NCT Hospital Certification-Additional Questions
1. According to the ASHRAE HVAC Design Manual for Health Care Facilities, HVAC systems with just one bank of filters;
a. Is used for intensive care units
b. Can be reused if properly cleaned
c. Is correct for administration, bulk storage, food preparation and laundry
d. Is correct for isolation rooms
2. Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) works by;
a. Breaking the chain of DNA of an organism
b. Burning the DNA of an organism
c. Providing sunlight into the HVAC system
d. Disrupting the color spectrum
3. When someone sneezes, they can emit mucosa into the air that may travel;
a. Over 30 feet away
b. Into an adjacent building
c. Around 5 meters away
d. Around 3 meters away
4. Transmission rates for virus particles is highest at;
a. High humidity rate
b. Low humidity rate
c. High moisture content
d. Is not affected by humidity or moisture
5. The real difficulty of influenza is;
a. You still have to come to work
b. It is only transmitted by children
c. It is more prevalent in warmer climates
d. The incubation period is 4 days
6. Best application for HEPA filters is;
a. Nuclear facilities
b. Hospitals and healthcare facilities
c. Pharmaceutical manufacturing plants
d. All of the above
7. The performance ability of a HEPA filter is 100%;
a. Above and below the MPPS range
b. On particles bigger than 1 micrometer
c. On particles bigger than 10 micrometers
d. HEPA filters cannot reach 100%
8. If you catch the flu, you may have;
a. Been sneezed on by someone who has the flu
b. Touched something previously touched by someone with the flu
c. Inhaled droplet nuclei in the air emitted by someone with the flu
d. All of the above
9. HVAC systems with two filter banks usually have;
a. A prefilter to capture smaller particles and a final filter for larger ones
b. A higher MERV prefilter in front of a lower MERV final filters
c. A prefilter to capture larger particles and a final filter to capture smaller particles
d. A HEPA prefilter in front of a MERV 14 final filter
10. HEPA filters are best applied as ceiling modules because;
a. The air exits directly out of the filter and into the space
b. It is more efficient when installed in a ceiling
c. It can be prefiltered once it is installed
d. Ductwork can be connected to them