RFP #17-1362-3CS

March 23, 2017






Your firm is invited to submit a proposal to providea one-stop operator program in accordance with the enclosed specifications. The submittal, consisting of the original proposal and six (6) additional copies and one electronic version marked, “ONE STOP OPERATOR SERVICES", will be received no later than3:00 p.m., April 21, 2017 by:


County of HenricoCounty of Henrico

Department of FinanceDepartment of Finance

Purchasing Division ORPurchasing Division

8600 Staples Mill Road - NEW LOCATIONP O Box 90775

Henrico, Virginia 23228Henrico, Virginia 23273-0775

This RFP and any addenda are available on the County of Henrico Purchasing website at To download the (IFB or RFP), click the link and save the document to your hard drive. To receive an email copy of this document, please send a request to:

Time is of the essence and any proposal received after 3:00 p.m., April 21, 2017 whether by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened. The time of receipt shall be determined by the time clock stamp in the Purchasing Division, Department of Finance. Proposals shall be placed in a sealed, opaque envelope, marked in the lower left-hand corner with the RFP number, title, and date and hour proposals are scheduled to be received. Offerors are responsible for insuring that their proposal is stamped by Purchasing Division personnel by the deadline indicated.

Nothing herein is intended to exclude any responsible firm or in any way restrain or restrict competition. On the contrary, all responsible firms are encouraged to submit proposals. The County of Henrico reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals submitted.

The awarding authority for this contract is the Capital Region Workforce Partnership.

Technical questions concerning this Request for Proposal should be submitted via email to Cecelia Stowe no later than April 4, 2017.

Very truly yours,

Cecelia H. Stowe, CPPO, C.P.M.

Purchasing Director

8600 STAPLES MILL ROAD /P O BOX 90775/HENRICO VA 23273-0775

(804) 501-5660 FAX (804) 501-5693







The Capital Region Workforce Partnership (CRWP) in partnership with the Capital Region Workforce Development Board (CRWDB) is seeking qualified Offerors to provide One Stop Operator Services to the Local Workforce Development Area IX (LWDA #9) which is comprised of the counties of Charles City, Chesterfield, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Powhatan and the City of Richmond. Per the Intergovernmental Agreement for the Capital Region Workforce Partnership, the County of Henrico is designated as the fiscal agent and administrative entity for the Local Workforce Development Area #9 (LWDA #9), also known as the CRWP or CRDB.

This RFP is being issued by the Department of Finance, Purchasing Division, at the request of, and on behalf of, CRWP. While the Purchasing Division issued the RFP, it did not develop the RFP, will not evaluate submitted proposals, will not award any resulting contract, and will not be a signatory to any contract entered into by CRWP pursuant to this RFP. The RFP was developed by the CRWP staff, with the County’s Purchasing Division providing technical assistance. The CRWP is the awarding authority and will negotiate and execute contract with any Successful Offeror.

The terms “County” or “County of Henrico” or “Henrico County” is in referring to the County, in its capacity as Fiscal Agent and Grant Recipient for Workforce Investment Area #9.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) were signed into law in 2014 with an implementation date of July 1, 2015. Final Regulations were issued by TheU.S. DepartmentofLabor (DOL)onJune30, 2016.The Virginia College Community System (VCCS) serves as the state administrator for WIOA in Virginia, and along with the Virginia Board of Workforce Development, issues policies and guidance

All CRWP contract awards are based upon the availability of WIOA Title I formula funding to the local area. The resulting contract awarded under this RFP is reimbursement-based, meaning the Successful Offeror must have sufficient resources to cover their contract expenses until reimbursements are made.

It is anticipated that the Successful Offeror contract term will be July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. The contract will have the option for up to four (4), one (1) year contract extensions at the sole discretion the CRWP. There may also be the opportunity for a transition and start-up contract period of four to six weeks prior to July 1, 2017.

Offerors are prohibited from contacting or discussing this RFP with members of the CRWP or its administrative staff.

  1. Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding is available for qualified providers capable of delivering efficient and effective one-stop operator services to enhance and strengthen the Capital Region’s network of workforce centers and access points.The WIOA requires that as of July 1, 2017, one stop operators must be competitively procured. (Prior arrangements in the Capital Region consisted of a consortium arrangement that is no longer permissible unless competitively procured.

The consortium consisted of Senior Connections, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services and Henrico County, which provided the staffing as WIOA Title I grant recipient).

  1. General Overview

1.The CRWP seeks Offerorsthat have an innovative approach to enhance, promote and manage an environment of quality and coordinated services in the local workforce system and its centers to meet the needs of businesses, job-seeking customers and a variety of workforce partner agencies and organizations.The operator will be charged with one stop system management and coordination of service delivery among the one stop partners defined in WIOA, as well as other partners that participate in the system, at the following locations:

121 Cedar Fork Road, Henrico, VA 23223 (This will be the region’s comprehensive center)

304 Turner Road, N. Chesterfield, VA 23225

203 E. Cary Street, Richmond, VA 23219

2938 River Road West, Goochland, VA 23063 (This is an itinerant location that is not staffed full-time)

All workforce center leases are held by Henrico County, the region’s WIOA Title I grant recipient, and rent is paid directly through the Workforce Development Board’s budget.

2.The Successful Offeror (one stop operator)should have the following qualities:

a.Inspirational, visionary, goal-driven and highly professional

b.Able to achieve goals while utilizing an inclusive, partnership-based approach;

c.Able to balance the need for growth and progress with the need to involve staff and managers at all levels;

d.Skilled in communication;

e.Flexible and willing to change as the needs of the system change;

f.Willing to negotiate and compromise to achieve mutually beneficial goals;

g.Willing to take risks developing and deploying new service strategies while working closely with the CRWP and partners to understand and mitigate certain risks;

h.Willing to create truly integrated one-stop centers, which will likely involve a partial to complete redesign of the customer flow model;

i.Sensitive to the feelings of staff and management as they work through the changes associated with the new role of the One-Stop Operator; and

j.Willing to work on behalf of the CRWP to achieve its vision for a functionally integrated workforce system that is well prepared to meet the needs of local businesses and job seekers.

  1. Other Considerations

Eligible entities that can serve as one stop operator under WIOA may include:

  • Government agencies or governmental units, such as: Local or county governments, school districts, State agencies, and Federal WIOA partners;
  • Employment Service State agencies under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by title III of WIOA;
  • Indian Tribes, tribal organizations, Alaska Native entities, Indian-controlled organizations serving Indians, or Native Hawaiian organizations (collectively referred to herein as “Indian Tribes”);
  • Educational institutions, such as: institutions of higher education, nontraditional public secondary schools such as night schools, and area career and technical education schools (however, elementary and other secondary schools are not eligible to become a one-stop operator);
  • Community-based organizations, nonprofit entities, or workforce intermediaries;
  • Other interested organizations that are capable of carrying out the duties of the one-stop operator, such as a local chamber of commerce, other business organization, or labor organization;
  • Private for-profit entities
  1. Separation of Duties

If an entity submitting a proposal is also a direct provider of services to customers within the workforce system, a the proposal must include a detailed description of the organizational firewalls and reporting structure/hierarchy that will clearly document and demonstrate separation between the operator function and service provider function.


The Successful Offeror shall provide all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, and services to provide services identified below:

A.WIOA calls for the creation and continuous improvement of a coordinated and collaborative service delivery environment where a myriad of workforce and workforce-related agencies and organizations work to provide business and job seeking customers a seamless experience. A one-stop operator is integral to an effective workforce services system through resource and facility coordination, as well as thoughtful service strategy planning and coordination in a collaborative environment.

B.Specifically, the one stop operator is charged through its staffing, programming and technology withthe following tasks to manage the workforce system and its infrastructure and resources:

  1. Lead development of a one-stop system business plan that among other things, outlines details on how partner services in the system will be made available and coordinated, maps the customer service flow and sequence of services, use of uniform forms and processes, referrals, and electronic offerings. This plan will be developed with participation of the one-stop partners and subject to approval of the region’s workforce development board and elected officials.
  2. Lead and monitor implementation of the Business Plan, identify needed modifications and keep CRWP apprised of any issues or concerns.
  3. Work with the CRWP and partners in the development of a cost allocation plan, track expenses of items that are included in the plan for accounting and billing purposes and monitor and manage implementation of said plan.
  4. Work with one-stop partners and contracted service providers to ensure that all areas of customer service are covered. This may include the need for the one stop operator to provide some basic career services within the centers.
  5. Oversee the implementation of the local partner Memorandums of Understanding with required and optional partners on behalf of the CRWP to ensure compliance and adherence. Inform CRWP of issues or concerns that may develop.
  6. Responsible for leading local area efforts to achieve any one-stop certification requirements that are put forth by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  7. Develop and manage the customer satisfaction system for the workforce centers; share results with the CRWP and partner agencies at regular intervals and prepare and present reports.
  8. Lead monthly one-stop partner meetings to plan, discuss and adjust service coordination, enhancement of services, review customer feedback and develop continuous improvement plans, resolve quickly any conflicts that have been identified in the past month and develop reports and other tools that will serve to track outcomes in a variety of formats.
  9. Develop and administer the system’s standard operating procedures manual that will cover the day-to-day operational elements of the workforce centers, such as hours of operation, staff coverage, site supervision issues, holidays and inclement weather plans, emergency management plans and the like.
  10. Serve as point of contact in the centers for all technology issues and make the necessary arrangements to resolve such issues. Monitor technology and equipment on a regular basis to proactively identify issues or concerns that need addressed.
  11. Work with the facilities coordinator to monitor, identify and address building-related issues.
  12. Develop a schedule of staff training, cross training, and other professional development opportunities for system staff.
  13. Serve as the region's Equal Opportunity Officer and manage all aspects of ensuring compliance and investigating any resolving any complaints.
  14. Work with CRWP and the partners to create high quality and informative marketing and outreach materials for business and job seeking customers.
  15. Develop tools and reports to convey to the CRWP, Workforce Development Board and Elected Officials the outcomes and results of system operations.
  16. Monitor supplies and arrange for and/or place orders. Track usage by partner for quarterly billing.

