Minutes of the full Governing Body Meeting held in School Tuesday 12thJuly 2016 at 7.15pm

PresentLocal AuthorityMr R Nowell (Chair)

Co-optedMrs M Matthews

Mrs N Smith

Foundation GovernorMrs D Thompson

Rev D Gingrich

Parent GovernorsMr S Wratten

Dr J Jackson(Vice Chair)

Mr I Broome

Mrs C Swan

Staff GovernorMr M Ingall (Headteacher)

Mrs L Pearson

In attendance:Mrs R Morrison (Clerk)

Ms J Oatridge (associate member).

The Clerk confirmed that the meeting was quorate.The meeting was chaired by Mr Nowell.


1.1The Chair welcomedgovernors to the meeting. Apologies had been received and were accepted fromMrs D Cavill,Mr R Farmer, Mr Toby Bennett, Mrs C Jones andMr D Finlay.


2.1There were no declarations of conflicts of interest against any of the agenda items.


3.1Chair – Governors elected Dr Jackson as Chair for a 2 year term of office and thanked him for taking on this role. Governors agreed that Mr Nowell act as Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

3.2Vice Chair -Governors elected Mr Broome as Vice Chair for a 2 year term of office and thanked him for taking on this role.


4.1Term dates 2017/18 - The Headteacher advised that the Warriner School had consulted their parents regarding the holiday dates for summer 2018 whereby term 6 would finish on Friday 20-7-18. Monday to Wednesday of the following week would be Inset days for use throughout the year. The Headteacherproposed that this school adopts the same holiday dates. Governors questioned how this would impact on Inset training. The Headteacheradvised that the Leaders in Learning Team (LILT) would ensure that the quality of the training is not affected. Governors felt it would be beneficial for children and families if the holidays for the 2 schoolscoincided; the proposal was agreed. The Headteacher agreed to inform Dr Kaye (Warriner Headteacher). ACTION HEADTEACHER

4.2Co-opted governor – Governors approved the proposal that Mrs Pearson becomes a co-opted governor from 1-9-16 when she leaves as a staffgovernor. Mrs Pearson was thanked for agreeing to continue as a governor.


5.1The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chair.


6.1E Safety policy(minute 5.2) –The Clerk confirmed that the correct footer is on this policy on the website.

6.2Parental questionnaire theme (6.1iic) – The Headteacher and Dr Jackson will continue their discussions regarding the theme of this questionnaire to ensure it is useful and relevant.


7.1Headteacher’s Report to the Governing Body June 2016 and School Plan update – Copies of the report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The Headteacher drew governors’ attention to the key points and answered governors’ questions.

i) Pupil numbers– There are 20 fewer pupils on role for September 2016 than had been expected. 51out of the 60 Foundation spaces will be filled; additionally there are some vacancies in other year groups. These spaces have been advertised on the school website. Governors noted that this is an issue throughout Oxfordshire. The Headteacher explained how this will impact on the school’s budget. Governors discussed how these places could be advertised. Suggestionsincludedvillage newsletters, the Bloxham Broadsheet, The Banbury Guardian, Facebook groups and Estate Agents. Following discussion governors asked that the Headteacher and Dr Jackson consider this further and that any correspondence could be linked with news of Dr Jackson’s appointment as Chair. ACTION HEADTEACHER AND DR JACKSON

ii)Staffing – The Headteacher drew governors’ attention to the information in the report regarding staff changes; governors asked that their thanks are passed on to staff leaving at the end of term. Parents have been informed via the newsletter of staff changes and given information of year group teachers for September. Governors were pleased to hear of Mr Sharpe’s (Inclusion Manager from September 2016) successful visits to school.

iii) Recruitment strategy – In view of the national issue regarding recruitment and retention of staff the Headteacher advised that the development of a recruitmentstrategy will be included in the School Plan for 2016/17. Governors agreed that this will include short, medium and long term strategies.

iv) Festival in the Playground – The Governing Body was delighted to hear about the festival held on 18-6-16 and its successful management. The Headteacher advised that the Friends of Bloxham Primary School (FOBPS) plan to repeat the festival next year and alternative years thereafter. No complaints had been received from the school’s neighbours. This had been helped by the event finishing at 9.30pm and having effective security in place.

v) Attainment data–Governors congratulated the school on the commendable Key Stage (KS) 2 attainment results which compared favourably with national data:-

National / Bloxham
Reading / 66% / 78% (may increase following appeals
Maths / 70% / 80%
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar / 72% / 87%
Teacher assessed writing / 74% / 88%
Passing reading, writing and maths / 53% / 68%

The Headteacher explained that as a new assessment system had been used this year the data cannot be compared with last year’s data and that progress cannot be measured accurately on the different scales. The target of 80% of children achieving or exceeding the standard for their year group had been met in most subjects and year groups. This information came from teacher assessment data which had been moderated externally; this moderation had confirmed the accuracy of the school’s data. Governors asked that the Headteacher congratulates pupils and staff on the pleasing results.


vi) Year 5 – Governors commented that the data for the percentage of pupils making or exceeding the standard in the current year 5 is lower in all areas than that of the current year 6 and asked how this will be improved. The Headteacher and Ms Oatridge advised that this cohort had lower attainment levels throughout their time at school and has a high percentage of pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Strategies are in place to support this cohort in year 6. Ms Oatridge confirmed that the cohort had made expected progress.

vii) School events–Governors complimented the school on the range of events that had taken place which combined both academic and non-academic events.

viii) Health & Safety–The Headteacher gave an overview of the 2 health & safety audits which had been detailed inhis report. Issues raised have been addressed or are in progress. The Headteacher thanked Mr Broome for his support with these audits.

ix) School Kitchen – Governors asked for an update on the planned work in the kitchen by the local authority. The Headteacher advised that the LA will first complete other projects before ascertaining the finance remaining for this project.

x) Chair – Governors echoed the Headteacher’s words of appreciation in his report for Mr Nowell’s work as Chair.

xi) Year groups – Governors asked the Headteacher if pupils were ever held back a year. The Headteacher advised that this is very rare. There is one pupil currently in school who had repeated a year. Parents of summer born children are able to request that their child starts school a year later.

7.2School Plan 2016/17 – The Headteacher reported that he had met with Ms Oatridge and Dr Jackson to discuss the priorities for the School Plan next year. Key areas will include:

  • Recruitment and Retention strategy
  • Training provision for all staff. This will include training in the Partnership.
  • Reading and its pace
  • Continuation of learning without limits
  • The characteristics of high quality learning
  • Evaluation of the personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme

The Headteacher will present a draft plan at the next meeting of the Governing Body. ACTION HEADTEACHER

7.3Self Evaluation – Overall effectiveness, including the promotion of the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development:–

i) Grade - Copies of the evaluation had been circulated prior to the meeting. Overall the grade is Good. The Headteacher highlighted the areas for improvement to move the school from Good to Outstanding. These include ensuring the percentage of children achieving national standards is consistently above 80% in all subjects, ensuring pupil premium pupils make expected progress and implementing the finding of the PSHE review.

ii) Ethos – Governors asked Rev Gingrich for his initial impression of the spiritual ethos of the school. Rev Gingrich confirmed that on his visits to school he had been impressed with the spiritual ethos and range of activities taking place including the after school clubs.


8.1Finance committee – Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 15-6-16 which had been circulated prior to the meeting.Mr Wratten highlighted the key points from the meeting:-

i)Pupil numbers (see minute 7.1i above)– Mr Wratten explained that the budget was based on 55 pupils in the Foundation Stage from September 2016. The budget is balanced for the next 20 months. The committee will review the budget at their next meeting in October when the impact of pupil numbers is clearer.

ii) ICT equipment – Mr Wratten advised that the committee had approved the leasing of ICT equipment following an investigation of the costs and benefits as compared with purchasing equipment. The Headteacher reported that the LA is considering if the leasing agreement is a Hire Purchase plan which would not be permissible; the Bursar is following this up with the LA.

iii) Before and After School Clubs – The before school club has been expanded to provide additional places. Opening the club earlier in the morning is being explored.

7.2Personnel committee–Governors noted the minutes of the meeting held on 15-6-16 which had been circulated prior to the meeting. Mr Nowell had chaired the meeting and gave a summary of the key matters discussed:-

i) Staffing situation–Staff are in place for the new academic year. Governors congratulated the Headteacher for the forward planning which had enabled the school to be fully staffed and understood that teacher recruitment is an ongoing concerning issue in many schools.

ii) Policies – Mr Nowell advised that the committee had drawn together the model LA HR policies to streamline the policy approval process.

7.3Standards committee –Governors noted the minutes of the meetings held on 23-5-16 and 4-7-16 which had been circulated prior to the meeting.Ms Oatridge and Mrs Swan summarised the key points from the meetings.

i) Datamoderation– Teacher assessment data had been moderated externally which had confirmed its accuracy. Ms Oatridge advised that she is part of a group who moderate the data within the Partnership.

ii) Life After Levels – Governors asked if other schools still purchase this school’s life after levels system. Ms Oatridge confirmed that they do and advised that she will be presenting the system at an Inset day to a Multi Academy Trust in Oxford in September.

iii) Attendance–Overall attendance at the end of the academic year is likely to be 95.5%. Governors expressed concern that for disadvantaged pupils it is lower than for other pupils, often by 2 or 3% each week. Governorsqueried if this would impact on an Ofsted judgement. The Headteacher explained that this could be a factor but is difficult for inspectors in view of the ongoing court action relating to attendance in the Isle of Wight. Governors asked for information on current strategies used to improve attendance. The Headteacher confirmed that the school engages with parents, issues letters and parent contracts where appropriate and has bought into the LA attendance and engagement support package. Mr Sharpe will continue the work of Mrs Pearson as the InclusionManager and monitorattendance patterns.

iv) Committee membership – Mrs Swan reported that the committee had recently struggled to be quorate. Dr Jackson and the Headteacher agreed to review the committee membership for approval at the next meeting of the Governing Body.



9.1 The Headteacher reported that FOBPS had met on 7-7-16, eight people attended including 4 members of staff. The group had been delighted with the success of the Festival in the Playground which had made a profit of around £3K. Governors were pleased that although the group is small there had been a number of parent helpers supporting the event.


10.1Health & Safety

i) Audits - Mr Broome congratulated staff on the successful audits on behalf of the Governing Body – see minute 7.1xiii above.

ii) Risk Assessments –Mr Broome advised that he carries out site risk assessments twice a year and proposed a new system whereby this would be more of an ongoing process. Governors discussed and approved this new system which will start in the new academic year. Mr Broome confirmed that he gives feedback to the Headteacher. Governors asked that the new system is monitored and that Mr Broome reports back to the full Governing Body as appropriate.


i) Safeguarding governor - Dr Jackson reported that he checks the school’s Central Register regularly and records any safeguarding issues brought to his attention by the Headteacher.

ii) Staff training - The Headteacher confirmed that safeguardingtraining will be in place for all new staff starting in September. The Department for Education has issued a revised version of the document ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’; the Headteacher advised that this will form part of the September Inset training. Governors agreed that this be an agenda item for the next full Governing Body meeting.

ACTION CLERK – term 1agenda item

iii) Governor training – Prevent training is recommended though not mandatory for governors to complete. This can be accessed online. Governors discussed completing it collectively at a meeting, no decision was made. Dr Jackson advised that he will be renewing his advanced safeguarding training. ACTION DR JACKSON

10.3Strategic Positioning Group (SPG) – Minutes of the meeting held on 15-6-16 had been circulated prior to the meeting.

i) Academy status - Mrs Smith reported that the group will be reviewing the Governing Body’s terms and criteria for deciding if the school would convert to an academy and that options for converting are being explored.

ii) Children’s Centre – The Headteacher gave an update on meetings held regarding the future of the Children’s Centre and reminded governors of discussionssince the LA had announced that it will not fund the centre after March 2017. Governorsexpressed concern regarding the number of meetings attended and the amount of the Headteacher’s time this project had taken. Questions remain regarding the longer term financial feasibility of the centre. Governors sought informationregarding the ownership of the centre. The Headteacher confirmed that the LA owns the building and the Diocese owns the site. The Headteacher will attend a meeting on 13-7-16 where it is planned to put a bid together for the future of the centre. Governors noted the impact on the community if the centre was to close. The Governing Body asked that the SPG considers this further at their next meeting and that the Headteacher reports back to the next full Governing Body meeting.


10.4Local Collaborative Company (LCC) –There were no LCC matters to discuss.


11.1Membership of the Governing Body- Therewill be one staff governor vacancy from 1-9-16 following Mrs Pearson’s resignation (see minute 4.2 above). Mr Wratten’s term of office as a parent governor ends on 20-9-16. Governors asked that the Clerk arranges elections in September. ACTION CLERK

11.2Governorvisits-Mrs Swan reminded governors of the expectation that governors undertake at least one visit to school annually. Governors thanked Mrs Thompson for the number of visits she had undertaken and reports sent to Mrs Swan. Mrs Swan confirmed thatgovernors will move up a year group to continue linking with thesame pupils.


11.3Governor training –

i) Training -Mrs Swan reported that the booking procedures for governor training has changed to Oxfordshire Partners In Learning (OPL) and that the new training brochure had been circulated. As customised training session no longer forms part of the offer;governors suggested that options to share training in the Partnership is explored by the Chair.


ii) Safeguarding – Governors asked that Mrs Swan confirms with Mr Bennett that he has completed the safeguarding course and forward the certificate to the school office. ACTION MRS SWAN


12.1Uniform policy –Mr Wratten and Mrs Pearson confirmed that they had finalised the uniform policy as previously agreed by the Governing Body. The Clerk will publish the policy on the website. ACTION CLERK

12.2Health & Safety policy – The Clerk advised that the LA model policy is the same as the current school policy but with all the weblinks removed; most no longer work. The Clerk is awaiting a responsefrom the LA Health & Safety team. The Clerk agreed to follow this up with county. Mr Broome agreed to circulate an overview of what the policy should contain for the next meeting. The current policy will remain in place until a new policy is agreed. ACTION CLERK & MR BROOME