2015 2nd Semester Final Exam STUDY GUIDE – HMS 6TH GRADE Social Studies- Latin America, Canada, and Australia


  1. Which ocean is the largest of the world’s five oceans?_Pacific Ocean
  1. What connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?______Panama Canal ______
  1. What is the name of the mountain ranges located in Mexico?___Sierra Madre ______
  1. Which body of water in Latin America has many islands that draw tourists?____Caribbean Sea ______
  1. ______Brazil ______is the largest country in South America?
  1. __Mexico_____ &_____Canada_____ (countries) shares a border with the United States?
  1. ___air pollution, _ is Mexico City’s major environmental problem?
  2. Road building, mining, and new settlements are causing the destruction of the rainforest in Brazil?
  1. _____Venezuela ______in Latin America has oil pollution and it is a serious problem.
  1. One of the largest urban areas in the world is centered around__Mexico City______in Latin America.
  1. Mexico sends most of its exports to______United States______.
  1. ______Brazil______(country) has the healthiest economy in South America.
  1. ______Brazil______(country) is the number one producer of coffee in the world.
  1. Cuba’s government is what type?___Communist ______
  1. Cuba does NOT trade with______United States______
  1. ____Spanish ______is the most spoken language in Latin America?
  1. Children of black slaves and Europeans are called_____Mulattoes______
  1. The main religion of Latin America is_____Catholicism______
  1. Which Latin American country(s) we studied has a command economy?_Cuba______
  1. Four out of five Brazilians live in what location?______Cities ______
  1. Mexico’s currency is called ______Peso______
  1. ____Oil______is an important natural resource for Mexico and Venezuela
  1. ____Aztecs____, an ancient civilization had a city with a palace, lots of homes, and a zoo.
  1. _____Incas______, an ancient civilization built intricate stone roads and buildings.
  1. ___Hernan Cortez______conquered the Aztecs
  1. ___Francisco Pizarro______conquered the Incas
  1. ______Diseases______helped Spanish explorers defeat the Incas and Aztecs
  1. _____decline of indigenous population, agriculture change, intro of the horse_____was a major effect of the Columbian Exchange
  1. European settlers prefer Africans to work on their land because___They had more immunity of European diseases.
  1. ____Simon Bolivar______brought independence to Columbia, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia
  1. Mexico want its independence from_____Spain______
  1. __Miguel Hidalgo______, a Catholic priest started the independence movement in Mexico
  1. ___Fidel Casto_____defeated Batista and established a communist government in Cuba
  1. In ____1994______the Zapatista guerrilla movement began
  1. ___Soviet Union______supported communist Cuba
  1. ____Pacific Ocean______is the deepest ocean in the world
  1. The mountain chain in western Canada is______Rocky Mountains______
  1. The______Canadian Shield___ area in Canada is rich in natural resources:
  1. _____Great Lakes_____&___Atlantic Ocean____are two bodies of water that connects the St. Lawrence Seaway
  1. What area of Canada does 75% of Canadians live? _____Southern Canada______
  2. Canada’s climate is______Cold______
  1. ______United States______is Canada’s major trading partner
  1. ______Pollution of the Great Lakes, Acid Rain, Waste from mining___ is(are) a serious environmental concern in Canada
  1. _____Pollution____ is an environmental concern for the Great Lakes
  1. In ____1982___Canada establish its own constitution
  1. The ______Prime Minister______is Canada’s head of government
  1. Canada’s government type is____Constitutional monarchy, federation,& parliamentary democracy___
  2. What was the first permanent French settlement in the New World (Canada)______Quebec ______
  1. Which two European countries fought over Canada?______England and France
  2. ______John Cabot ______was the first European explorer to discover Canada?
  1. _____Quebec______province started an independence movement to secede from Canada
  1. Australia lies between which oceans?____Indian _____and_____Pacific______
  1. ______Great Barrier Reef______is the name of the world’s largest reef
  1. ______Ayers Rock______is Australia’s most famous natural landmark
  1. Australia is located on the continent of ____Australia_____
  1. Australia’s major trading partners is/are_____China______
  1. ______Aborigines______is the name of Australia’s indigenous inhabitants
  1. ______Christianity______is the main religion in Australia
  1. Australians speak ___English______as their main language
  1. What type of government does Australia have?______Federal parliamentary democracy ______
  1. _Prime Minister______is the most powerful person in Australian government
  1. ______wool______is a product that comes from Australia’s sheep
  1. ____Quota______restricts the amount of a product that can be imported
  1. ______Dollar______is the type of currency that Australia uses
  1. Britain’s most important use for Australia was______A penal colony______