Mandelbaum House Scholarships 2018

Scholarships are available to undergraduate or postgraduate students residing, or applying for residence, at Mandelbaum House and are applied solely to the cost of their residency. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit, principally to students enrolled at the University of Sydney in a course in Jewish Studies. However, scholarships may on occasion be awarded to candidates who meet the conditions of financial need and academic merit and who are enrolled at the University of Sydney in a course other than Jewish Studies.

Applicants for a Mandelbaum House scholarship are advised not to presume that their application will be successful. They should also explore other sources of possible funding from the University of Sydney, Centrelink and so on. Some links to such sources can be found on the Mandelbaum House website under “scholarships”.

Before applying for a scholarship, students need first to have applied for residency at Mandelbaum House in 2018 and to have had their application for residency accepted. The Mandelbaum House application form for residency can be found on our website:

In relevant circumstances, Mandelbaum House reserves the right to award a successful applicant only a proportion of the maximum funds allocated to each of the above scholarships, or to share a scholarship between two successful applicants.

All scholarship applications should include:

1.A covering letter that states:

  • Details of the proposed course enrolment in 2018, listing individual subjects to be studied.
  • The proposed period of residency at Mandelbaum House in 2018. An applicant intending to stay for only one semester may apply for a proportionally reduced scholarship.

2. A completed Current Financial Situation and Needs form (see pages 3 & 4, below).

3. A personal Curriculum Vitae (also known as a Résumé).

4. A statement of recent academic results, preferably in an official form.

Key Dates:

Monday 15 January 2018: Applications strictly close for 2018 scholarships at 9am (Sydney time).

Thursday 25January 2018: Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application.

The completed application needs to be emailed to by 9am (Sydney time) on Monday 15 January 2018

Current Financial Situation and Needs Form

Mandelbaum House Scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit.


2.Do you expect to have funds from any of the following sources? (Please circle below.)

Youth Allowance/Abstudy YES NO

Parental contribution YES NO

Other scholarship(s) YES NO

Part-time work YES NO

3.If you circled YES for Youth Allowance/Abstudy, how much per fortnight do you expect to receive?

When will this payment commence?

4.If you circled YES for Parental contribution, approximately how much will your parent/s contribute to your:

College Fees $

Living allowance $

Books & other study materials$

5.Please give your parent/s’ occupations and indicate whether employed full or part time.

Father Full time Part time

MotherFull time Part time

Number of brothers and sisters older than you?

Number younger than you?

How many children are there in your family, who are financially dependent on your parents?

6.Please give the name and value of any other awards or scholarships you have already been awarded or for which you have recently applied.

7.Please explain the importance of your receiving a scholarship from Mandelbaum House in 2018.

8.If you are a current resident, please outline the contributions you have made to the College Community, e.g. volunteer for University of Sydney Open Day.

If you are a future resident, how do you anticipate contributing to the College Community?

(Contributions or intended contributions of these kinds may be taken into account where two or more applicants for a scholarship are judged by the Scholarships Committee to merit equally the award of a scholarship.)

I declare that the information provided on this form is correct, to the best of my knowledge.



The completed application needs to be emailed to by 9am (Sydney time) on Monday 15 January 2018.