Clerk: Frances Betts / Old Apple Farm
Tel: 01284 810508 / Bury St Edmunds
Email: /

IP29 5DT

To: Cllr A McCormack (Chairman), Cllr D Sweny, Cllr D Doyle, Cllr C Thurston, Cllr J Pettit and Cllr L Agazarian

I hereby give notice that a meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 18th January 2018 commencing at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Members of the public and press are welcome to attend. At Item No 1, the public will be invited to give their views/questions to the Parish Council on issues on the agenda, or raise issues for consideration of inclusion at future meetings. This item will generally be limited to 15 mins duration and will be followed by the Parish Council.

Frances Betts

Clerk to the Parish Council


  1. Public participation session (15 minutes)
  1. Chairman’s welcome, introduction and apologies for absence
  1. To receive any declarations of interest by councillors.
  1. To approve and sign as accurate the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6th December2017.
  1. To receive the Chairman’report
  1. To receive the Borough Councillor’s report
  1. To receive the County Councillor’s report
  1. To receive Parish Councillors’ reports
  1. Cllr Sweny
  2. Cllr Doyle
  3. Cllr Thurston
  4. Cllr Pettit
  5. Cllr Agazarian
  1. To receive the Clerk’s report.
  1. To consider planning applications:

DC/17/1267 – Queen’s Lane : Decision pending

DC/17/0084/HH – Cherry Tree Cottage, 95 Chedburgh Road,

Chevington IP29 5QX: Decision pending

DC/17/2509/HH – installation of oil tank – Batley Farm, Depden Lane, Chevington. I29 5RA () to be received by 25th December 2017

  1. Clerk reported the following via the Suffolk County Council reporting webpage:

1.Footpath sign leading to Chevington Gates.

2.Hedge adjacent to Bus Stop on Chedburgh Road

3.New road built along Queen’s Hill

  1. Clerk has written to McGregor’s Services asking for their continuance with the burial ground maintenance contract for the next financial year.
  1. WWI commemorations November 2018
  1. Defibrillator.
  1. Internal Auditor for 2017/18 accounts.
  1. Parish Council Finances:
  • Discuss bank statement since last meeting as per Financial Regulation 1.3.3 (self governance)
  • Precept forFinancial Year 2018/19(LGFA1992s41). Clerk has submitted the proposal to St Edmundsbury Council.
  • Confirmation of Lloyd’s TSB Bank Account balance as at end of December2017: £32,050.41 (with one outstanding cheque for the amount of £21.60)

17Agenda Items for next meeting

18Correspondence File:

19Meeting dates for 2018:

Discussion re AGM

Thursday January 18th / Thursday July 26th
Wednesday February 28th / Wednesday September 5th
Thursday April 12th / Thursday October 18th
Thursday May 10th(AGMs) / Thursday November 15th (Budget)
Wednesday June 20th / Wednesday December 5th

20Date of next Meeting – Wednesday February 28th2018 at 7pm in the village hall.