Questions and Answers About the OpenAll® MTA and OpenAll® LBA Products

1)  How long has Deutrel Industries been in business? Since 1969

2)  What are your flagship products? Well OpenAll® is our flagship product. It is the base ingredient for most of our products.

3)  What is so unique about those products? OpenAll® has the ability to split the water molecule. Also has 78 minerals, 34 Enzymes and 17 amino Acids, necessary for cellular absorption.

4)  Who invented OpenAll and Cellfood? Everett Storey.

5)  How long ago? In 1965

6)  What can you tell us about Ev Storey? He worked in conjunction with some of the leading physiologists and chemists from 1945-1970.

7)  What are some of the uses of the OpenAll products? Salt reduction, breaking up the clay and hardpan soils, balancing the pH, increases beneficial microbial activity by as much as 100x, reduces sludge build up, frees up minerals and nutrients like calcium, increases water absorption, and reduces noxious odors.

8)  OpenAll MTA and OpenAll LBA can do several things including:

a)  Drastically reduce solids

b)  Drastically reduce odors

c)  Reduce pit gases, namely methane and ammonia

d)  With reduced pit gases the animals will do better and the employees will be safer

e)  With reduced pit gases the ventilation fans won’t have to run as long in the winter, this saving heat and LP gas

f)  Improves nutrient availability

g)  With more nutrients available to the crop you will see an increase in crop yields. How much increase?

h)  Allow more manure to be put on per acre because it is stabilized and won’t hurt the crops at heavier levels

i)  Improve the soil

9)  All these benefits sound great, but there are dozens and dozens of other pit additives on the market. Will you guarantee results with the OpenAll products? Absolutely! A farm that had and outside storage facility been recently treated, how OpenAll® MTA and LBA was able to take the smell from noxious to hardly noticeable in about 1 ½ weeks. Once we receive the test results back, I suspect the volatile solids will be dramatically reduced as well.

10)  What pitfalls do we need to avoid so that the OpenAll products are not sabotaged? The #1 reason why any of our OpenAll® programs may not work as effectively, is the failure to apply the product to the right protocol. If the application is done right, the program will work. Other pitfalls may include promising too much and not being able to deliver. It’s better to be a little more conservative and knock it out of the park as opposed to promising the world and falling short.

11)  Does the OpenAll LBA (liquid bacteria additive) have to be used in every situation? OpenAll® LBA doesn’t necessarily have to be used for every situation, but we do recommend it. It’s very important to have the right balance of microbial population in the pit or lagoon. Most of the time, livestock producers will use harmful disinfectants; which will kill off the good as well as the bad microbes. If there isn’t enough good microbes in the sludge, OpenAll® MTA cannot work as effectively. Always keep in mind that OpenAll® MTA is an adjuvant, surfactant, catalyst or just plain accelerator. It can and will help promote sludge reduction without microbes, but it works even more effectively when used in conjunction with beneficial aerobic bacteria additives.

12)  What kind of bacteria are in the LBA product? LBA has a combination of faccultive microbes, fungi and yeasts; which are designed to break down proteins, fat, carbohydrates and cellulistic materials into single celled proteins and amino acids.

13)  Some of us may have forgotten, but what is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria? Most pathogens are anaerobic microbes and, for the most part, the major factor in noxious odors. Anaerobic microbes do not need oxygen; which they use in carbon dioxide. They usually digest sludge at the 20:1 rate of aerobic microbes. Aerobic microbes require “oxygen” and usually work 20x faster in digestion of organic sludge over anaerobic bacteria. In combination with OpenAll® MTA, this rate can have a multiplier of 100x the 20x rate. This would be 2000 times the rate of anaerobic microbes!

14)  Is there any scenario that we could ever use anerobic bacteria? Absolutely. In fact, most waste treatment plants use anaerobic microbes because it doesn’t require oxygen. They can be used to digest in some of the worst environmental conditions. Certain anaerobes will release methane gas during it’s digestion process; which is currently being explored as attachments of poultry, hog and Dairy manure handling.

15)  Would you ever use OpenAll MTA for methane production? No, since the microbes need the least amount of oxygen for the purist forms of methane. Although, most methane production facilities will need to treat the discharge of solids and wastewater from their anaerobic digesters. These digesters discharge the waste normally into lagoons, which can be treated with OpenAll® MTA and LBA.

