Date: May 13, 2017
Time: 0800-1600
Location: United Methodist Church on Cherry Street in Grottoes, Va
If there is a conflict with the emergency conflict with the Church location, we have a conference room at the Town Office available. Field location to be disclosed at training.
Meals & Accommodations: Students will provide any of their own meals and/or accommodations. A lunch time will be provided at mid-training. Pack a lunch to stay on site. If necessary, several restaurants and gas facilities are within a five-minute drive. No water on site. Restroom facilities non-existent or very primitive. Come prepared for field exercise and environment.
Course Content:A field introduction to tracking will be provided to novices and introduction to the JHPTS methodology of tracking will be given to all students new to the program. This is a “skill development” training program for the Basic Level Tracker desiring to increase his/her training level and progress toward Apprentice Tracker certification. Students at this level have acquired Basic Tracker understanding and will be introduced to practical tracking techniques and applications necessary to become a viable resource for SAR missions. Students at all training levels will be individually challenged with additional advanced tracking concepts and techniques. Certified students will concentrate “signmaker characteristics.”
Student Needs: Students should be physically fit and equipped for SAR field response. Field practice will continue during any inclement weather, students should be properly prepared with wet/dry, cold/hot weather gear. Knee pads may be helpful. Students need to bring a pen/pencil, note pad, small measuring tape, 5/8 inch doweling or similar, 36 to 40 inches long, with three rubber bands to use as a tracking stick and a three-cell flashlight.
Registration: Students should (please)pre-register for this course.You may register through the TRAC website events section or you may copy down, print and send your registration to the Group Training Officer (GTO). If you have any questions regarding the class or class location, please contact GTOSteve Frye .
Sponsor Information: Thetracking course material and methodology is developed by Joel HardinTRAC member and Designated Trainer Rhett Orndorff is hosting and coordinating this training event. JHPTS students and everyoneinterested in visual human trackingare invited to attend.
SPONSORED BY: Tracking Resources-Atlantic Coast, Inc (trackingatlanticcoast.com)
CourseApplicant:Please completethis formandsendvia email attachmentto TRAC GTO Steve Frye at r regularmail to TRAC Attn: Marcus Lemasters, Secretary, 2730 Back Mountain Road, Winchester, VA 22602-1912
Course Date:MAY 13TH, 2017
Course Name:TRAC Novice/Basic Level Tracker In-House Training
Marcus Lemasters, JHPTS Journeyman Tracker
TRAC Certified JHPTS Tracker In-House Training
JHPTS Steve Frye, Journeyman Tracker
Student Name:
Mailing Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
To help us plan for your participation at the In-House______
JHPTS Certification:
Certification Date:
Last TRAC In-House:
Last JHPTS Training:
Last Tracking Training:
VDEM Tracking Certification:
Last Tracking Mission: