To approve the concept of a ‘Promise’ to Children and Young People within the County Borough.


2.1.The Executive Board is asked to consider the concept of a ‘Promise’ to children and young people. The Promise has emerged from the work of the Children and Young People Implementation Board and defines the key outcomes which the Council will be striving to deliver over a ten-year period. Many of the Promise items are being delivered already and prioritisation will mean that some outstanding outcomes will be delivered before others but the intention is for all to be achieved within the set timescale.

2.2.Executive Board agreed a draft Promise and a process to consult on the Promise in April 2006 (TDG/05/06). Consultations have now been completed and the results incorporated, as appropriate, in to the current Promise document, enclosed as Appendix III. A summary of the consultation responses received is shown in Appendix II.

2.3.Members are now asked to approve the ongoing use of the Promise as a basis for ensuring that clear, defined outcome targets are established for Council services impacting on children and young people and that these are communicated widely, and in particular to children, young people and their families.


That Members –

3.1.Approve the ongoing use of the ‘Promise’ to children and young people, as set out in Appendix III to this report.


  1. To ensure that clear, defined outcome targets are established for Council services impacting on children and young people.
  1. To provide children, young people and their families with a clear and easily understood set of actions which they can reasonably expect from the Children and Young People Service.

Terry Garner

Strategic Director - Children and Young People


4.1.In April 2005, the Executive Board agreed a set of aspirations for children and young people, (TDG / 18 / 05). These aspirations are set out in Appendix 1 and reflect the Council’s partnership commitment as defined in the Community Strategy and those national statutory requirements which fall to the Council. The aspirations have served to focus and clarify the Council’s ambitions for this age group, and were used to guide and inform the development of the three Children and Young People Departments which have been established.

4.2.The Member / Officer Children and Young People Implementation Board which has been charged with taking forward the outworkings of the Review has considered how these aspirations can be developed further. The aim is to ensure a sharper focus to the work of the Strategic Director for Children and Young People and the three, new Chief Officers who are now responsible for all service teams supporting this age range.

4.3.In April 2006, the Implementation Board recommended that the Executive Board develop these aspirations into a ‘Promise’ to children and young people and consult widely on this concept. Executive Board (Report - TDG/05/06) agreed to this and an extensive consultation process was undertaken on the draft Promise between June and September 2006.

4.4.There were 30 written responses to the consultation from a range of individuals and organisations, along with verbal responses gathered in numerous presentations given on the Promise, with groups including the Framework Partnership and the Health, Social Care and Well Being Partnership Board. A specific event was held at Bangor-on-dee Family Race day where Children and Young People and their families could contribute their views. An overview of the consultation undertaken and comments received is shown in Appendix II.

4.5.Overall the response to the Promise is very positive. It is supported by the Framework Partnership and the individual organisations involved in the Community Strategy. Many of the consultation comments received relate to implementing the Promise and will be used in the development of actions to deliver the Promise. Also, comments were received on ensuring that the Promise is measurable and that actions make real differences to children and young peoples’ lives.

4.6.An updated version of the Promise incorporating the consultation findings is shown in Appendix III. Various forms of feedback will be take place to demonstrate how consultation findings are being used so consultees are aware that their contributions are valued.

4.7This ‘Promise’ signals the Council’s intent to deliver core, beneficial outcomes for children and young people over a ten-year period. It will guide service planning and the use of resources, and will provide a structure within which the current large number of performance measures can be gathered. The majority of the outcomes are not new; they include and build on existing performance targets for this age group. The Promise, however, brings these targets together into a coherent package which itself sits within the Council’s performance framework. It also reflects the ambitious targets within the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Some ‘Promise’ outcomes will be delivered before others in line with delivery priorities. Ongoing consultation with children and young people and their families will help determine these, so it is worth noting that the Promise will not be a static document but will continue to evolve as Members see fit.

4.8It is not envisaged that the ‘Promise’ will require additional resource requirements, although Members would no doubt reflect on progress towards specified outcomes during the regular, budget setting process. The priorities would, however, be considered as current services for children and young people are reviewed and re-configured. Following the positive consultation responses, work will continue to ensure that all partners feel able to contribute to the delivery of the outcomes.


5.1.The report provides the results from the consultation on the draft Promise.


6.1.The concept of a ‘Promise’ is supported by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee. The Scrutiny Committee were consulted on the draft Promise and provided comments, after which they were happy for the Promise to go back to Executive Board.


7.1.Policy Framework. The proposals do not affect the Council’s Policy Framework but could influence future decisions regarding the Council’s Performance Management processes.

7.2.Budget / Finance. The proposals do not affect the Council’s budget but may raise issues which need to be considered during future budget setting discussions.

7.3.Legal. Information on the legal issues are contained within the body of the report.

7.4.Staffing. There are no immediate staffing implications.

7.5.Other. None.


Appendix II

Consultation on Wrexham Promise

June to September 2006

Who was consulted?

The following individuals/groups were consulted:

  • Children and young people and their families
  • Youth Forum
  • School Councils
  • All Council staff
  • Councillors
  • Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee
  • Unions
  • AVOW
  • ACPC
  • Police
  • Local Health Board
  • NHS Trust
  • Yale College
  • NEWI
  • North Wales Probation Service
  • Chamber of Trade and Commerce
  • Community Councils
  • Head Teachers
  • Chairs of Governors
  • Community Strategy Partnership
  • Children and Young People Framework Partnership
  • Health Social Care and Well Being Partnership
  • Community Safety Partnership
  • WASH (Secondary Heads)
  • Primary Heads Federation

Overview of Comments Received

30 written comments were received together with information gathered from the presentations given at various groups and meetings and from the children and young people events, e.g Bangor-on-dee family race day stand.

Many of the comments were similar. Comments received include:

  • Excellent idea, very commendable, a real challenge
  • Must be measurable, including the softer things
  • Need to put promise into practice – must make a real difference to children and young peoples’ lives
  • Strategic approach to service delivery is needed
  • Concern about how it will be implemented, want to see action plans
  • Opportunity for effective joined up, modernised service delivery
  • Concern over word ‘promise’ – broken promises
  • Underpin with common set of values and beliefs for 3 Departments
  • Staff need to be aware of and have ownership of it, and be supported and trained to deliver it
  • Must have true partnership working from outset to deliver this
  • Should be a living document and constantly reviewed
  • Acknowledge countryside activities programme
  • More people now acknowledged as responsible for delivery – good development
  • Need to care for looked after children as near to home as possible while meeting their needs
  • Well linked to 7 core aims in a flying start and the UN convention on the Rghts of the Child
  • Keep children and young people informed and engaged
  • Local Community Councils could play a more defined role in highlighting local issues and remedies
  • How will parents be encouraged to buy into promise?
  • Must not become a tick box exercise, must make a real difference
  • Need to support gifted children
  • Strengthen reference to diversity and Welsh Language