My Wiki URL: When you create your wiki, type address here.

Wiki Planner

Use these questions to guide you while you plan, design, and maintain your classroom wiki. Some of these will not be applicable to your project, so feel free to adapt as needed. Visit and contribute to an updated SchoolKiT planning wiki at


What is the main purpose of the wiki?

What kind of content will it have?

How will you use the wiki? Is the project ongoing throughout the year, for a semester, through a unit of study, or will it continue for future classes?

Your notes:


What are the essential parts and features of your wiki?

How much overall structure do you want to create for the wiki?

Do you want to lock certain parts of your wiki? What information in the wiki do you want to remain unchanged such as safety rules, expectations, or examples of expected work?

Your notes:

Your Wiki Community

Who will be the members of your community? Is the wiki for the whole school, one class, a special project group, or just one class period?

Will it be public or members only? Who will be able to see the wiki? Who will be able to edit it? Can anyone join your community?

Who will have the ability to reset changes?

Who will be in charge of moderating your wiki for appropriateness? How often will this be done?

Will you be notified of all changes made to the wiki?

Will the wiki have individual or global memberships? (You will want to register individual students if you want an individual record of who made changes or you may just want one log-in per group or class).

Who will train the members of your community? Allow time in your class schedule to do this – whether it is you or a team of students.

Your notes:

Curriculum Related

How does the wiki fit into current curriculum?

Is it based on/adapted from an existing project?

What other activities will you plan to get your students ready for the project, support the project, or follow-up after the project?

Will you require students to cite authoritative references and supply links to resources?

When and where will students be required to work with the wiki - free time, class time, at home, in a computer lab, etc.

Your notes:

Safety and Etiquette

Do you need to get school or district approval for your wiki? Research your school’s or district’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Are there already existing safety and etiquette rules for the Internet that will apply to your wiki? Will you post them on your wiki? Do you want to attach a related document that parents and students will print and sign?

Note: You will have a URL for your wiki and will want to make sure that if your district filters Web sites that you will not be denied access to your site. If you need permission to use a wiki with your students, make sure that you are well-organized with answers to any questions on wiki safety.

Your notes:


Are you going to evaluate student participation as part of a grade? What will be your requirements? Note: You will want to complete this in advance so that your students are clear on expectations.

Your notes:


Your notes: