University of the West Indies

Mona – Jamaica

Faculty of Social Sciences

MGMT3065 – Management of Change (MOC)

Level: 3

Number of Credits: 3

Pre-requisite is MGMT2008 – Organizational Behaviour, which provides knowledge understanding of Organizational Theory Behaviour (e.g. understanding of individual’s behaviour, their emotions, moods, personality & values, perceptions & decision making styles, job attitudes + satisfaction + design, motivation concepts & their applications, diversity, work technology, communication, leadership + trust + supervision + authority + influence, power & politics, conflict & negotiation, organizational structure & culture, HR policies & practices, organizational change & stress management). Pre-requisite provides familiarity with the concepts of management practices/strategies (employed for better working relations their implications for the organization its environment) the behaviour of people (individuals, teams, groups) in organizations (private, public, non-profit) considering the social, ethnic cultural environment of the structural, technical, managerial psycho-social sub systems in business environment influenced by economic changes globalization.

Class Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Facilitator: Tashfeen Ahmad


Please visit for Course Resources, regularly

Office Hours: 5:00 PM-6:00 PM on Saturdays, by appointment

Semester One – 2015/16: Starting from 29th Aug, 2015

Course Overview
Change is all around us. We are continually asked to manage change in our lives and organizations. Depending on whose research you read estimates of failed change efforts vary from 50-80%. That’s an enormous loss of time, energy, resources and morale. As such, leading organizational change has been identified as a critically important managerial job skill. Successful change efforts are dependent, in part, on creating new organizational cultures that reflect the capacity for continuous learning and creative adaptation. This course is designed to help you understand why this may be so and to increase your awareness of how organizational leaders, managers, and change agents can be more effective with change interventions.
The course material will define and deal with individual theories of change. It will show the stages of diagnosing the problems, planning and implementing the change process and assessing the change when it has been completed. The rationale for the course is to ensure that the student is proactive in dealing with the Change process which occurs at the individual, group, organizational and national level. The students will be provided with the necessary theoretical, practical, analytical and contextual awareness and understanding of the change process to effectively drive, maintain and manage the process.
The aim of this course is to provide students with a thorough grounding in the major issues involved in managing change within contemporary organizational settings. Additionally, the course aims to assist students to develop the necessary practical skills and intervention strategies, which are required to manage change effectively at the individual, group, and organizational levels, in order to assist an organization to achieve its desired corporate objectives.
This course directly supports UWI’s strategic vision for its graduates to be world class critical thinkers and practical problem solvers.


·  To understand the challenges and complexities of changes.

·  To acquire frameworks for diagnosing organizational states, analyzing organizational change strategies, and implementing and institutionalizing change.

·  To utilize these frameworks in evaluating and planning change.

·  To understand change from the perspective of the person initiating change, the person receiving change, and the broader social context.

·  Understand the change process, the dynamic nature of the business environment, and the resultant effects of rapid change on an organization and its stakeholders.

·  Understand the basic causes of change, and resistances to change, in the business world.

·  Learn the methods of effectively anticipating, influencing and implementing change in a corporate setting.

·  Understand the role of leadership in effectively managing change.

Learning Outcome

By the end of this course, you should have some grounding in various aspects of MOC which should equip you for your subsequent professional life by improving your knowledge, skills and attitudes towards Change Process.

Knowledge - You should have the knowledge to be a positive force in driving and managing Change at the individual, organizational and national levels.

Skills - To be able to assess the quality of the change management process and revise strategies to bring out desired outcomes.

Attitude - The knowledge and importance of managing change by understanding the importance of the internal and external forces, leadership, communication, culture and being able to deal with the resistance to change.

Teaching Method

This course may rely primarily upon lectures and videos with possible analysis of case studies supplemented by required reading materials, discussions and your participation. Our focus will be on understanding MOC, together, in an interactive environment. I hope that you do not prefer classes where you can sit passively by and be an "academic tourist".

Critical Note

As senior undergraduate students, you are suggested to participate in the class discussions, based upon prior readings from previous courses and your broader reading of material related to the week’s discussions. The nature of the course will require you to draw knowledge from other areas in the social science discipline (it will help if you have taken the pre-requisites for this course), in order to contribute effectively in class and also to adequately respond to possible case studies and examination questions.

Reading Material
In your readings, you should continually ask yourself questions, e.g. do I understand the theory and/or principles of this material? What is its implication/fall out? How would I apply this as a manager?
All assigned readings, from the course website, should be completed prior to the class for which they are specified. Be prepared to answer questions regarding the readings.
The texts will serve as a resource for research and tools for change. You are encouraged to ‘specialize’ in a theory that has strong appeal for you.
You can consult the books on following page, but do not limit yourself to just these.

Prescribed Textbooks

·  Esther Cameron & Mike Green - 2009: Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change. 2nd Edition published by Kogan Page

Available in Main Library – RBC Section – HD58.8C317 2004

·  The Theory of Change Management by John Hayes

Available in Main Library – RBC Section – HD58.8.H39 2002


·  The Essence of Change by Liz Clarke (Small book – Good reference)

Available in Main Library – HD58.8 C525 1994

·  Strategic Organizational Change: A Practitioner’s Guide for Managers & Consultants

Available in Main Library – RBC Section – HD58.8 B4467 2013

·  Organizational Change: Theory and Practice by W. Warner Burke. 4th Edition

Available in Main Library – RBC Section – HD58.8 B876 2014

·  Cummings & Worley: Organization Development & Change. 8th Edition published by Thomson South Western

