeandarrangementsforyour BlueGoldCelebration. If you would like us to come out and do a Camp Promotion please contact usand we would be happy to arrange something for the Blue and Gold or a Pack Meeting.
FebruaryStart sharing Camp dates and times as well as cost to the Parents to get them to start thinking about Day or Resident Camps.
Ifyouattendoneoftheroundtablemeetingslocatedaroundthecouncil,yourPack willgetgeneralinformationregardingalloftheWater and Woods Field Service Council DayCamps.
Select1persontobetheCampContact.Thispersonwillcoordinatetheregistrations forthe pack,andcontactinformationtotheCampDirectoroftheCampyouwishtoattend.
AprilRecordeachyouthandadultwishingtoattendcamp andusethechecklisttosecureallformsnecessaryforacompleteregistration.Recruitadults alongwiththeboystoattendcamp.
MaySetupaRecruitingeventatyourneighborhoodschoolsforgraduatingKindergarteners,itisa greattimetopromoteCubScoutingandanynewcubscoutcanregisterforDayCampatthe sametimetheyregisterforscoutingandareentitledtotheearlybirdfeeforcamp.
Continuetorecruitboysforcamp. Continuetorecruitadultstoattendcampandarrangefor carpoolstogetboystocamp.
Doafinalpromotionforcampforthosethathavenotregisteredyet. We do not want to leave anyone out of the fun and excitement of camp.
Nota problemand you arenot alone; eachyearnewleadersaskthissamequestion.This yearwehaveworked veryhard togetour materials out earlier.Wehavealsoadded moreinformation about gettingstartedfor the first time.Wealsohavethephone numbersand e‐mailaddressesof thecamp directors.Theywould behappy toanswerany of your questions.
The quick answeris YES! That would befine.You do not havetohaveyour Den orPackattendcamp in order for you toattend.Wealwaysrecommendthat you talk withyour Den LeaderorCub Mastertoseeif thepack is going.Sometimes it just takessomeone tostarttheball rolling.TheDen’sorPack'sparticipation doeshelp with providingleadershipatcamp.
Wearemakingan all‐outefforttogetthewordout aboutour Cub Scout DayCamps. All our materialis on theMichigan Crossroads Council Website specifically under Water and Woodsat Day Camps are also being promoted at district roundtables. DayCamp directorswillbeateachof themeetingssothat you can geta load of information and pleasebringyour day campquestions and wewill doour besttoanswerthem.
Wehaveseveralsuggestions.First it is not necessaryfor thesameadults tobeatcamp eachday.Several adults can sharethedays of camp.One parentattendsthe1stday and a secondparentthe2nd day and a third parentthe3rdday. Theadults that comewith theboyscan bea parent,grandparentorperhaps an aunt oruncle, oranother adult, age18or older.Wehavefound thatif wecangetatleast one adultwith a small group of boys,things go a lot easierfor that group. Wewill takethesesmall groups withincomplete leadershipand match you up with othersin the samesituation. In caseswhereleadershipis notavailable, please contact thedirector of thecamp you wish to attend and theymaybeable tohelp you makearrangements.Wewill worktogethertoprovide two ormore adults atall times.
Weknow that it seemslike therearea lot offorms.Theyaremoreimportantthan you will ever probably know. Our health formiscoming directly fromthe BoyScouts of America,and multi‐languageforms aresomething wewill havesoonin all areas. Theseforms area goodexample of thesteps theBoyScout of Americahavegonetoin orderto protectour youth in all possible ways.
The health formis necessaryfor adults! Thisis required because,if thereis a health problem with an adult, we will not betryingtofind out whom tocall fromyour son.TheHEALTHFORMSFOR ADULTSANDYOUTHDONOT NEEDTOBESIGNEDBYAPHYSICAN.
Welovetohavelotsofpacksofallsizesattendcamp.Wealsoknowthateveryonecannotgettocampatthesame time.Eachcampwillhavelocationsforeachofthepackstomeetandwillofferagatheringactivitytokeeptheboys busyuntileveryonearrives.ThegatheringareaswillbemarkedforyourPack or Den.PleasebesureyouandtheScoutsknow yourPack#asthatwillhelpyoufindeachother.
Weencourageeachdenorpacktobringacoolertokeeptheirmealstogetherandcool The Camp will also have some coolers available. Eachpersonshouldhavetheirnameandpacknumberontheirlunchbag.Thecoolerswillbestoredina coolareaandthedenorpackcangetthemat mealtime.
Nospecialequipmentisnecessarytoattendcamp.Somedensandpacksfinda coolerandperhapsawagonworkwelltokeepeveryone'sstufftogether.Ablanketortwomaybehelpfultospreadoutatmealtime there are also picnic tables for each den under the Pavilion. Ifa coolerisnot available,pleaseletusknowandwewilltrytohelp.Someadultsbringcampchairstositin.
YouwillbenotifiedbyCouncilifyouhavebeengrantedtheCampership.YouwillneedtocontactCouncilregarding howmuchyouwillneedtodepositandwhenthefinalpaymentis due.AllmoniesmustbereconciledbeforeCamp. Scoutswhohavesoldpopcornandwho’sPackhashadaFOSpresentationwillgetfirstpriority.AndallCamperships arebasedon need.CampershipformscanbefoundontheCouncilwebsiteandallspacesmustbefilledoutbythe familyandmailedtotheCouncilOffice.
Camp Director: Vince Levi
(810) 423-9803
Program Director: Robert Lester II
(810) 841-3140
InorderforyourScoutstoattendandremainatDayCamp, yourPackwillneedtoprovideenoughadult leadership (aka Day Walkers) toaccompany,assistandsuperviseyourScouts.
OAtBicentennial Park,aminimumofoneadultforthefirst 5campersand oneadultforevery5campersthereafterisrequired. Callyour directorifthisisa problem.
OAminimumof2adultsperPackmustaccompany, assist,andsupervise yourScouts atCampeachday. ScoutswilleatlunchwiththeirPacks or Dens,underthatadultsupervision. EachadultatcampisRESPONSIBLE forcorrectingthebehaviorandmaintaining disciplinewithinthedenstructure. Scoutswhodonotbehavewillbesenthome.
OAdultsmaynotsmokeorswearinthepresenceoftheScoutsoryouth. Noalcoholic beveragesareallowed.Noillegalsubstancesareallowed.Nogunsareallowed,unless youareapoliceofficerandhavepriorpermissionfromthecampstaff.Ifyoumusthave acigarette,pleaseasktheCampDirector(s)foradesignatedarea. ThereisnoSmokinginthebuildings,orintheportablebathrooms.
OEachScoutwillusethebuddysystem. NoScoutmaytravelalone. Adultswillbe requiredtomakesurethattheScoutsrespectthepropertythatwearecampingon. PleasemakesurethatthebathroomsarekeptcleanandthattheScoutsdonotharm thetrees,theflowers,theplantsandgrounds. AlltrashMUSTbepickedup.
OAtleastoneadultmust accompany,assist,andsupervise eachgroupofScouts
yourpackissending.Forexample,ifyourpackissending 5Webelosand4Cub Scouts,1adult leaderwill need to accompanythe Webelosand 1 adult leader will need toaccompanytheCubScouts.
OPackadultsthatchoosetoworkontheDayCampStaffdonotcountas accompanying,assistingorsupervisingadultsfortheyouth.
OIftwodeepleadership isaproblem; then contacttheCamp Directorforthecampyou wishtoattend,todiscussyouravailableoptions.
SCOUTS / ADULTS / SCOUTS / ADULTS / SCOUTS / ADULTS1-8 / 2 / 19-23 / 5 / 34-38 / 8
9-13 / 3 / 24-28 / 6 / 39-43 / 9
14-18 / 4 / 29-33 / 7 / 44-48 / 10
A copyofthisformand the AdultLeadershipFormwithyourPackLeadershipmustbe turned in to the Camp Director the first day of camp at the leaders' meeting. Mark the day(s) of the week each adult will attend and who is youth protection trained.
1.Call the Day Camp Director to schedule a Pack Promotional Presentation.
2.Attend theLeader information night and roundtables.
3.Collect the completed registration forms, medical forms and fees from the Scout's guardian.
4.Recruit parents to accompany, assist,and supervise your Scouts at Day Camp.
5.Ensureallparentsandaccompanying adults understand the following:
•T-shirts are used for security and are to be worn every day.
•Scout discipline is a Pack responsibility.
•The walkers directly supervise Scouts before and after camp and during lunch.
•The walkers will need to assist the camp staff at nearly every station, but should not do projects for the Scouts. We want the Scouts to be successful and to have fun!
6.Designate an on-site Pack / Den leader for each day.
7.Ensure that the on-site Pack leader isYouth Protection Trained and will carry the Pack's emergency contact list.
8.Make sure you have the completed medical forms, and Day Camp registration forms for eachscout, adult, and sibling attending,andsubmittothecounciloffice by the proper due date. IncompleteregistrationsdonotqualifyforEarlyBirdRate.
9.Coordinate the Pack's transportation to and from camp.
10.Make sure that you are available by phone or email before the Pack attends camp and that a person attends the Camp Orientation and picks up the Camp T-shirts to distribute to campers before the first day of camp.
Fun, fun, and more fun!
Meet other Scouts Learn outdoor skills Crafts
Special guests Advancements
Provide a Summertime Pack Award opportunity
Provide the "Outdoor Experience of a Lifetime" for your Cub Scouts and Webelos
CouncilCampPromotionNights: There will be promotions held across the Council at the district roundtables that will present all the information regarding opportunities for Cub Scouts to attend Camp for 2016. We will have the Camp Directors for each of the camps available, as well as all promotion material available for packs to promoteCamp within their own pack.
CampHost: Is: A Den Chief or older Boy Scout thatwill help each group ofCampers to go to the correct area each day at camp. Generally a Camp Host/Den Chief will accompany the group for the entire 3 days of camp. Each Den Chief will have a job to do - please support.
AreaDirector: Each program area has an area directorthat is responsible for the Program and Safety for that individual program area.
CampDirectors& Staff: Each of the Camp Directors, Program Directors, Assistant Camp directors and/or Business manager are trained.All key staff members have attended National Camp School and have been certified by the Boy Scouts of America for Day Camp.
CampLeadership/Walkers: Camp leaders and walkers are pack leaders, or parents, or other adults that travel around camp with the unit/group. They help to keep the boys together andare responsible for the disciplineof the group. The Camp Staff is responsible for the program, but the unit leaders and walkers are responsible for the campers.
CampT-ShirtDistribution: For Bicentennial Park a Pre-Registration will take place on Sunday June 26stfor all Campers where their T-Shirt will be handed out. Our T-shirts are used as a security measure and all registered Scouts MUST wear their shirts each day to camp.
DayCampCertification: It is necessary for each Camp tobe totally inspected by a group of trained individuals that will go overeach of the program areas,programs, safety and emergency preparedness of all aspects of each camp.
DayCampPlacemats: We have put together an exciting placemat that is 11"x 17" andis the perfect size to use at each place for your Blueand Gold Celebration. It has word puzzlesand games all related to the Day Camp Theme “Cub Scout Investigator”. It will also have dates, location, and camp director contact info. These placemats are free and you just need to request them from the Council office.
IndividualCampers: It is possible for a cub scout andtheir parent/guardian to attend camp without their pack attending. This youth and adultpartner will be assigned to a larger group or pairedwithotherindividual campers.
GatheringArea: We know that no pack always arrives together. To give each pack and groups of campers a place to meet, each camp will have a designated gathering area where campers can meet to wait for everyone from their units. Generally there is some activity going on in this area to occupy the camperswhile the rest of their unit gathers.
LeadersGuide:This is the handout put together toprovide information regarding general camp information, material specific to individual camps, checklists, Registration form, health form and organization information that will be helpfulin getting your pack ready for camp. It also contains all the contact information for the Directors of each of the Flint Area – Water and Woods Field Service Council, Cub Scout Day Camps.
QuietTime: Each day after a meal, it is a requirementof our Camp certification that we have a quiet time. Each of the campers and leaders/walkers has an activity or quiet time that does not require any physical activity.
Postcards: Mailed to each registered Cub Scout family. This piece also includes the link to the Website for registration. Health forms are available online and can be downloaded onlineatourCouncilsite:We do have a supply for additional handouts.
DayCampCoordinator:This person is selected by thepack to coordinate and communicate the Pack information and forward those forms to the council office ina timely fashion. It is also this person that the camp willnotify with information regardingT-Shirt pick-up or any last minute information regarding camp. This can be more than one person in larger packs,perhaps one person would take care of the forms, another might take care of t-shirt pick up and distribution,and a third person may take care of transportation. It is up to the pack todistribute the responsibilities. The camp will just need the name and contact information for one personthat will be the main point of contact with the camp.
NAME / Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / YPT*Y/N
NAME / Online Registration / HealthForm / T-Shirt Size / Payment / TransportationDAYCAMPPARENTINFORMATIONHANDOUT
CampwillprovideaT‐shirttoallregisteredcampersandavailable for purchase for adults.T‐shirtsarepartoftheiruniformduring campandpartofoursecurity.Theymustbeworneveryday!OneT‐shirtis providedwitheachpaid registrationfee. ExtraT‐shirtsmaybepurchasedatthetimeofregistration.
Wewillnotalwaysbetheonlygroupsutilizingthegroundsduringcamp. Forsecuritypurposes,allstaff andregistered ScoutsMUSTwearcampT‐shirtatalltimes. All Staff, Day walkers, and Scouts will be given a colored armband to signify they are part of Day Camp. Anyoneintheareanotwearinga armband or T-Shirt willbeaskedto identifythemselves. Iftheyarenotparticipantsofcamp,theywillbeaskedtoleavethearea.Allvisitors MUSTregisterattheCampOffice and receive a visitor’s armband.
CampersthatarrivelatemustcheckinattheCampHeadquartersbeforejoiningtheirgroup.Campersleaving earlymustcheckoutattheheadquartersbeforeleaving.
VisitorsarewelcomebutmustregisterattheCampHeadquartersuponarrivalandcheckoutupondeparture andmustwearthevisitoridentificationatalltimeswhenatCamp.
DayCampwillopendailyregardlessoftheweatherOUTSIDE.Whereelseis theweather???Duringsevere weatherthecamperswillbeinashelteratthecampsite.Inthecaseofsevere(Severeisinclementweather) inclementweather,camperswillparticipateinindoor"rainyday"activities. If forsomereasoncampneeds to beclosed,theCampDirectorwillcontactyourPack’sOnSiteLeader,andtheywillcontactyouoraperson designatedonyourson'smedicalform.NOoneistoleavewithoutcheckingoutwithHeadquarters.Missing scoutswillbereportedperBSArules.