Anaerobic Power in Female Athletes

Sports Physiology

Assessment of Anaerobic Power in Female Division I Collegiate Basketball Players


1Department of Sport and Exercise Science, Gannon University, Erie, PA, USA2, Department of Health and Physical Activity, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA


Stauffer KA, Nagle EF, Goss FL, Robertson RJ. Assessment of Anaerobic Power in Female Division I Collegiate Basketball Players. JEPonline 2010;13(1): 1-9. Previous test batteries have attempted to accurately measure anaerobic power output in basketball players. At present, there is no standard criterion measure that has demonstrated strong validity or application as a sport specific measure of power. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether a significant relation exists between the Max Jones Quad test and two established anaerobic power tests in a sample of female Division I basketball players. Subjects (19.7 ± 1.1 years) reported for testing on three separate days. Body composition and the vertical jump test were performed on Day 1. The Max Jones Quadrathalon Test (MJQT), which consists of the following four stations: 1) standing broad jump; 2) three consecutive broad jumps; 3) overhead shot put toss; and 4) 30-meter sprint, was administered on Day 2. Subjects performed a 30-second Wingate cycle ergometer test on Day 3. A significant relation (p<0.05) was found between anaerobic power (Wingate cycle test) and only one of the Max Jones Quad test components (30-meter sprint) (r = -0.57). Additionally, correlations between vertical jump height and Max Jones Quad test components were found to be significant (p<0.05; p<0.01) (broad jump, r = 0.64; 3 broad jump, r = 0.56; 30m sprint, r = 0.69; Total Score, r = 0.70). These results suggest that certain components of the Max Jones Quad test are related to anaerobic power output. Further investigation of the usefulness of the Max Jones Quad test as a sport specific measure of anaerobic power is warranted.

Key Words: Sport Performance, Wingate, Vertical Jump.


Physiological measures that incorporate cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and metabolic components are necessary to determine anaerobic power, considered an integral contributor to athletic performance (6). The ability of a body’s musculature to generate significant amounts of power is considered to be a strong predictor of athletic success (3). As a laboratory measure, the Wingate anaerobic cycle ergometer power test is considered the most valid and reliable instrument to assess peak power and anaerobic capacity (1,12,17). The most common field tests used to evaluate anaerobic power and performance in athletes are the vertical jump test (1,6) and the 40-yard dash (1). However, sport specific anaerobic field tests to assess power output have not been established. In order to properly assess anaerobic characteristics, sport specific activities should be employed on athletes.

The Max Jones Quadrathalon, or Quad test, was developed in 1982 by Max Jones, a national Olympic throws coach for England’s Track and Field team. The Quadrathalon was devised to test explosive power improvement of the Great Britain National Throws Squad (8). Considered relatively easy to administer, the Quad test has been used primarily to test Division I track and field and football athletes. When first developed, it was intended to be used to gauge an athlete’s improvement in power throughout the off-season. The Quadrathalon consists of a series of drills (1) Standing long (broad) jump; 2) Three consecutive standing long (broad) jumps; 3) Thirty meter sprint; and 4) Sixteen pound overhead shot-put throw) used to assess an athlete’s speed, strength, explosiveness, and power.

The Max Jones Quad Test has not been compared to established anaerobic power tests, and therefore its validity as a measure of anaerobic power has not been documented. In general, the Quad test has only been used to assess power performance in male track and field athletes and football players in non-research settings. The Quad test has not been used to evaluate the anaerobic power of female athletes, and in particular Division I basketball players. It was anticipated that the Quad test would be an effective tool in assessing anaerobic power in basketball athletes since it presents components that are sport specific. Sprinting and jumping activities are essential in basketball performance and should be included in assessment measures. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether significant relations exist between components of the Quad Test and the Wingate cycle and Vertical Jump tests.



