Present: Councillors: Mrs Belli, Gallagher, Kenyon, Mrs Mason, Orford, Richardson, Williams

Clerk: Mrs Smith,


As the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council were absent, the Clerk asked for nominations for a Chairman for the meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr Kenyon and seconded by Cllr Williams that Cllr Gallagher chaired the meeting.
All agreed.
1.  1. Apologies for absence. (Reasons to be given to the Clerk in advance of the meeting)
2.  Apologies were received from Cllr’s Mrs Barnshaw, Barnshaw, Edwards, Mrs Garner and Mrs Hopkins.
3.  2. Declarations of interest for any agenda item.
6.  3. Signing of the minutes. To accept the Clerk’s notes from the meeting held on 11th July 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Mrs Belli that the minutes of 11th July 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
5 Agreed, 2 Abstentions. Carried.
7.  4. Matters arising from the last meeting. Only for discussion.
8.  None.
5. Planning Committee. To accept the Clerk’s note from the meeting held on 15th August 2016.
It was proposed by Cllr Orford and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that the minutes of the planning meeting held on 15th August 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
2 Agreed, 5 Abstentions. Carried.
6. Re-adopt the Social Media Policy. Item deferred from July’s meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Belli and seconded by Cllr Richardson that they re-adopt the social media policy.
All agreed. Carried.
7. Somerton Gate Lane. To discuss the problems with litter. Cllr Gallagher.
Cllr Gallagher informed that there was a problem with litter down Somerton Gate Lane and that he would like the Council to purchase two signs to be placed at the top and bottom of Somerton Gate Lane saying ‘Please take you litter home’ and signed Waddington Parish Council.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Mason and seconded by Cllr Williams that they go ahead and purchase the signs.
All agreed. Carried.
8. Grass Cutting.
(i) Discuss the changing of grass cutting contractors.
The Clerk informed that at the end of July she had been contacted by the grass cutting contractors informing that they had to terminate the contractor finishing at the end of August 2016. The Clerk kept the chairman informed of the situation and had quickly met with some contractors and had finally found a company who were willing to take on the contract for September and October, however, this was at an extra cost of £500 per month.
It was agreed that as the company had terminated the contract part way through, which had made the Council incur extra costs of £500 per month for September and October to have the grass cut, that the Clerk should contact the company and advise that the Parish Council wish them to pay a £1000 penalty for terminating the contract.
(ii) Discuss the changes being made by LCC and how this will affect the Parish.
At the end of the Financial year Lincolnshire County Council will no longer be paying the Parish and District Council to cut the grass verges in the village. In order to save money the County Council will only be cutting the grass verges twice a year.
The Clerk had discussed it with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and had suggested that the Council do some consultation with the residents to see if they would like to take on the grass cutting, informing them of how this would affect them financially.
The Council agreed that the consultation was required due to the large financial implications.
Cllr Mrs Belli asked about the old bench in the High Street playground and if the grass cutters who broke it were going to have it fixed. The Clerk informed that they had offered to replace it but never mentioned having it fixed.
It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the company and ask for the back part of the bench back and then look at having it fixed.
9. Street Lighting. To discuss the street lighting changes made by LCC and the Parish Council owned lights. Requested to be on the agenda at May’s meeting.
All the County Council owned street lights had either been replaced with LED lights or were turned off from 12am to 6am.
The Council agreed that they would leave there lights on, but they would look into the cost of having them fitted with LED lights.
9. Report from the Project Assistant.
The Clerk informed that the Project Assistant had now returned from a long summer break and had been updating the Website, putting an article in the Heathcliff and looking at funding pots to apply for.
9.  10. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
The Clerk informed that she had received a letter from a Mr Colin Spence expressing an interest in becoming a Councillor.
It was proposed by Cllr Kenyon and seconded by Cllr Mrs Belli that they co-opt Mr Spence onto the Council.
All agreed. Carried.
The Clerk informed of a situation with the burial ground where a mistake had been made in 2005 and had just come to light. A plot that had been reserved was no longer available. The Clerk had kept the Chairman informed of the situation and she had contacted the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management for advice.
It was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk would meet with the family and offer them a new plot.
Cllr Williams informed that he just wanted to update the Council on the Ridges and Furrows funding, following the last Council meeting, he has had a meeting Nick Jones and Lucy Lumb from Arts NK, Nick is the head of Arts NK. They had a telephone conversation with someone from the Arts Council, who was a bit concerned that as a portfolio holder of funding from the Arts Council, Arts NK cannot be connected to the grant application it has to be soul application of the Parish Council. They worked out with the Arts Council how they can do that and she was quite happy that it would work.
The Council has to write the brief and the outcomes, we would be setting the parameters. The application will be for just under £15,000. The Arts Council wants to see that there is commitment from the Parish Council.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Mrs Belli that the Council offer to put forward £500 towards the project, if they are successful with the grant.
All agreed. Carried.
11. Finance
(a) Monthly finance report – to receive and accept the monthly finance report.
It was proposed by Cllr Kenyon and seconded by Cllr Orford that the finance report be accepted.
All agreed. Carried.
a.  (b) Signing of cheques. To resolve to authorise the BACS payments listed by the RFO. And certify invoices.
It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Mason and seconded by Cllr Orford that the BACS payments and invoices could be signed.
All agreed. Carried.
12. Urgent matters for attention – Items which the Chairman is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency due to special circumstances.
13. ‘In Camera’ item.
It was proposed by Cllr Kenyon and seconded by Cllr Mrs Mason that in view of the special /confidential nature of the business about to be transacted it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
All agreed. Carried.
HR Committee.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Richardson that the Confidential minutes of the HR Committee meeting held on the 16th August 2016 were a true record of the meeting and they were agreed to be signed.
2 Agreed. 5 Abstention. Carried.
It was proposed by Cllr Gallagher and seconded by Cllr Williams that as per the recommendations of the HR Committee, the Clerk be contracted an extra 3 hours a week with immediate effect.
All agreed. Carried.
14. Date of the next meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be on Monday 10th October 2016 in the Redwood Drive Community Centre.
Meeting closed at 9pm / Action
Chairman & Clerk
Cllrs Gallagher & Williams

