To CouncillorsBrady,Eggar,Juniper, McCarthy (Chairman), Page, Pearce and Tollinton,
You are summoned to attend the following meeting:
To be held on
Monday September 11th2017 at 8.15pm
inAldbury Memorial Hall
Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting.
Mrs L Bancroft
Clerk to Aldbury Parish Council
5th September 2017
17/185Apologies for absence–to be accepted by the Council
- To discuss Cllr Eggar’s possible non-attendance at future meetings due to other commitments and to consider approving his reasons for absence for a period ending no later than the last meeting before the next Aldbury Parish Council elections due in May 2019
17/186Declarations of Interest - Cllrs to declare interests particular to this meeting
17/187Minutes of meeting on 7th August2017to be signed as a true record
17/188Review Actions List
Cllrs to review actions from previous meetings, where issues not covered elsewhere in agenda
17/189Cllr Vacancy – Cllrs Pearce and Brady to report
17/190Aldbury Pond
Spokesperson of Pond Working Party to report back on progress against resolutions passed at the August meeting. Council to agree future actions.
17/191Repair of Stocks
Cllr Juniper to update. Council to confirm compliance with DBC planning conditions
Cllrs Page and Brady to update on progress against actions
Cllr Page to update on any issues
Update on P3 grant
17/195Pedestrian Safety and Parking
Cllr Tollinton to update on report from PCC concerning traffic and pedestrian safety in Aldbury
17/196Diocesan Leases
Council to agree to conditions of draft lease for allotments
17/197Award of West Midlands Franchise
Cllr McCarthy to update and Council to consider the future of the Tring Station Working Party
17/198Planning Matters
1.To discuss anyapplications received by September 11th:
2.Planning Decisions made by Dacorum BC:
4/01197/17/FHA 4 Toms Hill Road, Aldbury
Single storey rear extension
4/01756/17/FHA 15 Stoneycroft, Aldbury
Single storey rear extension
4/01428/17/LDP Rose Cottage, Stocks Road, Aldbury
Replacement windows
4/01615/17/ROC Applegarth, Stocks Road, Aldbury
Removal of condition 4 (granny annexes) attached to planning permission 4/02269/04/FUL
3. To update on Ashmei advertising sign
Payments Made
L Bancroft (SO) / £390.60 + £390.60 / Clerk’s salary for July & AugustDBC (DD) / £55.20 / Rent for Garage
EON (DD) / £53.06 / Street Lights - power
Cllr McCarthy / £15.75 / Expenses – attending HAPTC meeting
DBC / £26.00 / Cost of DBS check
M Walters / £370.00 / Parish Mowing –July
Interest / £0.24 / InterestAllsworth / £14.00 / Allotment Rent
Newland / £7.00 / Allotment Rent
McClarnon / £7.00 / Allotment Rent
Kent / £14.00 / Allotment Rent
Barr / £14.00 / Allotment Rent
Bank Balances at 31stAugust 2017
Unity Trust a/c 20382083£27,113.09
NS a/c£33,809.51
Resolution requiredto make the following payments:
M Walters / £390.00 / Parish Mowing – AugustBDO LLP / £240.00 / External Audit fee
Funds available going forward:£60,552.60
- Chiltern Society Membership - To take a resolution to renew membership of Chiltern Society (£30.00)
- Annual Return – Council to approve and accept Annual Return which has now been approved by the external auditor
- New Unity Trust Account (online banking) – Cllrs to discuss process for approving online payments
- APC Grants 2017 – Clerk to update
- Clerks Training –Council to approve expenditure for Clerk to attend the following HAPTC training: Further Finance, Budgeting Workshop, Grants & Funding at a cost of £75 (£50 a course to be split in half with Tring Rural Parish Council) (NB costs were incorrect when expenditure approved in August)
- HAPTC Data Protection Training October 25thCllrs to discuss attendance
17/200Parish Warden Vacancy
Clerk to update
17/201Village Christmas Tree
Cllrs Pearce and Juniper to update
17/202Future Council Meetings
Mayor of DBC to attend October meeting
PCSO Lorraine Horsted to attend Novermber meeting
Request by NT Project Manager at Ashridge to attend a Council meeting (October or November) to discuss plans to improve car parking arrangements along Monument Drive, Ashridge Estate
- Email received from resident regarding cyclist coming down Toms Hill
- Email received from resident regarding the Queens Seat
17/204Meeting open to the Public
17/205Any Other Business and to consider items for agenda of next meeting
Next Council meeting –Monday 2nd October 2017
Aldbury Parish Council website – .