16)  Are there any pitfalls we need to avoid? Pitfalls of aerobic digestion? Please refer to the things that are listed in our money-back guarantee.

17)  Do you have any testimonials you can share? On another sheet we list many testimonials plus we have more coming in practically every week.

18)  How expensive are the products to use? The Manure Program costs as little as 24¢ per head. So in comparison to the competitive products out in the market, it is in the middle of the road. Although, the competitive products in the market do not perform as well as ours, or we wouldn’t be reading that many of these livestock operations are being threatened of being shut down by the government for excess odor.

19)  How do you justify the cost? There are many reasons why our program will benefit the farmer. One reason is having the nutrients in manure be readily available for the crop. Also, its ability to control the amount of salt accumulation and phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium levels will give the farmer the ability to apply more on their land or crops. Also, usually the manure has a higher nutrient absorption ratio, which will increase crop yields on their fields. The microbial product in this program helps with digesting the corn-stocks left on the soil in the fall.

20)  How do you apply them? Randy has designed a system that can be used in conjunction with the building’s existing misting or sprinkling systems, which can give dosages to pits every day to every few months. For outside storage, we recommend pouring the desired amount of both products for a month’s supply and agitating the lagoon or storage facility for 15-20 minutes after the application. This will mix in both products throughout the entire lagoon or storage area.

21)  When should you apply either of the OpenAll® products. The OpenAll® products should be put in any time after the pits or lagoons have been emptied or up to 30 days prior to pumping the pits or lagoons out.

22)  Do you need to agitate the pit or lagoon after the products are put in? Yes in the lagoon, but it’s extremely hard to agitate a deep pit. This is why Randy’s system works so effectively. It will disburse the product on the slats and throughout the pit equally.

23)  What is your web site and youtube site? The website is and our youtube presentation can be found, just by searching Deutrel presentation.

24)  What is your APS system that you feature on your web site? APS stands for Aerobic Protein Stabilization System. This system has the ability to digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates into single cell amino acids. This system has the ability to stabilize any and all protein sources into stabilized liquid fertilizer.

25)  How do you see the APS system or other aerobic digesters changing the way people look at livestock or poultry manure?

I would prefer telling them that there could be some real opportunities for the livestock or poultry producer to make more money on his manure,; the dealer or distributor that sells the OpenAll® products that may want to buy the manure and broker it out; or there could be an opportunity for an investor to get involved besides the selling of the digesters whether it is the APS system or someone else’s. I wouldn’t throw any numbers out at this time because we need to develop the market first and then see who wants to invest in the digesters or the stabilized manure.

26)  Can OpenAll products be used for dry manure as well as liquid manure? OpenAll® MTA and LBA can be used in the composting of dry manure or dead animals. The combination of the two products can and will accelerate the composting time by as much as 70% faster. Also, if the composted manure or dead animals are spread throughout the field, the application of OpenAll® SOS can also be applied to help transform these locked nutrients to be readily available to plants and microbial cultures. It is recommended the application of SOS be done in early spring, 1 week before seed planting. See more details on the composting sheet.

27)  Would there be any reason that your products wouldn’t work when your recommendations are followed? There have been times when our product doesn’t work as effectively, but that are very rare. For the most part, applications during rainy seasons can wash the treatment away, not allowing it to soak into soil. For the pit or lagoons, sometimes too much sun or little agitation could affect the performance.

28)  If these products are so good and it has been around so long, why haven’t we heard about them before now? Deutrel Industries, Inc. is a research, development and manufacturer. We rely on the sales of our distributors to get the word out. Also, the Rhoten Family has another company that uses the same OpenAll® technology for human consumption. Since 1997, there was a major boom in sales in this company. My father needed to devote most his time and energy to maintain the customer satisfaction of this line of products, which affected the concentration of sales in our environmental and agricultural line of products. Only until the last 3 years was I able to focus my energy on this division of the family of products. With Essential Water Solutions’ distribution network now promoting it, the word of OpenAll’s effectiveness will soon be known to many, many livestock and poultry producers.