Fort Kidz Daycare LLC
Established 2006
Updated September 1st, 2015

Mission Statement

Fort Kidz is dedicated in being the first place in the learning process, through a meaningful learning, in a purposeful environment. Fort Kidz Daycare LLC is a childcare center that believes in individuality and where acceptance is a passion.

Fort Kidz Daycare LLC


N2248 County Road D

Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

Christine Hansen/Owner

Policy Effective Date: September 1st, 2007

Revised and updated May 27, 2015

Fort Kidz Daycare LLCis licensed by the State of Wisconsin, Department of Children and Families. I am licensed to care for no more than 8 children at any one time. I am inspected regularly to ensure that I meet licensing standards.

Fort Kidz Daycare LLC will provide care for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years of age. Childcare services are available without discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, political persuasion, national origin, disability, ancestry or sexual orientation.

Childcare services will be provided between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday, yearly.

I will post the following items for your review:

  • License certificate
  • Results of the latest licensing/monitoringvisit (Department forms Noncompliance Statements, Correction Plan or Compliance Statement)
  • Any stipulation, condition, exemption or exception that affects the license.
  • Any warning letter or enforcement action-order, forfeiture, temporary suspension-issued by the Department as soon as it is received. These items will remain posted until the violation(s) has been verified as corrected and the action is closed.
  • Center policies
  • Hour changes or closings
  • License capacity

Parents will receive a pamphlet, “Your Guide to Regulated Child Care” which is a summary of family child care regulations, as part of an enrollment packet.

No concealed weapons are allowed on the childcare premises during operating hours.

Parents are welcome to visit my child care program at any time during the hours of operation unless prohibited by a court order. If so, I will need a copy of the order. Please understand that I cannot legally limit access to a parent if there is not a copy of a court order on file at the center. Children will only be released to persons listed on the enrollment form. If anyone other than the child’s parent or someone who is listed on the enrollment form is to pick up a child (ran) you may need to show a driver’s license or other picture ID.

If parents wish to allow a school-age child to leave or arrive at the center unescorted, they must provide written authorization for this activity. School-age children who leave the center unescorted must be traveling to home, school or another activity where adult supervision is present.

If the parent or other authorized persons arrives to pick up a child and that person appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, all reasonable steps will be taken to prevent the person from leaving with the child, including offering to call a cab or another contact person. While I cannot legally withhold a child from the legal guardian I will not hesitate to call the local authorities if I feel the child is in danger.

I. Communication

It is important that we communicate daily concerning the needs and interests of your child. If there are issues or concerns that need to be discussed, please work with me to arrange a convenient time to talk on the phone at naptime or in the evening so we can give the issue the attention it deserves. To foster communication on a regular basis FortKidz Daycare LLC provides a parent bulletin board,weekly sheets for children less than24 months and yearly conferences in May.

A daily attendance record will be filled out during all days of operation.

To protect each family’s confidentiality, Fort Kidz Daycare LLC will not share information about a child or a child’s family who is not authorized to receive this information. Licensing specialists will have access to all center records for the purpose of program regulations.


Fort Kidz Daycare LLC is covered by liability insurance for my premises and my operations.

II. Enrollment and Discharge of Enrolled Children

All Children will be enrolled for a trial period of 2 weeks. During the trial period either the provider or parent may terminate child care without advance notice. Payment will be required for the full 2 weeks.

Parents must meet and phone with me to discuss their child’s specific needs and to review program policies. I will make a reasonable accommodation for a child with disabilities as specified under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following items will be received before enrollment and must be completed and returned to me before child’s first day of attendance.

  • Form “Child Care Enrollment”
  • Form “Health History and Emergency Care Plan”
  • Form “School-Age Agreement (if applicable)
  • Form “Transportation Permission
  • Form “Intake for Child Under 2 Years (if applicable)
  • Parent/Provider agreement policy (pg. 12)
  • Alternate Arrival/Release Agreement (if applicable)
  • Enrollment/Contract packet

I will inform you of any updates that are needed and give you 1 week/or an allowed time to submit the updated forms. Parents upon request, have access to all records and reports maintained on his or her child unless restricted by court order. 250.04 (7) (b) 2

The following items must be completed and returned to me on the child’s first day. If any circumstances arrive due to the completion of these two forms a physicians signed, dated letter will need to be in the child's file and approved by myself as acceptable.

  • Form “Child Health Report”
  • Form “Day Care Immunization Record”

A child may be discharged from the center for reasons such as, but not limited to:

  • Failure to pay fees on time (Grounds for immediate termination, without advance notice)
  • Lack of parental cooperation.
  • Inability of childcare program to meet the needs of the child. I will consult with the parent/guardian concerning how any problems might be solved before ending the care arrangement. The parent will be referred to other community resources.
  • Repeated failure to pick up the child at scheduled time.
  • Failure to complete and return required forms.

I will give a 2-week written notice of my intent to discharge a child, and try to inform parents of local resources that may be of help to them, except when the discharge is due to parent’s failure to keep current with fees owed. Should a parent remove the child during a notice period I initiate, fees will not be charged for the remaining unused days.

Parents must give a 2-week written notice of their intent to withdraw the child (ren), and will be required to pay for the 2 weeks whether or not the children continue to attend. All outstanding must be paid.

III. Payments and Refunds

Fees are to be paid in advance on Friday (or child’s last enrolled day of the week) for the following week’s services. Payments are accepted if paid monthly in advance for care. If there will be a third party payment, as from an employer or the county, a special payment schedule will be arranged and detailed in the contract. Parents will be responsible for any specified co-payments or unpaid amounts.

Fort Kidz Daycare LLC does not charge a registration fee. One week’s deposit will be requiredduringenrollment to hold your child's spot.Due to limited spaces available, weekly payments are based on using or holding your slot, not on the child’s attendance. No refunds are given for late arrival/early departures, parental vacations or exclusions due to illness. All contracted school days and teacher workdays will be charged at a normal rate.The daycare will be open. Snow days and student days (Thanksgiving break, Winter break, Spring break, etc.) will be charged at a normal rate.3 additional personal days will be charged at a normal rate. The daycare will be closed.

In the event there are school contract days closed due to cold, the daycare will remain open and normal rates will apply. If school is closed for the Fort Atkinson school district for any other reason the daycare will be closed and normal rates will apply.

In the event that a particular school closes due to a virus or any other outbreak and the parent/guardian does not need to report to school, your child will not be allowed to enter the daycare/preschool until the school(s) reopen. Normal rates will apply.

A non-refundable deposit(s) will be required to hold your slot.If for any reason I must amend the policies, I will give a 2-week notification and the deposit will be returned.

Year-end statements will be given prior to January 31st, for childcare.

Late fees for any time that is not prearranged will be $1.00 per 1-minute increment. Overtime that is prearranged (with a 24-hour notice) will be $20.00 an hour, subject to my availability.

Weekly fees are due in advance on Friday. If there is no school payments will be made the week prior to vacation and post dated for the Friday you are not in attendance.

New enrollments deposits throughout the year will be put towards the first week of attendance.

Late Payment Fee: $20.00 per day that payment is not received. Continued late payments will result in termination of our contract.

Returned check Fee: $35.00. After the first bounced check, cash will be required.

If a higher level of formal education by the provider and or recognition of higher standards is achieved at the center a fee and or payment revisal may be made. 3-month notification will be given for any ratechanges.

For current fees, see the attached Rate Sheet.

IV. Child and Provider Absences

A. Child Absence

If your child will not attend on a regularly scheduled day, please let me know by 7:30 a.m. or the day prior. Normal rates will apply.

If a child who is scheduled to arrive at the center does not arrive within 30 minutes and I have not been notified of the child’s impending absence, I will attempt to contact the parent or guardian by phone to determine the child’s whereabouts.

If your child takes the public school bus to the center, it is the parent/guardians responsibility to contact the bus service before your child is scheduled to be picked up. I will need a phone call before your child’s expected arrival at the center that your child will be delayed or absence from the center for the day.

I will not be responsible for children when the children are not at the center.

B. Providers Absence

Fort Kidz Daycare LLC will be closed on already scheduled school vacations; snow days, holidays or any other reason school would get cancelled. Normal rates will apply.

Holiday closing dates are as follows: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas.Normal rates will apply.

3 personal days will be used per school year (September 1st to June 15th) with normal rates applying. 4 additional personal days will be added for June, July and August. I will give advanced notice. A back-up provider will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

In the event that I will need to close the daycare early I will give advance notice and regular rates will apply.

