1st Nine Weeks Syllabus
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
Mr. Congdon and Ms. Sample
6 Weeks Objectives:
1. gain an understanding of tone, diction, and syntax
2. understand how tone is affected by diction and syntax
3. learn and utilize reading strategies
4. demonstrate the ability to analyze works for rhetorical strategies and articulate how these strategies are used by an author to persuade his/her audience
5. learn meanings and usage of 150 tone words (AP/SAT level vocabulary)
6. wholistically address individual college level grammar proficiency
M 8/27 Class expectations/distribute syllabus
assign Scarlet Letter – reading check on Ch. 1 through 13--9/17
**Do not read the section titled “The Custom House”**
Review Summer Reading Guide for The Things They Carried
T 8/28 Continue class expectations and discuss syllabus.
Tone Words Handout-discuss (Tone words quiz on 9/10)
W/Th 8/29 – 8/30 Lee Teter’s Reflections (painting) The Language of Composition (LOC) pp. 314
(Identify the key argument, tone, and visual pathos)
Close reading from The Things They Carried *bring your book to class*
Rhetorical terms handout – discuss
Timed writing rubric (Deconstruction of an Argument) - discuss
F 8/31 Reading check #1 over The Things They Carried( pp.) formative
HW: Prepare for class discussion by writing three questions. *bring your book to class* Discussion questions should be text bound—including quotes and page numbers; they can not be answered with a “yes” or “no” and they should be questions you care about!
M 9/3 Holiday
T 9/4 Reading check #2 The Things They Carried (pp.) formative
Discuss The Things They Carried
HW: Chapter 1 of LOC “An Introduction to Rhetoric” pp. 1-13
W/Th 9/5 – 9/6 Finish discussion of The Things They Carried
Discuss Chapter 1 of LOC “An Introduction to Rhetoric” pp. 1-13
“The Argument Clinic” Monty Python video clip approx. 4 min
F 9/7 Introduce Rhetorical analysis essay prompt from Language and Comp. exam
Review basic structure of writing
View sample prompt plus student samples (range finders) of strong and weak work
*bring your timed writing rubric (Deconstruction of an Argument) to class*
M 9/10 Continue student samples of rhetorical analysis essays
In groups view sample rhetorical analysis practice prompt #2 and write intro paragraphs in groups formative
T 9/11 Tone words quiz #1 formative
W/Th 9/12 – 9/13 View peer examples of strong and weak intro paragraphs.
Rhetorical précis handout plus examples
F 9/14 Scarlet Letter close reading
HW – Dick Gregory's "Shame and Gary Soto’s “Fear"
M 9/17 The Scarlet Letter reading check # 1 (Chapters 1 through 13) summative
*Finish reading Scarlet Letter through the end. Next reading check on 9/28*
Compare and contrast tone development in "Shame" and "Fear"
T 9/18 Complete discussion of "Shame" and "Fear"
HW: Ian Frazier's "Crazy Horse" and Maya Angelou’s “Living Well. Living Good” (Print your own copies from website.)
W/Th 9/19 – 9/20 Reading check, “Shame”, “Fear”, “Crazy Horse", and “Living Well” formative
Discussion of “Crazy Horse” and “Living Well”
F 9/21 Tone Words Quiz #2 formative
HW: Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address” "(Print your own copy from website.)
M 9/24 Discuss Lincoln’s "Second Inaugural Address”
In groups write rhetorical précis for Lincoln’s "Second Inaugural Address”
T 9/25 Turn in rhetorical précis formative
Finish discussing Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address”
Review rhetorical terms handout
Review Timed writing rubric (Construction of an Argument)
W/Th 9/26 – 9/27 Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing #1 A (40 minutes)
Bring your copy of Scarlet Letter to Class
F 9/28 Scarlet Letter 2nd reading check summative
*Note you must turn in Scarlet Letter on this day if you checked it out from me. If you do not return the novel on this day you will be charged.*
HW: Prepare for class discussion by writing three questions.
M 10/1 Scarlet Letter discussion
HW: “Where I Lived, and What I Lived for” Henry David Thoreau LOC page 276-281
T 10/2 Discuss “Where I Lived, and What I Lived for” Henry David Thoreau LOC page 276-281
W/Th 10/3-10/4 Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing #1 B (40 minutes)
Choose best Timed Writing draft (either A or B) for revision.
In class timed revision is due at the end of the period summative
F 10/5 Plagiarism video and quiz formative
HW: LOC “The Surgeon as Priest” Richard Selzer LOC pages 197-204
M 10/8 Professional Growth day (student holiday)
T 10/9 Discuss “The Surgeon as Priest”
W/TH 10/10-10/11 Tone Words Quiz #3 formative
Continue discussion of “The Surgeon as Priest” by Richard Selzer
F 10/12 AP multiple choice practice
M 10/15 Range finders (student samples) for Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing #1 A
T 10/16 Range Finder (student samples) for Rhetorical Analysis Timed Writing #2 B
Peer score Rhetorical Analysis draft not chosen for summative
W/Th 10/17-10/18 Tone and Diction test (Includes everything, even imbedded tone words) summative
Continue Range finders as needed
F 10/19 Background info on The Great Gatsby
*Note, this is a tentative schedule and subject to change as needed.* Bring your novel and all other materials every class period. You are responsible for keeping up with all work by referencing your syllabus. Test and quiz dates will not be extended due to absences on review days. If you will be off campus for a school-related event on a quiz or test day, you must make up your work on the first day you return to campus. For more information on specific AP policy, check the AP course policy document on the website. Check your syllabus daily. You are responsible for everything on it.
Graded Assignments:
*Note: summative grades compose 75% of your grade and formative grades compose 25% of your grade.
Tone and Diction test (includes all works) summative
Timed Writing Revised final draft summative
2 Scarlet Letter reading checks (2) summative each
The Things They Carried reading checks (2) formative each
Tone Words Quizzes (3) formative
Short piece reading check formative
Plagiarism video quiz formative
Pop Quizzes (2) formative each
Rhetorical précis practice (2) formative each