Available in Main Library – HD58.8 H87 2001

More Textbooks

·  Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organizational Dynamics by Bernard Burnes

Available in Main Library – HD58.8 B882 2000

·  Managing Change

Available in Main Library – RBC Section - HD58.8 B882 2004

·  Organizational Change by Barbara Senior

Available in Main Library – RBC Section - HD58.8 S48 2002

Available in Main Library – RBC Section - HD58.8 S48 2006

·  Knowledge for Action: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Change by Chris Argyris

Available in Main Library – RBC Section - HD58.8 A744 1993

·  Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological Market Organizational Change

Available in Main Library – RBC Section – HD45.T534 2005

·  How to Deal with Resistance to Change

Available in Main Library – BF471 L38 1968

Feel free to consult me if you want to use any other book together with the weekly readings/material posted on your course website. The material for every lecture should be posted by Thursdays on (Please bring your own hard/soft copies to class, if you need one).

You are suggested to take initiative and read widely on the topics. Appropriate material is available within the university library system. We will try to link the issues under discussion to current events and you are highly encouraged to acquaint yourselves with current events in the field of MOC.

It is suggested that you develop and maintain a habit of reading research articles from university databases, listen to local and International News, and read magazines e.g. The Economist, Fortune, Forbes International, Time, Newsweek and Harvard Business Review (HBR).

I do not expect you to regurgitate facts. I would like you to focus on what truly interests you and learn what you really need to know. I’ll be looking for critical thinking, curiosity and integration i.e. ability to apply the information covered.

Course Evaluation: / Grade %
Group Case Analysis Presentation (15-20 Min) – Week 9 / 20
Referenced Research Paper (Individual) – 2500 to 3000 Words – Week 10 / 20
Final Exam (2 hrs.) Answer 3 (20% each) Questions out of 5 / 60
Course Work

The course work will consist of two activities (20% each).

1st Activity: Form groups of 3-4 members (Submit names by Week 2) for in-class Group Case Analysis Presentation (15-20 Min) in week 9. The case is posted on the course website in week 2. Email your PowerPoint before presentations start; no written reports are required. Please hand in a hard copy of your PowerPoint, at the beginning of your presentations, for marking.

Your presentations should assess what happened before the change and how the change was managed by the entity in the case and what was the current situation. What is the outcome of the change? The summary should have comments and/or recommendations if the management of change process was not /or was properly followed. Furthermore, you should answer the questions, clearly, presented with the case! Please refrain from using your valuable presentation time in repeating information from the case. Focus on Analysis!

Grading Criteria for Group Presentation

1.  Organization & Structure: E.g. 5

·  Presentation Style

·  Presentation of Soft & Hard Copy - PowerPoint

·  Clarity/flow/layout of PowerPoint Slides

·  Effective use of Innovative Techniques/Technology

2.  Analysis, Recommendations, Q&A: E.g. 8

·  Depth/Rigour of Analysis

·  Addressing correct issues

·  How you respond to questions

·  Strength/Appropriateness of References

·  Use of valid examples to make clear points

·  Appropriate recommendations to solve issues

·  Reasons/Justification of your decisions to solve issues

·  Q & A Session-Lesser grade if unable to justify your analysis/recommendations

3.  Time Management: E.g. 3

·  Presentation finished within time

·  Appropriate time given to various areas under review

4.  Overall impact 4

Total Marks 20

2nd Activity: Referenced Research Paper (Individual) – 2500 to 3000 Words

The assignment is posted on the course website (Week 2). No hard copy is required. Email me this assignment by due date (Week 10). Start your research now & hand in an amazing research paper to get maximum score in your course work.

Grading Criteria for Individual Referenced Research Paper

1. Organization & Structure: E.g. 5

• Presentation Style

• Presentation of Soft Copy

• Clarity/flow/layout of Research Paper

2. Analysis, Recommendations: E.g. 11

• Depth/Rigour of Analysis

• Addressing correct issues

• Strength/Appropriateness of References

• Use of valid examples to make clear points

• Appropriate recommendations to solve issues

• Reasons/Justification of your decisions to solve issues

• Shows an effort to go beyond the obvious and find the underlying issues, problems, ideas, and concepts

• Accurate citations and credit given wherever relevant

3. Overall impact 4

Total Marks 20

Please visit, regularly, for detailed weekly lesson description.

Academic Integrity - I trust you! Please do not give me any reason to be suspicious of your honesty. Violations of academic integrity are a serious academic offence. Violations of academic integrity – presenting another’s ideas, arguments, words or images as your own, using unauthorized material, misrepresentation, fabricating or misrepresenting research data, unauthorized co-operation or collaboration or completing work for another student – weaken the quality of the degree and will not be tolerated.

Lastly, following is your Grading Scale - It might not be easy to get B Grade, in this course, without good preparation! So prepare well, please! Good luck happy journey J

GRADE GPA Percentage Out of 10 Contribution
A+ 4.3 90 and above 9-10 Exceptional
A 4.0 80-89 8-8.9 Outstanding
A- 3.7 75-79 7.5-7.9 Excellent
B+ 3.3 70-74 7-7.4 Very Good
B 3.0 65-69 6.5-6.9 Good
B- 2.7 60-64 6-6.4 Satisfactory
C+ 2.3 55-59 5.5-5.9 Fair
C 2.0 50-54 5-5.4 Acceptable
F1 1.7 45-49 4.5-4.9 Unsatisfactory
F2 1.3 40-44 4-4.4 Weak
F3 0.0 Less than 40 0-3.9 Poor

Last Updated – 29th Aug, 2015