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ХI Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку 2010 года

Районный этап

18 ноября 2009 года, 15:00 5—6 классы

Продолжительность тура 1 час (60 минут)

Use of English

Part 1. Match the definitions with the jobs

1) sells meat a) secretary

2) looks after sick people b) dentist

A person who 3) does office work c) engineer

4) treats your teeth d) nurse

5) designs bridges, roads, etc e) butcher

Part 2. Write one generalizing word for each group

0)e.g. doll ball train set teddy bear - toys

6) father mother son daughter

7) cat dog fox bear

8) teacher pupil lesson gym

9) tennis soccer hockey basketball

10) cola juice tea coffee

Part 3. Which word in column B doesn’t go with the adjectives in column A?


0)e.g. fair hair/eyes

11) tall hair/tree

12) long nose/man

13) red colour/woman

14) sunny eyes/day

15) dark blue/white

Part 4. Choose the most suitable answer for each question

a) At the station

0)e.g. When does the train leave? b) At five o’clock

c) From five o’clock

a) Yes, it is

16) Does the class start at seven? b) Yes, it does

c) Yes, it did

a) You are in class 3

17) What class are you in? b) You is in class 3

c) I’m in class 3

a) They’re English

18) Where are they from? b) They’re in England

c) They’re for England

a) No, I don’t

19) Did you do your homework? b) No, I wasn’t

c) No, I didn’t

a) We are at the beach

20) Where did you go at the weekend? b) We go to the beach

c) We went to the beach

Part 5. Put the verbs into the correct form of the present simple, present continious or past simple

Dear Rob,

I 0)e.g am writing (write) to you from Madrid. I 21)...... (be) here on holiday with Jane and we 22)...... (have) a fantastic time. We 23)...... (stay) at the Hotel Grande from which there is a beautiful view of the whole city. We 24)...... (go) sightseeing every day.

Yesterday Jane 25)...... (go) shopping but I couldn’t go with her because I 26)...... (not/feel) very well. When Jane 27)...... (come) back she 28)...... (tell) me that the shops were great. I don’t understand why she 29)...... (not/buy) anything!

Anyway, at the moment Jane and I 30)...... (sit) on the balcony enjoing the view.

We are leaving for Barcelona in a couple of days.

See you soon,



Part 6. Which notice (A-G) says this? For questions 31-35 mark the correct letter. One notice is extra.

31) We can tell you about places a) Sale starts here next week

32) You can come here six days a week b) Tourist information office

33) We will be here late this afternoon c) Leather handbags. Lowest prices in town

34) You can always buy things cheaply here d) Left luggage office

35) We may have the bag you lost e) Swimming pool open Mon-Sat 10:00- 20:00

f) Closed for lunch. Back at 3:00 p.m

Part 7. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false).

The Asiatic elephant lives in forest areas of south-eastern Asia. The adult male weighs 5 tons and is 3 metres tall. Only male has tusks. It prefers cool places, loves bathing and sleeps lying down.

The African elephant is larger in contrast to the Asiatic elephant, the average weight being 6 tons. The African elephant has larger eyes and ears than its Asiatic cousin. Both male and female have tusks. They sleep standing up and are more tolerant of heat.

36) The Asiatic elephant lives in south-western Asia.

37) The Asiatic elephant is bigger than the African one

38) Both elephants like hot surroundings

39) The African elephant sleeps not lying down

40) The African elephant has larger eyes than the Asiatic one

Part 8. Read the text and answer the questions

Angkor Wat, one of the many temples of the city of Angkor, is in Cambodia, South-East Asia. It is probably the largest religious building in the world. There are many wonderful sculptures on the walls that show dancers and musicians of the 12th century.

Some people say it was constructed by Surgavarman 2. Others say that the architect is unknown. When Jayavaram 2 was King, Angkor was the capital of Combodia and Angkor Wat was the symbol of the King’s power. In 1431 , Angkor was destroyed by the Thais. After the destruction, the city was lost for a few centuries. According to Buddhist legends, the city was built by the gods in ancient times. That’s why many people travelled from all parts of Asia to see it.

In 1860, Henri Mouhot, a French explorer, made Angkor Wat well-known to the world. The French people were amazed by this sight, so in 1908 they began a restoration project which hasn’t been completed yet.

41) Where is Angkor Wat located?

42) What can you see on the walls?

43) When was Angkor destroyed?

44) Who made Angkor Wat well-known to the world?

45) When did they begin restoring Angkor Wat?

Part 9. Can you solve this puzzle? Complete the chart.

Andy, Bob and Chris are neighbours

One of them works in a bank

Andy doesn’t drive to work

One of them works in a school but it’s not Bob

Chris starts work at 11.00

The person who starts work at 10.00 drives to work

Chris doesn’t take the bus

The person who starts work at 9.00 works in a shop

One of them walks to work

Andy / Bob / Chris
Workplace / 46 / 49 / 52
Transport / 47 / 50 / 53
Starting time / 48 / 51 / 54

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ЦЕНТР ГОРОДСКИХ ПРЕДМЕТНЫХ ОЛИМПИАД – ШКОЛЬНИКАМ – городские олимпиады – Каникулы за рубежом

·  Кружки для победителей и призеров олимпиады

·  Зимние каникулы в III зимней школе

·  Летние каникулы в V летней школе

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