Utility Board Meeting

July 20, 2016


Government Body: Winterset Municipal Utilities

Date of Meeting: July 20, 2016

Time of Meeting: 6:30 P.M.

Place of Meeting: Electric Generation Plant, 321 N. 1st St.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the above-mentioned governmental body will meet at the date, time and place above set out. The tentative agenda for said meeting is as follows:


1.  Call to order, roll call

2.  Approval of agenda

3.  Minutes of meetings

4.  General Manager Report

5.  Watershed discussion

6.  Resolution # 7202016 Setting Public Hearing date for 2010 Electric Bond

7.  Audit Report

8.  Bridge at Cedar Lake, Matt Castor

9.  Electric Superintendent Report

10.  Water Superintendent Report

11.  Claims

Added items for discussion…

The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Utilities, Winterset, Iowa, met on July 20, 2016 in accordance with the above Notice & Call of Public Meeting. Chairman Kendall Kerns called the meeting to order with the following members of the Board in attendance.

PRESENT: Steve Montross, Patty Weeks, Kendall Kerns


Others in attendance, Steve Benshoof, Utility Water Superintendent, Chuck Johnson, Utility Electric Superintendent, Michael Hart, Matt Castor and Dave Braga.

Chairman Kerns asked for approval of the agenda. Trustee Weeks moved the agenda be approved with the removal of Audit report. Seconded by Trustee Montross. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Chairman Kerns stated the minutes from the, June 15th meeting had been provided to the board. Trustee Montross moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Mr. Wesselmann was asked to give his report to the board. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he participated in a conference call with the bonding attorney and Michael Hart concerning the electric bond refunding. Mr. Wesselmann reported that the new credit card vendor is up and running with not too many problems. Mr. Wesselmann reported that he attended the ribbon cutting at the Lake House, which is being leased by White Lion. Mr. Wesselmann stated that he received an engineer’s estimate for the water main extension on N. 8th Ave., the estimated cost is $28,900.

Chairman Kerns asked Trustee Weeks to address the next agenda item, Watershed discussion. Trustee Weeks stated that she has been checking on the acquisition of the striped bass to stock the lake, and they are available. Trustee Weeks stated that the problem will be keeping them from jumping out over the spillway. Trustee Weeks stated that she priced a barricade to go around the spillway and the estimate was $30,000 for the barrier. After a brief discussion it was decided to seek a less expensive solution. Trustee Weeks stated that she wanted the board to meet with Al Lange about the prairie grass planting in August. The board decided to meet with Mr. Lange before the August board meeting and hold the meeting at the Lake House or the Water Plant on Aug.17th.

Board Member Montross introduced a resolution hereinafter next set out and moved its adoption, seconded by Board Member Weeks; and after due consideration thereof by the Board, the Chairperson put the question upon the adoption of the said resolution and the roll being called, the following named Board Members voted:

Ayes: Kerns, Weeks, and Montross

Nays: None.

Whereupon, the Chairperson declared the resolution duly adopted as follows:


Resolution fixing a date for a public hearing on a proposal to enter into an Electric Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $1,400,000

WHEREAS, the City of Winterset (the “City”), in Madison County, State of Iowa, did heretofore establish a Municipal Electric Utility System (the “Utility”) in and for the City which has continuously supplied electric service in and to the City and its inhabitants since its establishment; and

WHEREAS, the management and control of the Utility are vested in the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of the Utility; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to a prior resolution (the “2010 Bond Resolution”) of the Board, the City has previously issued its $2,815,000 Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, dated January 15, 2010 (the “Series 2010 Bonds”), a portion of which currently remain outstanding, maturing on November 1 in each of the years and in such amounts and bearing interest at such rates as follows:

Year / Principal
Amount / Interest Rate
Per Annum
2016 / $180,000 / 3.00%
2017 / $185,000 / 3.30%
2018 / $190,000 / 3.50%
2019 / $195,000 / 3.65%
2020 / $205,000 / 3.90%
2021 / $215,000 / 4.00%
2022 / $225,000 / 4.10%
2023 / $230,000 / 4.15%

WHEREAS, pursuant to the 2010 Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance of the Series 2010 Bonds, the City reserved the right to call the portion (the “Callable Series 2010 Bonds”) of the Series 2010 Bonds maturing in the years 2017 to 2023, inclusive, for early redemption on any date on or after November 1, 2016, subject to the provisions of the 2010 Bond Resolution; and

WHEREAS, the City acting by and through the Board now proposes to enter into an Electric Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $1,400,000 pursuant to the provisions of Section384.24A of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of paying the cost, to that extent, of current refunding the Callable Series 2010 Bonds, and it is now necessary to fix a date of meeting of the Board at which it is proposed to take action to enter into the Loan Agreement and to give notice thereof as required by such law;

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Electric Utility, as follows:

Section1. This Board shall meet on August 17, 2016, at the Electric Generation Plant, in the City, at 6:30 o’clock p.m., at which time and place a hearing will be held and proceedings will be instituted and action taken to enter into the Loan Agreement.

Section2. The Board Secretary is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed action on the Loan Agreement setting forth the amount and purpose thereof, the time when and place where the said meeting will be held by publication at least once, not less than four (4) and not more than twenty (20) days before the meeting, in a legal newspaper which has a general circulation in the City. The notice shall be in substantially the following form:



The Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Electric Utility will meet on August 17, 2016, at the Cedar Lake House, 3623 Cedar Bridge Road, Winterset, Iowa (the “City”), at 6:30 o’clock p.m., for the purpose of instituting proceedings and taking action to enter into a loan agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $1,400,000 for the purpose of paying the cost, to that extent, of current refunding the 2017 to 2023, inclusive, maturities of the City’s Electric Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, dated January 15, 2010.

The Loan Agreement will not constitute a general obligation of the City, nor will it be payable in any manner by taxation, but together with any additional obligations as may be hereafter issued and outstanding from time to time ranking on a parity therewith, will be payable solely and only from the Net Revenues of the Municipal Electric Utility System of the City.

At the aforementioned time and place, oral or written objections may be filed or made to the proposal to enter into the Loan Agreement. After receiving objections, the Board may determine to enter into the Loan Agreement, in which case, the decision will be final unless appealed to the District Court within fifteen (15) days thereafter.

By order of the Board of Trustees of the Winterset Municipal Electric Utility, Winterset, Iowa.

Board Secretary

Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.

Section4. This resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption and approval, as provided by law.

Passed and approved this July 20, 2016.



Board Secretary

Chairman Kerns asked Matt Castor to address the next agenda item, the Bridge at Cedar Lake. Mr. Castor provided plans of the bridge being moved to the lake and discussed them with the board. Mr. Castor reviewed the specifics of the plans and asked the board for approval to proceed with the bridge relocation. Trustee Montross made a motion to approve the city’s plan to proceed with the bridge relocation to Cedar Lake. Seconded by Trustee Weeks. On a voice vote the motion carried.

Mr. Johnson was asked to give the report on the electric department. Mr. Johnson presented the written report to the board and reported that they installed several new house services. Mr. Johnson stated that they have been working on the N.E. feeder project. Mr. Johnson reported that assisted CIPCO changing out 3 of their 69kv poles. Mr. Johnson reported that they have installed several new lines at the fairground prior to the county fair. Mr. Johnson stated that they installed a new switching cabinet on 8th Ave. due to failure of the old one.

Mr. Benshoof was asked to give the report on the water department. Mr. Benshoof presented the written report to the board and reported that they have been treating the lake for algae control once a week. Mr. Benshoof stated that they installed a new motor and valve for the clarifier. Mr. Benshoof reported that they replaced a main valve on 4th St. and E. Green. Mr. Benshoof stated that they repaired a fire hydrant by Sports Page. Mr. Benshoof reported that they started testing for microcystins in the lake.

Trustee Weeks stated he had reviewed the claims. Trustee Weeks moved to approve the following list of claims. Seconded by Trustee Montross. Roll call vote:

AYES: Weeks, Kerns and Montross

NAYS: None




CenturyLink, phone service 230.10

City of Winterset, salaries 1,273.85

City of Winterset, salaries 1,376.43

City of Winterset, salaries 1,472.93

DeWild Grant Reckert Assoc, engineer fees 3,026.00

Doc’s Soft Water, office supplies 5.89

MidAmerican Energy, gas service 235.46

SIMECA, purchase power 321,916.87


Border States Electric Supply, line supplies 3,199.21

Breedings Hdw, hdw supplies 41.72

Brittains Std Parts, equip maint 25.26

CenturyLink, phone service 34.18

CINTAS First Aid & Safety, first aid supplies 38.67

City of Winterset, salaries 9,024.98

City of Winterset, salaries 9,290.17

City of Winterset, salaries 9,751.32

CR Services, papers products 59.40

Family Center, hdw supplies 110.58

Fletcher Reinhardt Co., line supplies 187.25

Jordan Construction, driveway repairs 900.00

Kris-Davis Co., line supplies 1,589.59

Metering & Technology Solution, line supplies 2,364.77

MidAmerican Energy, gas service 5.20

R & B Tire & Auto Inc., truck repairs 1,461.67

Simon Welding, rebate 384.00

WESCO, line supplies 6,736.88

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 465.39

Winterset Park & Rec, rebate 320.00


Ariel Johnson, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Bethany Callison, deposit refund/interest 77.22

Card Services, printer 205.75

Carrie Sitz, deposit refund/interest 125.62

City of Winterset, reimb internal 1,068.20

City of Winterset, reimb sewer/garbage 12,249.90

City of Winterset, salaries 1,003.64

City of Winterset, salaries 1,003.64

City of Winterset, salaries 969.52

Clearent LLC, May Ach/June ACH fees/June online fees 295.68

Clint Hauschildt, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Dillion Waltz, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Donna Christiansen, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Jennie Hargrove, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Kyle Bass, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Michael H White, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Michael Wauters, deposit refund/interest 76.48

Natalie Perkin, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Postmaster, postage 582.63

Robin Durby, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Todd Fletcher, deposit refund/interest 125.62

Treasurer State of Iowa, 2nd qtr use tax 121.00

Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 687.47


Card Services, pens 431.00

City of Winterset, benefits 2,148.26

City of Winterset, benefits 2,175.86

City of Winterset, benefits 7,429.72

City of Winterset, reimb HRA expenses 611.51

City of Winterset, reimb internal 1,068.20

City of Winterset, salaries 2,119.36

City of Winterset, salaries 2,119.38

City of Winterset, salaries 2,133.19

City of Winterset, transfer 15,810.00

Delta Dental of Iowa, insurance premium/capps 103.82

Delta Dental of Iowa, insurance premium/Capps 103.82

Flander, Casper & Rosien, atty fees 324.00

Madison Co Chamber of Commerce, EVP contribution 468.75

Verizon, cellular service 39.73

Water Fund, reimb utilities 4,770.70

Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, insurance premium /Capps 1,417.46

Wellmark BlueCross Blue Shield, insurance premium/Capps 1,326.11

Winterset Madisonian, pub 85.91


Electric Revenue Bond Sinking, transfer 37,086.46

Electric System Improvement, transfer 5,500.00


SIMECA, debt service 16,000.00



Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 230.92

Breedings Hdw, hdw supplies/tools 88.56

Brittains Std Parts, testing supplies 25.49

Card Services, software .99

Carquest of Winterset, truck maint 59.28

CenturyLink, phone service 204.60

Chem-Sult Inc., chemicals 14,910.31

City of Winterset, salaries 6,414.75

City of Winterset, salaries 6,812.18

City of Winterset, salaries 7,703.84

Hach Co., lab testing 984.38

Hughes Network System LLC, internet service 90.94

IA Dept of Natural Resources, annual fee 602.82

Madison Co Tire, tire repairs 5.00

Mead Mechanical Contracting, A/C repairs 105.00

State Hygienic Laboratory, lab testing 233.00

Steve Benshoof, training manual 45.00

USA BlueBook, pump/tube assy 582.97

Verizon, data service 80.16

Winterset Municipal Utilities, utilities 4,770.70

Winterset Oil Co., gasoline 213.29


Agriland FS Inc., gasoline 230.92

Barco Municipal Products, locator w/case 744.45

Breedings Hardware, trimmer/gloves 360.60

Capital City Equipment Co., equip repairs 169.23

Carquest of Winterset, truck maint 180.24

CenturyLink, phone service 34.18

CINTAS First Aid & Safety, first aid supplies 33.91

City of Winterset, salaries 5,612.64

City of Winterset, salaries 6,624.24

City of Winterset, salaries 7,556.52