Van Horne Community Newsletter

January 2017

Greetings Van Horne Area Residents!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and a happy new year, now that is behind us we can get to the business at hand for 2017. A lot of people delve into what happened during the past year when we go into a new year and tell what accomplishments were made during the year. I guess I would look forward to what we need to do this year, rather than last year. Besides I’m getting older and sometimes can’t remember what I did yesterday let alone happenings from the whole year. I do remember something about dogs though. Remember pet registrations are coming up. We have been discussing the community room a lot, and I think that is a good thing. It means it is being used and that is one reason it was built. Cleaning has been an issue in the community room and it was decides at the January council meeting that the city will purchase a cleaner/ buffer for the floors. We will try to clean the floors either weekly

or semi-weekly depending on usage and then wax and polish once or twice a year. Hopefully this will help to make the place keep its luster and shine. This does not let the renters or users from shirking their duties of cleaning after use. One thing that I need to do ‘'at the end of the year is to thank all groups or organizations that help to keep our town functioning through the year. So here goes don’t hate me if I forget someone, city employees Linda, Jared, Mike, Patrice, Taylor and Kathy; the council Craig, Steve Connie, Rebecca and Jim. The three Churches in town, the Lions Club, the American Legion and Auxiliary, Trees Forever, the Floralia Arrangers, the 4H, Scouts, the Businessmen and their organization, the Recreational Board, the Library and all their employees and Board, the Fireman, the First Responders, the special Events committee, the School and probably most important the area citizens around Van Horne. Please consider volunteering some of your time and get involved in the happenings around town and join an organization. Things don’t get done on their own but when volunteers come together things get done. Get involved a great way to make friends. We have a very progressive city that couldn’t function without volunteers. Thank You. We have moved next month’s council meeting to Monday, February 20th. We will have a joint council meeting and budget workshop that evening, everyone is invited to attend.

Your thought for the month is kind of reflected above! From Keith Harrell.

What you’ve done and where you’ve been do not matter.

What really matters is in what direction you are going and how you take yourself there.

Thanks and have a great rest of the month and a healthy and prosperous 2017.

Your Mayor Marty.

Dates on Deck:

January 18 Movie Matinee at 1:30 pm @ the Library

January 31 Senior Citizen Luncheon at Noon @ the Community Center

February 3 Legion Fish Fry

February 6 Library Board Meeting at 4:00 pm @ the Library

February 9 Book Club at 3:30pm @ the Library

February 19 Lions Breakfast 8:30 a.m – 12:30 p.m. @ Community Center

February 20 City Council meeting at 6:30 p.m. @ City Hall

February 28 Senior Citizen Luncheon at Noon @ the Community Center

GENERAL CITY: Council Members

Mayor: Marty Junge Connie Donald

City Clerk: Linda Klopping Rebecca Norton

Public Works: Jared Vogeler Steve Allman

Public Works: Mike Less Jim Parmenter

Library Director: Patrice Strellner Craig Ivester


Regular city council meetings are held the second Monday of each month in the City Hall building which is located at 114 Main Street. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Agendas are

posted in the window of the building. If you would like to appear before the Council you

must contact City Hall before noon on the Friday before the Council meeting to be

placed on the Agenda.


Pet registration time is here again. Remember to register all pets over 6 months of age. A current rabies vaccination certification and $10 will register your pet for 2015. After March 15th registration is $25 per pet and increases each month. The intent of the registration is to help identify lost or at large animals and offset the expense of dealing with at large animals. In the past few years the system has worked very well and many lost pets were returned to their owners with very little hassle.


Will be on Friday February 3rd and will continue on the first Friday of each month.



There’s still time to take part in the 2017 Reading Challenge at the Van Horne Public Library. Stop in and pick up a bookmark that has a new challenge for your reading habit every month. When you finish the challenge, your name will be entered for a chance to win a special prize at the end of the year.

Come by for more information!


We will be hosting a Movie Matinee on Wednesday, January 18th at 1:30 pm at the Van Horne Public Library. Snack will be provided.


DVD’s — Secret Life of Pets, BFG, Pete’s Dragon, Miss Perigrine’s Home for Peculiar Children