Department Name


Address 1

Address 2

Address 3

Post Code


Ref No:
Direct Line:Number

Dear [name]

Outcome of Disciplinary Appeal Hearing

I write to advise you of the outcome of your disciplinary appeal hearing, which was held in accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.

The disciplinary appeal hearing was held on [date] in [location].

The purpose of this disciplinary appeal hearing was to consider your appeal against the decision of[action being appealed/ sanction issued]which was issued at a disciplinary hearing on[date].

The panel was chaired by myself with HR support provided by [name, job title]. [Disciplining manager] [if applicable: and [HR name, job title]] presented the management case. Insert either:[You attended with[name of person representing / accompanying the employee & name of organisation if relevant]OR: [You attended on your own and confirmed at the beginning of the hearing that you wished to go ahead without representation.]

It was explained that the disciplinary appeal hearing was held in accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. In addition, the process for the appeal hearing was explained to all parties.

It was confirmed that Management side had requested [name, job title] attend the disciplinary appeal hearing as a witness. You/ your representative [name, job title] had requested that [name, job title]attend the disciplinary appeal hearing as a witness.


It was confirmed that no witnesses would be called to the disciplinary appeal hearing.

[Disciplining Manager] presented the following main points on the evidence that was used when deciding on an appropriate outcome from the disciplinary hearing:

[Details including where witnesses have been called, main reasons disciplinary sanction was issued, documents referred to, any alternatives considered].

In response, you [and [rep], on your behalf,] explained the following:

[Details including response to the disciplinary process, reasons why decision was unfair, any mitigating circumstances, where witnesses have been called].

Following presentation of both statements of case, with the opportunity for each side to be questioned and to ask questions, there was an adjournment to allow the appeal panel to consider the case and make a decision.

Having given careful consideration to the information presented at the appeal hearing and (if appropriate)taking into account your mitigating circumstances of [details as above] / [alternatives],the panel has [upheld/not upheld] your appeal.

If appeal against a warning not upheld: The warning issued to you on [date] will therefore be held on file for [number]months from the date of the initial disciplinary hearing. If there is no further cause for concern relating to [your conduct/ attendance etc] then this warning will be removed from your file and destroyed. However you should be aware that any further misconduct could lead to a further disciplinary hearing where a sanction up to and including dismissal could be issued.

If appeal against a warning changed: The warning issued to you on [date] will therefore be [removed/reduced to [different] warning], effective for [number] months from that date. If there is no further cause for concern relating to [your conduct/ attendance etc] then this warning will be removed from your file and destroyed.

If appeal against dismissal upheld and reduced to (first and) final warning: The decision to dismiss you on [date] has been reduced to a [first and] final warning, effective for [number] months from [date].[The arrangements for dismissal set out in your letter of [date] are [revoked OR varied as follows [INSERT NEW ARRANGEMENTS INCLUDING EFFECT ON CONTINUITY OF EMPLOYMENT AND SALARY, DETAILS FOR RECOMMENCING WORK].] However you should be aware that any further misconduct could lead to dismissal.

You should be aware that the internal procedure has now been exhausted, and you have no further right of appeal against this decision.

Can you please review the content of this letter and sign and return a copy to me if you are in agreement that the letter accurately reflects the content of the hearing. If you feel there are any inaccuracies, then please advise me of these in writing within 5 working days of receiving this letter. If you fail to return a signed copy of this letter or advise me of any inaccuracies within 5 working days, it will be assumed that you accept the document as an accurate account of the meeting.

Meantime if you or your representative have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on [phone number].

Yours sincerely

[Managers Name]

[Job Title]



Acknowledgement Form

I, [employee name], confirm that I have received the letter dated [date]and understand all of the contents of this letter. I also agree that the letter details an accurate reflection of what was discussed at the meeting.

Signed:…………………………………………………………….. Date………………………..

Please sign and return one copy of this letter to me within 5 working days. A copy will be placed in your personal file