Carrington Cougars’ Tennis Program 2013

The Tennis Program at Carrington Elementary in Waterbury, CT served 15third graders, 11 fourth graders, 12 fifth graders, and 22 sixth graders, for a total of 60 co-ed students. Practices were scheduled after school dismissal.Third and fourth graders practiced twice a week as did fifth and sixth graders. They played on separate days. The program ran from October 20 to Dec. 13 after the USTennis Association representative’s initiation and demonstration.

The students played with two size junior racquets and generally used the soft t-play balls indoors.There were several practices with standard tennis balls outside when weather permitted. Three nets were used for games and drills. Practices always began with warm-ups,which consisted of stretching, lateral movement exercises, plyometric. The coach performed and demonstrated activities, and at each practice five students were chosen to lead drills and build leadership skills.

The second part of practice included footwork, races, speed drills, and fun activities. Lessons were next, in which students participated in various drills that practiced swing technique, stance, footwork/movement as well as ball striking. Grip, scoring, sportsmanship, various shots as well as famous players such as Arthur Ashe were discussed. Students performed group drills and rotated in and out of various drills and stations. Later in the season students participated in tournaments against peers in their respective grade levels and in both singles and doubles. At the end of practice the whole class participated in games such as King of the Court and Bobsled. Parents were very supportive and interested in continuing their students in tennis, and they hope that the program will continue and expand. Many of the parents were interested in playing with their families and asked about local court locations and whether the school would ever get outside courts.


“In tennis I learned how to hit the ball correctly using the backhand. I had fun playing King of the Court.”MernaDimtry Grade 6

YasinAzizoglu wrote, “My favorite thing to do in tennis is to play matches; and I think that tennis is fun.” Grade 6

“Something I learned is how to hit, hold, and balance the ball and the racket. Something I had fun with is the games we played that involved tennis. “Lailani Cole, Grade 5

“Something that I learned was how to hold a racquet. I enjoyed playing tennis with my friends.” Emily Ashirova Grade 5

Coach: Daniel KuhlthauPrincipal: Kevin Brennan