The next meeting of Denton Parish Council will take place on

Monday 22nd May 2017

in Denton Village Hall at approx. 8.05 pm. All Councillors are summoned to attend.


  1. Resolution to accept any apologies.
  2. Resolution to sign Minutes of meeting 13th March 2017.
  3. Declarations of pecuniary interest in any Agenda items.
  4. Co-option– welcome to new Councillors.
  5. Highways –update re designation of a cycle path along A607 between Denton & Harlaxton. Potholes in Church Street repaired? Update on signage for Casthorpe Road. Drainage improvements A607/Main Street to take place for 10 days in August.
  6. Adoption of phone kiosk –now finalised and our responsibility.
  7. Planning –

Approved : S17/0236 – tree works at 75-76 Main Street

S17/0510 - tree works at 15 Hungate Road

S17/0460 – reduce height of outbuilding – 312 Park Lane

S17/0528 – rebuild wall at Church

To be determined : S17/0680 – extensions & other works at 109 Church Street.

Quarry – MGL appeal in – additional responses required by 1.6.17. Update by Cllr Brady.

  1. Fly tipping – a lot to consider for CCTV in hedgerows – specifically siting. If we decide to go ahead then appoint a Councillor to lead and get information.
  2. Communication from Simon Curtin.
  3. Email from Simon Hill with a photo of a painting. Resolution as to whether to have it.
  4. Resolution to renew insurance through Community Lincs £176.09 or £167.28 if a 3 year Long Term Agreement taken out.
  5. Financial

(i)Bank balance at 30.4.17 = £9,250.58.

(ii)Resolution to approve £27 contribution to clerk’s SLCC membership.

(iii)Resolution to sign Receipts/Payments schedule. (Attached)

(iv)Resolution to approve, complete and sign the Annual Governance Statement on the Audit Return.

(v)Resolution to approve and sign the Accounting Statement on the Audit Return.

13. Councillors comments.

14. Date of next meeting : 17th July 2017.

L. Frances – Clerk (Tel: 07916 628673)

24 High Street, Harlaxton, Grantham, NG32 1JD


Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting.