Prepared By: OCIO Technical Change Management

Updated: June 29, 2017

Table of Contents






5Update a published TIB







Appendix A:

Appendix B:


A Technical Information Bulletin (TIB) provides details on changes to product versions, retirement of products, availability of new products, and any other activity that results in a change to a service or requires some form of customer action. This includes activities such as testing/verification, coding changes (including JCL, Firewall, ACL etc.), operating systems and software, extended outages, or process changes. It is mandatory that a TIB be prepared, reviewed and published prior to the implementation of the activity.

See Appendix A: for Workstation related TIB specifics.


This section describes the roles and responsibilities of TIB stakeholders.

2.1TIB Originator/Author

The creation of TIBs is the responsibility of thearea delivering the service or implementing the change. The originator/submitter is responsible for ensuring proper grammar use, spelling accuracy and overall clarity from a technical and customer perspective, formatting, layout and consistency of TIB. The originator is responsible for monitoring the TIB throughout the DRAFT and REVIEW process for feedback provided through the TIB review process, and updating the TIB as appropriate. See the (PROCEDURES FOR CREATING A TIB section) below for instructions on howto prepare a TIB.

2.2TIB Editor

The TIB Editor (at this point has been assigned to the SSBC Technical Change Management Group) will also review TIBs for grammar and spelling accuracy; overallformatting, layout and consistency of TIB; restructure paragraphs,provide recommendations for additional information to be includedin the TIB, and ensure that the TIB is written with the customer perspective in mind. The TIB editor will make suggestions to the TIB author on wording changes, additional information to be added etc. Once the TIB Editor has reviewed the TIB with the originator and has agreed it is able to go forward for review, the TIB editor will promote to review status (Review Unpublished TIBS).

2.3TIB Reviewers

TIB reviewers are responsible for reviewing TIBS in the Review Unpublished TIBS from the TIBS Menu and suggesting wording changes and/or indicating that additional information is required. Using the Add Review option.

2.4Change Management

SSBC Technical Change Management is responsible for managing and participating in all aspects of the TIB process which involve maintaining the administrative functions for TIB creation, review, and approval privileges for all Ids recorded in the system.


TIBs are prepared online in the SSBC Client Resource Centre (extranet) web environment. This section identifies how to access the TIB application and a process flow chart.

  1. To access the -SSBC Technical Information Bulletin web page go the following web location and select Technical Information Bulletins:
  1. The following TIB menu will then appear on your screen:

Note: If you do not have “Create a New TIB” as a selection option after accessing the SSBC web page, request create access by contacting the SSBC Change Management group via the Email ID .

2. Select Create A New TIB. This will display the TIB template to be completed. Creators also have the option to copy an existing TIB if the activity closely resembles a known TIB in the database therefore allowing the creator to create a new TIB using data from a previously published TIB.

3. Use the brief descriptions below as a guideline for entering data into the fields of a TIB:

Platform- Select the appropriate platform from the drop down list.

Product - Select the appropriate platform from the drop down list. Note if the product name does not appear in the drop down list contact Change Management to have the product name added.

Published Date - auto generated when the TIB is published

Subject- One line including the Vendor name(where appropriate), name of service/ product name/ Version /Release numbers, the activity that is being announced.

For example:

Microsoft Exchange 2000 v2.1 upgrade to Microsoft 2003 v3.2

Implementation Date(s)–Identify the date(s)by spelling them in the full Month-Day-Year . If there are multiple or phased implementation dates, e.g. dev/test/prod) identify the activity phase with each date. To add multiple dates to this field you must include a semi colon and space between each date.

Activity–identify the implementation date(s),and then describe the activity starting with “Effective Month- Day-Year, the following activity will be available in (dev/ test prod environment)”. Also refer to the RFC#nnnnnnn.

For example:

Effective July 21 2013, ASG ViewDirect-MVS will be upgraded from release 6.4.3 to the current GA release: 6.5.4. Current version will be deinstalled.

The activity is documented in ITIMS RFC # 99837 MVS - A1AA Upgrade ViewDirect to version 6.5.4.

Description - Provide overview of the service, reason for activity “to maintain currency”, then activity. Include whatchanges are being implemented, in detail. If detail is large, refer readers to a separate location containing the details.

For example:

The ITRE is an opportunity to assess your organization`s ability to recover business applications on the z/OS and OpenVMS operating system platforms. Exercise and testing occur for a total duration of 120 hours. The exercise includes IT recovery, client testing and clean-up activities:

IT recovery and restoration from Monday, October 21, 2013 to Wednesday, October 23, 2013. Client application testing from 08:00 Thursday, October 24, 2013 until 08:00 Friday, October 25, 2013.

IT recovery and restoration cleanup at the recovery site starts Friday, October 25, 2013 and ends Saturday, October 26, 2013 at 08:00

Enhancements- for an existing product/service, provide relevant highlights of improved and/or new functionality to be available after the change.