Thirteen members of the University of Pittsburgh Women’s Division I basketball team currently participating in basketball and conditioning activities were recruited for this investigation. All participation was voluntary and had support and approval of the University of Pittsburgh Department of Athletics, head women’s Basketball Coach, and strength and conditioning coach. At the time of testing, all athletes had undergone six weeks of pre-season training. The University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved all procedures prior to data collection.


Subjects reported for testing on three consecutive days. On the first day, subjects were provided an overview of the study once written informed consent was obtained. Athletes then had the opportunity to ask questions about the tests they would be performing. Body composition was assessed at the orientation session using a Tanita bioelectrical impedance analyzer (BIA) scale. The Tanita scale was set to Athletic Mode and subjects stood on the scale for approximately 10 seconds. Two trials were performed for each subject and an average of the two measures was used to determine accurate body compositions. Prior to testing, subjects were led through an 8-10 minute dynamic warm-up consisting of exercises for all major muscle groups. The vertical jump was performed as described in the laboratory protocol of Adams (1) on a Vertec standing jump scale. Subjects were allowed one quick dip (i.e. countermovement) of the knees and one arm swing. The subject executed the jump while touching or swatting the measuring vanes on the Vertec at the peak of the jump. The jumper’s hand caused several of the measuring vanes to be displaced near the peak of the jump. Subjects were allowed thirty seconds in between jump trials to ensure recovery. Jump trials were continued until subjects did not exhibit an increase in jump height, usually within three to five jumps. Peak and average anaerobic power output were calculated for the vertical jump test using equations developed by Johnson and Bahamonde (13).

On the second day, the Max Jones Quad Test tests were conducted on the Astroturf surface in the Charles L. Cost Sports Center’s indoor regulation sized football field on the campus of the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to testing, subjects were led through an 8-10 minute dynamic warm-up identical to the warm-up for the vertical jump test . The Max Jones Quad Test was explained in detail and demonstrated to the group. Subjects were then permitted to familiarize themselves with the various movements associated with the test. Next, subjects performed the Quad test consisting of four stations: 1) standing broad jump; 2) three consecutive broad jumps; 3) overhead shot put toss; and 4) 30 meter sprint. Standing broad jump, three consecutive broad jumps, and overhead shot put toss were measured in meters (m) and centimeters (cm), respectively. Subjects were allowed thirty seconds in between each trial to ensure recovery. An active recovery also took place when the subjects rotated between each station. In order to minimize fatigue, the broad jump, 3 consecutive broad jumps, and overhead shot put were done before the 30-meter sprint. Each component of the Max Jones Quad Test was individually scored based on the distance or time recorded. These scores were obtained by matching the test distance or time with its appropriate individual standardized score. The four individual event scores were then totaled to obtain an overall score for the Max Jones Quad Test. (See included scoring chart).

On the final day, maximal anaerobic power of the lower body was evaluated by the Wingate anaerobic cycle test on a Monark 828 E cycle ergometer (Monark Exercise AB, Sweden). Prior to the Wingate anaerobic cycle test, the subjects were lead through an 8-10 minute dynamic warm-up that consisted of exercises previously described. Subjects performed a 30-second Wingate cycle ergometer test using a modified version of the original Wingate anaerobic cycle ergometer test (12). A shorter warm-up consisting of two to four minutes of pedaling interspersed with two to three maximal sprints each lasting four to eight seconds was used to prepare the subject. Force selection for this investigation was 0.090 kg . kg of body mass-1 (0.90 N) based on recommendations by Adams (3) for anaerobically fit female persons. Once the prescribed force was reached, the force-setter yelled “go” and the timer officially started the clock to begin the test. The subject began pedaling as fast as possible for a 30-second period while remaining seated on the bike for the duration of the test. The resistance was reduced to a cool-down recovery setting (between 1 and 2 kg) while the subject continued to pedal at about 50 rpm for 2 to 3 minutes. Values of anaerobic power (peak and mean power; fatigue index) were determined by the SMI Optosensor (Sports Medicine Industries, Inc., St. Cloud, MN). Peak power is the greatest power output during a five second period during the test (usually seen in the first five seconds). Mean power is the average power output over the course of the entire thirty seconds. Fatigue index represents the percent decrease in power output from the beginning of the test to the end of the test. The SMI Power software calculated power output for each second of the test as a function of the resistance load applied to the flywheel and the velocity of the flywheel. Revolutions of the flywheel were measured with an optical sensor attached to the Monark frame.

