Sand Creek PTO Meeting Minutes
January 12th, 2016
In attendance: Jill Bornes, Kerri Tomandl, Amber Wilkins, Jackie Fabel, Paul Anderson, Jim Potthoff, Barb Novinska,Vicki Mochinski, Sonja Anderson, Jessica Meberg,Stefanie Moline, Cher Manowski, Jennifer & Manny Navarro, Missy Reed.
Jill Bornes, PTO President, called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM. All in attendance gave self-introductions.
Secretary’s Report:
Amber Wilkins presented the Dec.PTO meeting minutes. Members reviewed the minutes. Sonja AndersonJen Navarromade motions to accept the Dec. meeting minutes. The December PTO meeting minutes were passed unanimously.
Special Guests: 2ndGrade Teachers. The teachers presented the trunk of artifcats they are working on in class for social studies. They are going over all 4 seasons of how the Indians lived. Each class gets the trunk for 10 days. Students are really liking the unit. They passed around different items for everyone to view.
President’s Report:
Jill Bornes.. read a Thank You note from the Principal, Barb N. and Mrs. Messenger for contributing and making the Tied Together project possible. Jill also talked about Board Nominations for next year. We are working on putting together a detailed list of what each position entails. We are also putting together a basket for the AEHF fundraising event in Feb.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jackie presented updated budget numbers.
Principal’s Report:
Paul Anderson talked about 5th graders going to Northdale for an open house. The Geography Bee is coming up in Jan. Rolling skating starts in gym at the end of Jan. Love to Read month is coming in Feb. Tenative planning for a 50th Open House event the week of May 14th. Looking for someone to form a committee to head up fundraising for our school to get a new playground or other big changes needed for the school. Jennifer and Manual Navarro volunteered to take on the project.
Volunteer Service Coordinator’s Report:
Barb Novinska talked about upcoming volunteer opportunities. Volunteers will be needed for Pizza Ranch fundraiser night at the restaurant, Book Fair, Apex Fun Run and classroom opportunites are available. Barb is also looking for someone to take over and coordinate the Box Tops program.
Committee Reports:
Amber Wilkins talked about the upcoming Pizza Ranch fundraiser coming up in Feb. Jill talked about getting a committee together to start planning Family Fun Night coming up in April.
New Business: Looking for new ways to communicate with parents... either by email, social media, phone calls, etc…
Old Business: None
Sand Creek PTO e-mail address:
“like” us on Facebook – look for the star.
Next PTO meeting: Tuesday, February 9th, 6:30 – 8pm, Sand Creek South Wing.
Meeting adjourned 8:07pm