In the event that a family member or I become ill, I will notify the parents as soon as possible but no later than 6:15 a.m. that day. The center will be closed. I will not require payment. A back-up provider will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

If the daycare cannot be open due to Mother Nature I will give as much advance notice that is allowable. Example: No electricity etc. I will not require payment.

In the event that I am to be gone above and beyond already scheduled paid vacations, advance notice will be given so you and your family can make alternate arrangements. The center will be closed. I will not require payment.

Summer Care

*All statements in the contract will be followed in regards to summer months. June, July and August. Closed days will be posted on the informational board, e-mailed and/orsent in letter format home with your child. An additional 4 days will be added to the stated 3 personal days allowed. This does not include holiday closings. Normal rates will occur. Any additional days that the center is closed, advance notice will be given and rates will not apply.

C. Orientation

In the case of an emergency/back-up situation that requires my immediate attention, I will call Kyle Hansen, Cheryl Sumpter or Shelley Foerster. She/he will stay with the children during my absence. Parents will be called to pick-up their children, within 1 hour. I will provide my emergency back-up person(s) with a brief orientation that will include the names and ages of children present, arrival and departure information of each child, the location of the files and the procedures to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome if the center is licensed to care for children under 1 year of age. Any specific information relating to the child's special health care needs including medications, disabilities or special health conditions will be reviewed. Regular rates will not be charged if the daycare is closed because of an emergency. If your child had already arrived for the day regular rates will apply.I do not have employees.

In the event that I am scheduled to be gone, Kyle Hansen, Cheryl Sumpter and or Shelley Foerster will act as my substitute. Before my substitute or any other provider begins they are required to meet the staff-to-child ratios to work with the children. I will provide them with an orientation and document its completion on a form provided by the Department. The form will require center policies to be reviewed. The orientation will cover all of the items specified in the licensing rules DCF 250. My back-up provider/substitute has received Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention training and been given proper procedures for reporting suspected abuse and neglect of a child.

DHS 12.07 (1) will be reviewed and the listed emergency/ back-up providers or substitutes will be required to notify me of any background changes.

V. Health

A. Child Illness/Injuries

Children who are ill are not to be brought to the center. The following are examples of children who are ill:

  • A temperature of 100 degrees F. or higher.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea had occurred more than twice in the past 24 hours.
  • A contagious disease such as chicken pox, strep throat or pink eye.
  • An unidentified rash
  • Have not been on a prescribed medication for 24 hours or continue to have symptoms of illness.
  • Has a constant, thick, colored nasal discharge

If a child should become ill or seriously injured while at the center, parents will be contacted immediately. Sick children will be isolated within my hearing and made as comfortable as possible. Children should be picked up within a timely matter. If the child is not picked up within 1 hour, the emergency contact person on the child’s enrollment form will be called.

Children may return to the center when they are symptom and fever free, have been appropriately treated or have been given medical approval to return to child care. I will follow procedures on personal cleanliness and communicable diseases inaccordance with licensing rules and the guidelines for exclusion of children from child care as adapted from the Division of Public Health.

I will report all communicable diseases, when required to the local health department and to the parents of all enrolled children. Parents of all enrolled children will be notified when their child had been exposed to an illness other than a communicable disease.

I have not been authorized by the licensing agency to provide care for the mildly ill children.

I have received training in first aid. I will follow standard emergency medical procedures for treating injuries. A head injury will be treated as a serious injury, and parents will be notified as soon as possible. I have a current certification in Heartsaver AED. I have successfully completed the objectives and skills in modules A B and C.

Superficial injuries will be washed with soap and water and covered with a bandage or treated with ice. Parents will be told about the minor injury when they pick their child up.

If there is a need for emergency medical treatment, 911 will be called and the child will be taken to Fort Memorial Hospital/Emergency room. Should an ambulance be needed, parents will be responsible for any costs. Parents will be contacted as soon as possible after contacting 911.

All medications administered, accidents or injuries occurring during the time the child is in my care, marked changes in behavior or appearance and any observation of injuries to a child’s body received outside of my care will be entered into the center’s medical logbook. As a licensed child care provider, I am required to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the local authorities.I am a mandated reporter of child abuse and neglect. I will receive training in child abuse recognition and reporting procedures every 2 years and will document this in my file.