Statistical Analyses

Data analysis was performed using SPSS 11.0 for Windows statistical software. Using a power of 0.80 and an α level of 0.05, a sample size of 16 subjects was needed for a significant correlation (r = 0.60). Subject characteristics and experimental variables were calculated as mean ± SD. Results from the anaerobic power tests were analysed for the entire subject cohort and by individual player position: 1) Guards (n=6); 2) Forwards (n=4); and 3) Centers (n=3). In addition, Pearson product-moment correlations were calculated between the overall Max Jones Quad Test score and Wingate cycle ergometer as well as the Vertical jump test.


Thirteen members of the University of Pittsburgh Women’s Division I basketball team participated in this investigation and were assigned to one of three groups based on the position they played. Subject descriptive data are presented in Table 1.

A significant correlation (r = 0.85) was found between peak power measured with the Vertical Jump and the Wingate anaerobic power tests. A non-significant negative correlation (r=-0.31) was found between peak anaerobic power measured by the Wingate cycle test and total Max Jones Quad Test score. No significant correlation (r = -0.02) was found between peak anaerobic power measured with the vertical jump test and total Max Jones Quad Test score. However, a significant (p < 0.05) negative correlation (r = -0.57) was found between the Wingate Cycle Test and the 30-meter sprint component. The results of the correlation between anaerobic power determined by vertical jump and the Wingate test and individual scores and total score for each component of the Max Jones Quad Test are presented in Table 2.

Vertical Jump

A significant correlation (p < 0.05; p < 0.01) was found between vertical jump height and broad jump score (r = 0.637), three broad jump score (r = 0.556), 30-meter sprint score (r = 0.687), and total score (r = 0.696). Table 3 presents correlations between vertical jump height and individual scores on the Max Jones Quad Test. Table 4 presents the correlations between vertical jump height and absolute measures, in meters or seconds, for each Max Jones Quad Test component.


Current Measures of Anaerobic Power Performance

It has been estimated that the energy system contributions for the sport of basketball are approximately 80% ATP-PC, 10% anaerobic glycolysis, and 10% aerobic (9). Considering that the majority of energy in basketball performance is generated from anaerobic sources, the implementation of tests that assess anaerobic attributes of basketball players would be of great value. In the current investigation, a significant correlation (r = 0.85) was found between peak power measured during the Vertical Jump and Wingate anaerobic power tests, demonstrating the validity of the Vertical Jump as a field test of anaerobic power. Both tests rely heavily on ATP/PC energy system to produce and sustain anaerobic power (9).

In addition, body weight had a considerable impact on performance of these two tests. Heavier subjects in the current investigation had higher anaerobic power outputs on both the Vertical Jump and Wingate tests. The results of the correlation between anthropometric measurements and anaerobic power tests are presented in Table 4. Positive correlations such as these between the Vertical Jump and Wingate anaerobic power tests have been seen in previous investigations (2,7,11). The Vertical jump and Wingate anaerobic power tests have been administered to athletes and recreationally active individuals, and are considered relatively valid and reliable. Yet, a need remains to identify valid sport specific tests that can provide a better overall measure of anaerobic power.

Max Jones Quadrathlon vs. Vertical Jump and Wingate Cycle Power Output

In general, correlations between Max Jones Quad Test components and peak power outputs from the vertical jump and Wingate cycle tests were extremely weak and not anticipated (r = -0.02 to r = 0.43). The only significant relation occurred between the Wingate cycle test and the 30-meter sprint