· Boot computers. Clean. Be sure all monitors, printers, PHD’s (7100 scanners / Panthers / Dolphins) are plugged in, work and can access the network. Call the IRC (727-2373 ext 5) if Destiny doesn’t work. Put in a KACE request if other items are not working.
· Test ALL of your logins - Network Login, Destiny, Destiny Circ Desk login and Destiny Media Staff login
· Locate DESTINY REMOTE files and practice using it before the students return. Let Elisha know if you have any issues with DESTINY REMOTE
· Check / Change Set Up for Calendar, Due Dates, Ceiling dates, Circulation Periods, etc. Call Elisha or Yvette (727-2373 ext 5) for assistance
· Check your video distribution system. Be sure all classrooms can access videos. For “old” systems using televisions (Prak-tek, Bogen & Ambassador) confirm that all televisions work. If you have any problems, call Jackie or Elisha to determine the next step. If you have MediaCast, put in a KACE ticket.
· Prepare media center for open house—dust shelves, put out colorful items, display books, highlight special resources. Put out sign-up list for volunteers
· Run reports before circulating:
o Overdue List for Students and faculty members. Keep print copies of list. Send student overdues on to new schools if you know which school. Track down faculty overdues and renew. Do not mark items lost until 9/15 – fines will be generated when marked lost.
o Collection Age (Try to run several using only certain nonfiction areas, all nonfiction areas, complete with fiction, videos separate)
o Missing and Lost Items reports: delete any items that have been missing or lost for more than two years – this is the final step of Inventory (Title I schools see directions for dispositions before deleting)
o Print list of Titles without Copies and delete those records except for E-books
· Update Patrons
o Teacher/Staff information will be updated at the beginning of the school year. Print out a list of teacher/staff from Destiny and compare with your new school year list (contact your Data Manager for this information). Delete any staff that are no longer at your school. If you need to add new staff, make sure they are NOT at another Destiny location (barcode/user name/district id are payroll numbers beginning with the letter F - NO SPACES - e.g. F24299). Enter all of patron information then email Elisha or Yvette to update the patron access level.
o Make sure you give the teachers/principals/staff their login information. Instruct them how to log in to Destiny, how to reserve resources, create resources lists and how to check “My Info” in their accounts. Show them how to reserve materials and book videos from the IRC.
o FYI – Textbook Manager logins and rights are handled by Guy Lucas. If you Textbook Manager(s) have questions, have them contact Guy.
o Student logins: User name - PowerSchool number (UID number) / Password – PowerSchool number (UID number). The student database will be updated at every week through September. After that they will be updated twice a month. Students may be manually added anytime. However, BEFORE you add a new student, always search the entire database to be sure that they are not listed at another Destiny school (uncheck “my patrons” box). NEVER add a student without knowing their UID number!! This is very important to avoid duplicate student records.
o Student barcode cards: check with secretary to see if school will use the cards provided by the photography company, if not, you can print out student barcodes and put them in a notebook or make “library” cards for them.
o Student patron types were re-set to “Student” over the summer. When the student data is updated, the patron type will change to the current grade level. If Destiny still shows patron type as “STUDENT”, then the patron was NOT in the PowerSchool database update. You may wish to keep these student patron records for a few months to see if the students enroll at your school or another one in the district. In January you will need to delete any records that remain “Student”. Call the IRC with questions.
o Parent/Volunteer patron: print out a current list and delete/update as needed
· Organize this year’s MTAC committee. Set meeting dates and initial agenda.
· Formulate a Budget, even if you don’t think you will have money to spend.
o Order resources. Include NCCBA or Battle of the Books (Middle School)
o Know that Instructional Supplies monies are limited this year. Think of additional sources of funds—Book Fairs, grants, PTA, Title 1, etc.
o Look at curriculum and teacher guides — order resources or make a wish list. Be sure Principal and Curriculum Coordinator know about the list.
o Contact grade chairs, department heads, curriculum coordinators for additional resources.
· Set Priorities:
o Collection Management — weed, weed, weed
§ Clean up databases (missing, no copy information, subject headings).
§ Delete all items that have been lost for 2 years or more. They can be re-cataloged if they are found at a later time. If they are Title I items be sure to follow the Title I guidelines on lost items and generate a disposition form.
§ Be sure all items have correct Cataloging with proper Call numbers prefixes. Double check Prefixes and Please Use only the Standard WSFCS prefixes. If you want a NEW prefix that we don’t have on our list, please email us so we can discuss what to use System-wide.
§ Look at AV equipment, study prints, records, and videos. Purge old items.
§ Try to increase collection age (weed and buy new titles)
§ Update Collection Management Plan. This will be important!
§ Decide when you will do a partial and/or complete inventory especially if you are a Title I school. Call the IRC to discuss options.
§ Create a running wish list so you can order at a moment’s notice.
o Public Relations
§ What will you do this year for YOUR MEDIA PROGRAM?
§ Look at Newsletters, web page, forms, procedures - do they need updating?
§ How can you improve your “connections” to your Principal, staff and parents?
§ How can you direct the focus to the students?
§ Share statistics and reports with principal, teachers, and parents on a regular basis
§ Programming—literacy enrichment, author visits, storytellers, school wide themes.
§ How will you reach out into the community?—parent nights, technology nights, extended hours, Saturday schools, preschool events, public library events or committees (Community Read project)
§ Student recognitions/faculty recognitions (for library use/collaboration)
§ Set schoolwide goals (number of books read, checked out)
§ Brainstorm creative “prizes” (visit to Children’s museum/wear pins/lunch with the librarian, librarian for the day)
o Keep Statistics – share with as many people as possible
§ Circulation statistics by Dewey
§ “Slash” body counts
§ “Slash” reference question counts
§ **Items added and deleted (you may also want to keep this manually or in a spreadsheet—Needed for end-of-year AMTR (state annual media and technology report)** See green Notebook for AMTR directions
§ Unfilled requests (very important!)
§ Time spent on tasks
§ Media / Technology tasks
§ Daily journals
§ Success stories / Best practices
§ Big 6 integration ideas
§ Collaboration Journal/Schedule
· Curriculum
o Meet with Teachers / Staff (Have discussion with Principal first??)
§ Instruct teachers on how to book videos and reserve books from the IRC
§ Make sure they have and know their login for Destiny
§ Show teachers “My Info” and “Resources Lists”
§ Review copyright, book challenges , use of videos
§ Explain scheduling / circulation / Media Center use / sign-up procedures (Prepare power point or handouts / manuals / forms)
§ Share your lesson unit timelines
§ Ask for their curriculum timelines (these may be stored on shared servers.)
§ Examine SCOS / Common Core Standards especially Information and Technology Essential Standards (NCITES)
§ Set up collaboration / planning times and procedures
§ Begin planning your lessons / themes / orientations
· Use your Media Assistant fully
o Introduce her/him to faculty and staff
o Highlight Assistant in newsletters and on webpage to staff and parents
o Invite and include them in all staff socials, meetings, staff development, etc. where appropriate
o Be sure to include the media assistant on the Destiny welcome page, the media center’s web page, the school’s web page and faculty list
o Be sure they are aware of policies (especially Challenge Policies) procedures, curriculum issues, etc. and anything unique to your school
o Train them in cataloging, service philosophies and procedures, Destiny, shelving, circulation procedures, etc
o Allow time for them to come to Central Office training. Check website for planned workshops
o Utilize them as teaching assistants and library support staff (helping students and teachers directly when you are involving in teaching duties)
o Be involved in their evaluation process
o Include them in planning for media center programming and lessons and goals. Create a MEDIA CENTER TEAM where together everyone accomplishes more!
o Review with Media assistant timesheet and working hours. Be sure to provide them with contact numbers for sick days and emergencies.
· Follett
o Do Not Pay Follett support for circulation system (Central Office pays)
o DO pay for Support Agreements for Panthers/Falcons/7100 Scanners
o Only Central Office staff – Elisha or Central Office Technology- should install, update, and troubleshoot Follett products
o Make sure Follett Remote is on your computer and practice using it. (Follett Remote can only be on 1 computer)
o Check PHD’s - Dolphin/Panthers/7100 Scanners …Be sure it works….Use it for remote circulation, inventory, equipment check-out. Run a sample report to test.
o Dolphins/Panthers/7100 Scanners - leave plugged in on a trickle charge at all times
o Be sure any Blue Tooth Wireless circulation scanners that you may have are always plugged in on a trickle charge
o Make sure the Dolphin File transfer is on your computer if you have or plan to use a Dolphin
o Make sure Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Manager (Windows 7) is on your computer if you have or plan to use a Panther/7100 Scanner
o Put in a KACE ticket if anything is missing, request Elisha come out to install
· Media Center Webpage
o List contact info
o List hours of open check-out
o Be sure Destiny OPAC list is clearly marked
o Rules should be minimal
o E-book shelves /databases links can be company widget
· Destiny Home page.
o Update your Destiny home page
o Include your name and your Media Assistant
o Include hours of open check-out
o Include the media center webpage link, public library and other research links
o E-book shelves should be listed under a “Group” – no widgets on the Destiny page Contact the IRC with questions