For example:

Mobile employees will be able to perform instant messaging on government supported Blackberry devices and soon to other government mobile devices such as iPhones.

Participants will be able to access an online meeting through the Lync attendee console if using a non-government supported workstation, by simply downloading the software. Note: Local administrator permissions are NOT REQUIRED for this installation.

Seamless transition from instant messaging to Desktop Online Meeting by utilizing a single application.

The location status field will allow for more customization. For example: employees can specify their geographic location such as 'working from home today'.

Establishing a modern platform from which government can leverage future technologies, in support of the modernization of the public service.

Customer Impact- Include all customer impact items including change is service (Hours, extended window, outages etc)change in functionality, change to appearance, any action the client may be required to perform before or after the change has been implemented. The Customer Impact section should summarizewhat action is required of the customer such as:

testing, verification, where appropriate. Include brief instructions for testing and/or refer reader to TESTING PROCEDURES SECTION for more details. Encourage testing, if appropriate. Include brief instructions for testing and/or refer reader to TESTING PROCEDURES SECTION for more details.

For Example:

All clients are required to migrate to the new ACOs. The migration requires standard, low risk, low impact changes to their agent configurations.

Some clients using the WAM Reverse Proxy will not be required to apply any of the changes described in this TIB; however, it`s recommended those clients test their applications after the scheduled changes. These clients will be notified by the WAM team in advance.

Clients who have websites that use SSL only will only be required to change the ACO setting.

Clients who have websites with a non-SSL component will be required to change the ACO and update their agent settings to accommodate this change.

Testing procedures - Include specific testing details and state the date and time of test slots. Include details of the'test script' here.

For Example:

Customer applications should not experience any change in operation as a result of the installation of SAS Product Suite V9.3 during the testing phase. The current version of SAS will remain in production until September 8, 2013. Syncsort PROC MFX V240AA upgrade is required for the SAS V9.3 upgrade documented in RFC #100194. Customers can access SAS V9.3 by updating their test jobs as follows:

V9.3 SAS libraries:


V240 PROCSORT libraries: (used for SASLIB DD)


For online, SASNEW has been added to the Application Development panel.

For batch, JCL procedure SASNEW has been added.

Documentation- Include manuals, on-line information, links to other sites, and other sources. Advise customers where the information is available and how to obtain it.

For Example:

Please see supporting documentation at for important files, allowed settings, and recommended baseline configuration files.

Originator–this field is only displayed for users with TIB reviewer status. It is not displayed to clients or other parties that do not have “reviewer” permission.


Personal Contact Information:

Do not include personal names, email addresses or phone numbers for contacts. Instead, use group names and the Shared Services BC 77000 and toll free numbers as the contact name and phone numbers.

For Example:

Customer questions can be directed to

In the event of any problems identified, clients can raise a ticket by calling the SSBC Service Desk at 250-387-7000 (option 3) or toll free number 1-866-660-0811, option 3.

Vendor/Service Provider Changes:

When aoutsourcer is making a change on behalf of the province do not refer to the vendor by name. It is okay to rever to the vendor when a vendor (Network Carrier) is upgrading their infrastructure.

For Example:

(not) HPAS will be upgrading Symantec. (Instead) Symantec will be upgraded.

TIB And RFC Submission Timeframes:

All TIBS require an associated Request for Change (RFC) including Emergency RFC. The RFC MUST be submitted prior to the publication of the TIB and the RFC must be referenced in the TIB. For more information on submitting RFC, contact the SSBC Technical Change Management Group at (250) 387-8058 or (250) 387-8077.

TIB Formatting Considerations:

The TIB application has some limited design features that the author should consider when preparing the TIB.

It doesnot allow a link to be referred to in more than one instance in the TIB. So if you refer to a link in Customer Impact, and again in Testing Procedures the second link will not work.

Tables do not format in the TIB application.

Some special characters (e.g. bullets) are not recognized or are substituted.

The TIB application may not recognize some spacing in certain circumstances.

4. Once the appropriate fields have been populated with the required information, use the SUBMIT option and a new TIB number will be presented to the submitter. The new TIB will be saved in the Draft TIB queue. (Only the submitter and Change Management team can view and update a TIB in the Draft queue). The submitter should review and update for spelling, formatting, readability, and ensure that all hyperlinks work.

5. When the TIB is ready to be processed, the submitter must notify the TIB Editor (Change

Management team) that the TIB is ready for review by sending a note to .

6.TheTIB Editor (Change Management team) will review the TIB for grammar and spelling accuracy; overallformatting, layout and consistency of the TIB and ensure that the TIB is written with a customerperspective in mind. They may request the submitter update the draft TIB with suggested restructuring of paragraphs, clarification, additional information required etc.