Open Forum


There were no questions from the residents.


Flt Lt Chris Pritchard commented that we may have seen an increase in aircraft activity at Waddington, this is due to the joint workspace, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, they are using the runway.

There is no exact end date, but they are working for the end of November, then the E3D will come back.

The Station bonfire, as per last year will be held behind the wire, so if you are a passholder or a dependant you will be able to go. However, from previous meetings he has noted that we wish for more integration so if anyone would like to attend, if they let them know and they will get a passholder to escort them on.

The annual formal reception, will be held at the end of November, anyone who wishes to attend please let him know.


PCSO Flannigan reported that during the period 14th July 2016 to 12th September 2016 there have been 14 crimes recorded as follows:

22/07/16 – Vehicle interference Darwin Close where 3 males were seen to try the doors to a vehicle but were disturbed by the owner.

26/07/16 – Theft from motor vehicle Pottergate Close where tools were taken from a council van.

07/08/16 - Damage Hollywell Road where garden ornaments and a bench in the front garden have been broken.

06/08/16 - Theft Almond Crescent where a garden ornament was taken from the front garden.

14/08/16 - Theft Jet Garage where a motorist took fuel without paying using a vehicle possibly on false plates

17/08/16 - Burglary Brant Road Social Club where offenders have entered through the roof and exited through a kitchen window. Nothing taken.

22/07/08 – 16/08/16 - Theft St Pauls Nursing Home where cash has been taken from the rooms of two residents.

04/08/16 – 12/08/16 – Theft Somerville Court where a cycle has been taken from the rear garden

21-22/08/16 - Theft Budgens where offenders have scaled the rear gates and taken items.

28-29/08/16 – Theft Hollywell Road where a bench has been taken from the front garden

18/08/16 - Theft Hawthorn Ave where card holder has allowed partner access to her card and pin. Permission withdrawn but partner continued to use the card. Complaint subsequently withdrawn.

13/08/16 - Theft Brant Road Social Club during the delivery of stock offender has taken a selection of spirits.

3-4/09/16 - Damage High Street where offender has scrawled minor graffiti onto a set of new wooden gates.

07/09/16 - Damage to vehicle Somerville Close where a car has been keyed along a number of panels.

District Councillors

Cllr Burley discussed the right to buy, the Council has to give tenants the right to buy the property that they have been renting. Last year they sold 25 and they only rebuilt 22 property’s. This number sold over a 30 year period would cost the district £4m in rent.

The empty home on Blind Lane, the Officer has a meeting with the owner on the 18th September.

Cllr Cawrey informed that they have received a £685,000 lottery grant for Mrs Smith’s cottage.

Nominations for the Community Champion awards closed yesterday.

Tomorrow is the Exec Meeting at NKDC, the first one back after being off in August, come of the items on the agenda they will be discussing the annual report, update the old code of practice and Sundry debt to recover.

Cllr Pennell sent his apologies.

Cllr Gallagher informed that the Police and Crime Commissioner will be attending the Cliff Villages Community Panel meeting on Tuesday 25 October at 7pm in Waddington Village Hall, if you would like to come along and ask him some questions.

On 17th August it was the official opening of Holland Court, North Hykeham. They have spent £1.25m on bungalows.

They have received a Green Apple award for the refurbishment of North Kesteven Sports Centre.

Cllr Mrs Cawrey has completed a 50mile bike ride as part of North Kesteven’s fight against obesity.

There was a civic service on the 24th July for Cllr Money.

County Councillor

Cllr Mrs Talbot apologised for not attending Parish Council Meetings in recent months, due to ill health, but she has dealt with all matters raised with her by the Parish Council and constituents during her absence.

Due to the changes to the County Council boundaries made by the boundary commission, come the County Council elections next year, Waddington will no longer be with Bracebridge Heath, but it will be in a new ward with North Hykeham East, which is basically all the area East of Meadow Lane. Cllr Mrs Talbot has been offered to stand for this area.

Cllr Gallagher commented on the Street lighting and the possible increase in crime during the hours when the lights are switched off.

Cllr Mrs Talbot informed that it is a concern for the members as well. However, cuts are having to be made, they are also cutting back on grass cutting after this year, when they will only be cutting the grass verges twice a year.

Cllr Kenyon wished Cllr Mrs Talbot well on behalf of all the Council.

Finance Report for July 2016
Current Account
Balance as at 1 July 2016 / £2,556.01
Transferred from Deposit account / £16,000.00
Add Receipts
NKDC / £662.00
Booking Deposits / £0.00
Village Hall / £687.25
Redwood Drive / £156.00
Community Hub / £0.00
Burial Ground / £200.00
interest received
Less Expenditure
NKDC / £620.00
PAYE for July 16 / £534.90
Wages for July 16 / £4,245.20
Smiths of Derby / £615.60
Byland Countryside Services / £1,475.00
EON / £1,561.79
returned deposits / £240.00
Other expenses / £2,999.45
Balance as at 31 July 2016 / £7,969.32
Deposit Account
Balance as at 1 July 2016 / £48,923.94
Less - transferred to current account / £16,000.00
Balance as at 31 July 2016 / £32,923.94
Finance Report for August 2016
Current Account
Balance as at 1 August 2016 / £7,969.32
Transferred from Deposit account / £4,000.00
Add Receipts
NKDC / £360.00
Booking Deposits / £0.00
Village Hall / £0.00
Redwood Drive / £448.50
Community Hub / £0.00
Burial Ground / £0.00
Less Expenditure
NKDC / £620.00
PAYE for August 16 / £537.90
Wages for August 16 / £4,564.88
returned deposits / £50.00
Other expenses / £299.09
Balance as at 31 August 2016 / £6,705.95
Deposit Account
Balance as at 1 August 2016 / £32,923.94
Less - transferred to current account / £4,000.00
Balance as at 31 August 2016 / £28,923.94
Accounts for Payment / Description / Amount
ESPO / dog bin liners / £60.00
ESPO / black bags / £34.20
ESPO / 2017 year planners, diaries / £11.84
ESPO / envelopes, light tubes / £138.69
ESPO / Batteries, toilet rolls / £98.03
Konica Minolta / photocopier usage / £152.93
LRC Skip Hire / Skip Exchange / £125.00
Realise Futures / 1 x picnic bench and 1 x bench for Playground / £815.93
Secondelement / legionella management 1 Aug 16 to 31 Jul 17 / £630.18
EON / Street Light Repair - Cedar Close / £37.52
EON / Street Light Repair - Hollywell Road / £28.16
EON / Street light repair Redwood Dr & Ashby Close / £56.33
EON / Street light repair - 6 Hollywell Road / £28.16
EON / Street light repair - 2 at Valley Road & 1 Acacia Ave / £103.66
EON / Street Light quarterly maintenance / £695.38
Millennium Fire Protection / annual fire inspection of all premises / £343.10
National Pen / 60 pens / stylus / £53.39
Mr Richardson / Window Cleaning of all premises & bus shelters / £130.00
Byland Countryside Services / Grass cutting for July 2016 / £1,475.00
Byland Countryside Services / weed & feed Grantham Road, and top soil / £330.00
Byland Countryside Services / Grass cutting for August 2016 / £1,475.00
Total / £6,822.50
Accounts Paid Since Last Meeting
XL Displays / 5 noticeboards for bus shelters / £363.60
Staples / Ink cartridges / £134.35
LRC Skip Hire / Skip exchange / £125.00
Anglian Water / water bill for Redwood Drive Community Centre / £353.38
Mr Richardson / Window Cleaning / £130.00
Smiths of Derby / 3 year contract agreement for memorial clock / £615.60
ESPO / toilet roll, cleaning products / £67.68
Graff-City Ltd / Graffiti spray for NCS / skate park / £228.82
Total / £2,018.43

8 Chairman: