Archdiocese of Boston
Bulletin Announcement
Men’s Cursillo (12/1 – 12/4)


Archdiocese of Boston – Men’s Cursillo

Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen your own faith and strengthen your ability to be witnesses of Christ in the world.

The date for the Men’sCursillo Weekend is: Dec. 1-4, 2016

The weekend runs from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and is held at the Campion Center in Weston MA.

For information and registration, please check the Boston Cursillo Website: or call the Office of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or email us at .


Office of Spiritual Life – Archdiocese of Boston


Sponsored by the Office of Spiritual Life

“Waiting with Mary of Nazareth”

Saturday, December 10, 2016 10am-12n

Pastoral Center 66 Brooks Drive Braintree

Conference, guided prayer, quiet prayer, sharing

To register call 617-779-3648

or email

Archdiocesan Virtual Christmas Choir (Due 11/4)

The Archdiocese of Boston invites adults, teens and youth to participate in our first Virtual Christmas Choir. Inspired by Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir phenomenon, showcased in a recent TED talk, we hope to unite parishes throughout our diocese in celebration of the birth of Christ this Christmas Season.

Auditions are open to all members of the diocese who submit a video of themselves singing their vocal part of Angel’s Carol by John Rutter in coordination with the score and recording track below. Please post your video to your personal YOUTUBE channel, making the video downloadable, and email your personal YOUTUBE channel linkto . We will respond to the first 60 applicants. All entries must be received by November 4th. Please visit this link for more information

Cynthia Marr, music director at Our Lady of Fatima’s Parish in Sudbury, will be our music director for the project. For more information, please .

This promises to be an exciting opportunity. Music has incredible power to connect people who haven’t even met.

Please encourage your parish music director to participate in this exciting initiative and download this link for further details on the Archdiocesan Virtual Christmas Choir.

Steubenville East Youth Conference (12/8)

Do you wish there was a place that you could bring your teens to encounter thousands of other young Catholics, hear from national speakers and enter into profound worship with the aid of professional musicians? Yes, such an event exists, AND its right in our backyard! The annual Steubenville East Youth Conference will be held in Lowell, MA again this coming year from July 14th–16th, 2017. If you are interested in learning more about this event, an information session is being held at the Pastoral Center in Braintree, and will also be available via webinar on December 8th at 6:30pm. Please emailMike Drahos for more information. *Please note:Registration will open on January 15th, 2017 and this event is known to sell out quickly!

Saint John’s Seminary Events (10/23+)

2016 Alumni Dinner

SJS Main Campus | 127 Lake St, Brighton
All priest alumni are invited to return to the halls of Saint John’s Seminary for a trip down memory lane! The evening begins with Holy Hour, followed by dinner with Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap. Formal invitations have been mailed and a nearby room block is available for overnight accommodations. RSVP to or 617.746.5413.
Rosalind Mohnsen Organ Recital

SJS Main Chapel | 127 Lake St, Brighton
Nationally-renowned Boston organist celebrates the close of the liturgical year with music commemorating All Saints and the Feast of Christ the King.
Lessons & Carols

SJS Main Chapel | 127 Lake St, Brighton
Our annual Christmas concert featuring the Saint John’s Seminary Schola and special guests!

Bishop Healy Award Dinner (11/19)

2017 March Track

The Office for Black Catholic Ministries within

The Office of Outreach and Cultural Diversity

would like to congratulate Dr. Martin Williams of St. Mary of the Angels Parish within the Jamaica Plain –Roxbury Collaborative for

being selected to receive the 2016 Bishop James A. Healy Award and MS Carolyn Caveny, of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Grove Hall, for being selected to receive the 2016 Robert L. Ruffin Award. The guest speaker will be Rev. Anthony Bozeman, SSJ, pastor of St. Raymond and St. Leo Parish in New Orleans, LA.

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley will present the awards at the

23rd Annual Bishop James Augustine Healy Award Dinner


Saturday, November 19, 2016

At Lombardo’s in Randolph.

More information and invitations coming soon!!! Please email the Office for Black Catholic Ministries for more information and to reserve tickets at or call 617-746-5810.

Pastoral Planning Evangelization Notices

0th Wedding Anniversary Mass

November 6 ~ Thirty second Sunday in Ordinary Time
We need to hear Jesus’ words to the Thessalonians – especially on this weekend before our national election. God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, - loves us and gives us “everlasting encouragement and good hope”. Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians can be our pray, “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the endurance of Christ.” As people of faith, as disciples, we must bring the Word of God into the marketplace and into our lives with our families, with co-workers, and neighbors.

November 13 ~ Thirty third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Liturgical Year is drawing to a close and the readings have a dark, somewhat frightening tenor about them. But Jesus offers hope, even amid predictions of “…powerful earthquakes, famines, and plagues from place to place” and yes, persecution too. In a special way today, pray for Christian martyrs around the world. Pray for the victims of natural disasters. The growing secularization of our culture demands that people of faith be ready to give testimony to the saving message of Jesus Christ. Think about how God is part of your life; this is your story, your testimony. Jesus assures us, “I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute” Trust Jesus, He will give you the wisdom to say what needs to be said.

November 20 ~ The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
The Liturgical Year ends in glory. We proclaim that Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, is King of the Universe, but what does this mean for us, for the average person in the pew? How often do we think about Jesus, talk to Him in prayer outside of church, or mention Him in conversation? How often do we speak to others about feeling His unconditional love, His strength when we are weak, and His comfort in our sadness and in our trials? People have a right to know about Him. If we don’t praise and proclaim His name, who will? Today also marks the end of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The need – obligation – to be merciful- never ends. Continue to reach out to someone who needs a helping hand, a kind word or a phone call

November 27 ~ First Sunday of Advent
It is Thanksgiving weekend, and the first Sunday of Advent, the season when “"We wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.". All this and football too. Unsolicited advice for this weekend - and beyond: Give thanks, always. Live in hope. Life isn’t always easy but we know how the Story, our Sacred Story, ends and that gives us hope. The Light of the World will come to us as a helpless Baby. He brings our salvation; kings and shepherds will bow down before Him. Now is the time to extend or renew a personal invitation to Jesus to come into your life. Make Advent a time to add just two minutes to your daily prayer time, and end each day by thanking God for one thing. Prayer and gratitude, are ingredients that foster hope.

For bulletin announcements related to the Special Collection, please see > Search for “Special Collection”