The list of program requirements in Section III above will serve as the basis for contract performance and will be used in the form of an evaluation tool. CRWP will at minimum conduct quarterly reviews of the Successful Offeror’s performance in all areas to identify issues, concerns and areas of needed improvement.

  1. The Successful Offeror must have fiscal management policies that demonstrate the separation of duties from the originator of expense and actual payment of such expense.
  2. The Successful Offeror must have a staff member dedicated to assembling and submitting reimbursement invoices and source documentation to validate a WIOA eligible expense has occurred and has been paid prior to invoice submittal.
  3. The Successful Offeror must have an electronic financial management system.
  4. The Successful Offeror must have the financial capacity to operate its proposed program for 45 days without reimbursement.
  1. Within 30 days of award, the Successful Offeror must submit written program operational policies to document how services will be rendered.
  2. The Successful Offeror must have staff that are able to read, interpret and apply WIOA federal regulations, federal, state and local policy to the program implementation.
  3. The Successful Offeror must plan on assisting in staffing preparations for and attending meetings of the Workforce Board and its committees, as well as the elected official’s consortium.
  1. The Successful Offeror must have a commitment to quality when serving CRWP’s business and job seeking customers. CRWP has established 100% as the standard for customer satisfaction.
  1. The Successful Offeror will ensure and include in the budget the cost associated with staff obtaining the Virginia Workforce Development Professional Credential within six (6) months of the WIOA of award contract. The Selected Offerormust also include a plan for ongoing staff development to ensure up-to-date knowledge on WIOA legislations, business development, and current workforce trends.


The County will designate an individual to act as the County’s representative with respect to the work to be performed under this contract. Such individual shall have the authority to transmit instructions, receive information, and interpret and define the County’s policies and decisions with respect to the contract.


The following is an outline of the procurement process currently anticipated by the County:

Issuance of RFP / March 23, 2017
Questions due / April 4, 2017
RFP Response Due Date / 3:00 p.m., April 21, 2017
Oral Presentations/Negotiations / May 2017
Service Delivery Begins / July 1, 2017


For the purposes of this Section (VI) (“General Contract Terms and Conditions”), the term “Contract” refers to the contract resulting from this procurement, and the term “County” refers to the County of Henrico, Virginia. Additionally, the terms “Successful Offeror” and “Contractor” and “provider” have the same meaning and refer to the Offeror that is awarded the Contract.

A.Annual Appropriations

The CRWP’s duty to pay compensation under the Contract is conditioned on it having available funding through grants, appropriations, and other contracts. None of the following entities has a duty to appropriate funding or to otherwise make funds available from local revenue sources to satisfy the CRWP’s duty to pay the Contractor under the Contract:

  1. The City of Richmond,
  2. The County of Henrico,
  3. The County of Chesterfield,
  4. The County of Hanover,
  5. The County of Charles City County,
  6. The County of New Kent,
  7. The County of Powhatan,
  8. The County of Goochland,
  9. The CRWP, itself.

If CRWP’s funding for the Contract becomes unavailable, then the Contract will be terminated when existing funding is exhausted and the Contractor will have no claim or cause of action against any entity for non-appropriation of funds to support the Contract.

B.Award of the Contract

1.The CRWP reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality.

2.The Successful Offeror shall, within fifteen (15) calendar days after Contract documents are presented for signature, execute and deliver to the Purchasing Division the Contract documents and any other forms or bonds required by the RFP.

  1. The Contract resulting from this RFP is not assignable.
  1. Notice of award or intent to award may also appear on the County’s Purchasing Office website:


By submitting a proposal in response to this Request for Proposal, the Offeror represents that in the preparation and submission of this proposal, said Offeror did not, either directly or indirectly, enter into any combination or arrangement with any person, Offeror or corporation or enter into any agreement, participate in any collusion, or otherwise take any action in the restraint of free, competitive bidding in violation of the Sherman Act (15 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.) or Section 59.1-9.1 through 59.1-9.17 or Sections 59.1-68.6 through 59.1-68.8 of the Code of Virginia.