7.Once it is agreed by the submitter, TIB Editor (Change Management team) that the TIB is ready for review the TIB will be promoted to the TIB Review queue. TIB reviewers will automatically be notified that a TIB is

5Update a published TIB

Occasionally a published TIB may require an update to be made. When updating a published TIB a revision bar (|) is placed at the beginning of each updated line to indicate that the line has been updated.

To update a published TIB select the Revise a Published Tib

The TIB will be displayed, make the required change with the revision bar at the beginning of the line where a change has been made.

Save the TIB.

The updated TIB will be placed in the draft queue. When all updates are complete contact the Change Management team to promote to review status.


TIB reviewers, technical managers, analysts, service managers,Client Services, Customer Service Centre, are asked to ensure that TIBs are technically accurate and written in a clear, complete and concise manner by selecting the REVIEW UNPUBLISHED TIBs selection from the menu. Reviewers will already have been sent an email notification making them aware new TIBs for review.

Comments can be made directly by selecting the Add a Review option at the top of the draft TIB being viewed. It is the responsibility of the TIB originator to monitor their TIB in review status and make any changes required.

To obtain access to review new TIBs for publication please contactthe SSBC Change Management group at

Note: To ensure that a TIB be reviewed and published in a timely manner, TIBs must be completed and submitted no later than Friday at 12 noon. If approved, TIBs are published the following Thursday/Friday of each week.


TIBs are reviewed and approved by the SSBC Service Stability ControlGroup (SSCG) every Thursday morning. The SSCG consists of representatives from SSBC Technical Change Management, internal Service Delivery Units (SDUs), Service Providers, and other stakeholders or interested parties.The TIBS are reviewed for clarity, word consistency, and consensus on the activity.

TIB Originators may be required to attend this meeting and respond to any recommended changes to the TIB in conjunction with TIBreviewers. If changes are minimal, the TIB will be published onthe Thursday or Friday. If major changes are to be made to theTIB, it will be necessary to repeat the review process thefollowing week.


Once a TIB has been reviewed and approved by SSCG,it is published on the SSBC Client Resource Centre extranet site @ to inform clients and other interested parties. In addition, clients and interested parties can have their name added to the SSBC Technical Change Management group’s TIB distribution list so they receive an automated email notification that a TIB has been published.


Please direct any TIB related questions or comments to the SSBC Technical Change Management Group:

  • Jocelyn Schaefer - (250) 387-8058
  • Tanya McLellan - (250) 952 -9465


TIBs must be prepared in advance to allow adequate time for review, revisions, approval and publication. The publication of TIBs is determined by the nature of the activity. The following table provides lead time guidelines identifying that the greater the customer impact and information provided to the customer in the TIB the longer the lead time should be.

See Appendix B: for Workstation related TIB timeframes.

Type of Activity / Risk/Impact / Minimum Notice to Customers / Minimum Review/Approval
New Service
New Product Announcement.
Reminder of a previously published TIB.
Customer action is optional.
Implementation / Informational / 0 days / 7 days
Customer Action Required- Firewall
Documentation / Low / 28 days / 14 days
Changes to Hardware/software components/ programs / Medium / Minimum of 60 days / 7 days
Requires recompiling/conversion activity by client / High / Minimum of 90 days / 14 days
Product retirement- / Low impact
High impact / 1 year
2 years / 14 days
Emergency TIB – events that cannot be predicted / As much lead time as possible
Update to announce date change to existing TIB / 7 days / 0 days


For Emergency RFC’s and TIBs requiring immediate publication, please contact the SSBC Technical Change Management Group at (250) 387-8058 or (250) 387-8077, or send an email note to .


TIBS are only required for Workstation related Technical changes where the change will have an impact to clients, or will occur outside of a standard change window, as outlined below:

  • The change is applied globally (i.e. the change is not ministry specific resultant from a ministry project)
  • The change will result in an Enforced Reboot of workstations (with the exception of an emergency Security Patch deployment communicated via a Service Bulletin)
  • The change will result in a SW or product behaviour or functional change, visible to, or resulting in an end users impact, (i.e. a popup may be presented requiring end user input or to inform the user a function is no longer available, or a different process/access method required to perform a user activity or function)
  • The change may impact a Line of business application or business function that is dependent on the product updated; requiring Ministries rigorously test within the Std PS1, PS2 deployment stages.(i.e. a major update to Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader or Oracle JRE)
  • The change may result in a performance impact on workstations.
  • The change will be applied to user accessible “workstation related” services incurring an outage or disruption outside of a standard change window (i.e. a WSSMT, Ziften console, or DTS outage).

TIBS are not required for Non-technical Workstations changes i.e. Service management changes, iStore orderable new HW/SW, or process changes that are communicated thru other Standard communication avenues; such as service bulletins, catalog updates,SSWG/DRAB/Refresh leads distribution groups/meetings, etc.