
IName University of Alberta: Click here to enter text.

IIPurpose:Click here to enter text.



Section 1Eligibility

  1. This organization does not discriminate in the selection of members or appointments when discrimination is defined as denying individuals membership appointment on the basis of a person’s age, race, national origin, color, gender, sexual orientation,creed, handicap or place of residence.
  2. Scholastic or other qualifications: Click here to enter text.
  3. A student organization shall consist of at least 75% currently enrolled student members. The currently enrolled University of Alberta student members must be paying Athletic and Recreation Fees. University of Alberta staff members who are currently Van Vliet Centre membersare eligible for membership to the club.

Section 2Methods of selecting members: Click here to enter text.

Section 3Methods for revoking membership: Click here to enter text.


Section 1Listing of Officers(Include Club Sports Program Advisory Council Representative):

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Section 2Powers and duties of officers: Click here to enter text.

Section 3Election (recommend holding elections between Dec. 1st and Jan. 31st):

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  1. Qualifications of officers: Click here to enter text.
  2. Nominating procedures: Click here to enter text.
  3. Election procedures: Click here to enter text.
  4. Term of office (recommend one year): Click here to enter text.

Section 4Procedure to fill vacancies: Click here to enter text.

Section 5Impeachment proceedings: Click here to enter text.


VOrganizational Structure

Section 1Executive committees and duties: Click here to enter text.

Section 2Other committees and duties: Click here to enter text.


VIIRules of Procedure

Section 1Attendance and absences policy: Click here to enter text.

Section 2Frequency of meetings: Click here to enter text.

Section 3Quorum: Click here to enter text.

Section 4Minutes: Click here to enter text.

Section 5Use of recognized authority: Click here to enter text.


VIIIRegulatory powers

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Section 1Dues, membership fees: Click here to enter text.

Section 2Annual and special fundraising projects shall be approved by Campus and Community Recreation(mandatory wording)

Section 3All expenditures shall be approved by Campus and Community Recreation(mandatory wording)

Section 4Organizational monies will be handled by Campus and Community Recreation, regardless of source(mandatory wording)


XNational Sports Organization (mandatory section)

Section 1Name of organization: Click here to enter text.

Section 2Purpose of governing organization is to provide competition guidelines, policies and procedures.

Section 3Membership to the National Sports Organizationis arequirement to participate in club practices and competitions.



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XIIEffective Date of Terms of Reference (Record all dates of edits)

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