

Rome Research Project

7th grade Social Studies

Background: After the death of Alexander the Great, the Hellenistic Age that he started will last until about 146 BCE, when most of the Greek city-states will fall under the control of the growing Roman Empire. This Empire started out in 776 BCE as a measly little city called Rome in Italy. By 14 AD/CE, this tiny city had taken over ALL of the land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and a huge chunk of Western Empire. This Empire will finally fall in 476 AD/CE. The Roman Empire was one of the strongest and most successful ruling empires in history, with many advancements, important leaders, and improvements in culture occurring during this time.

Objective: To learn all about ancient Rome, each student in the class is going to choose one topic about Rome, research their topic, create a Power Point presentation about their topic, and present their topic to the class! Essentially, the student is going to become the teacher and teach their classmates about their topic!

Details: This Rome Research Project has many components. Students will be graded on the following:

ü  Researching their topic and answering the questions given to them about their topic

ü  Creating their own Power Point presentation about their topic

ü  Presenting their Power Point presentation to the class

ü  Taking notes while other students are presenting (note-taking guidelines will be given)

ü  Taking weekly quizzes on the topics and presentations that have been presented

Please see the rubrics on the following page.

Topic: ______

Due Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______


Day 1: Thursday, February 25th

·  Rome Research Project Overview (review packet, rubrics, etc.)

·  Students will be assigned a topic about ancient Rome

·  Each student will receive specific vocabulary words and questions pertaining to their topic that they must research

·  Each class will then go through a brief training session on how to use Power Point (set up, where to save it to, how to change fonts and colors, different backgrounds, add pictures, etc.)

Day 2: Monday, March 1st

·  Library Research Day

·  Students will report to the library to research their topics

·  Students may use their textbooks, library books, and internet resources to research their topics

Day 3: Tuesday, March 2nd

·  Library Research Day

Day 4: Wednesday, March 3rd

·  Now that students have their research complete, they will begin creating their Power Point Presentations about their topic

·  Library Computer Lab will be used for creating Power Points

Day 5: Thursday, March 4th

·  Library Computer Lab for Power Point Presentations

Day 6: Friday, March 5th (early dismissal)

·  Library Computer Lab for Power Point Presentations

Day 7: Monday, March 8th

·  Library Computer Lab for Power Point Presentations (last day!)

Day 8: Tuesday, March 9th

·  Presentations begin!

Topics for Rome Presentations

1.  Romulus and Remus

2.  The Aeneid and the Latins

3  The Etruscans – culture, religion and tombs

4. The Etruscans – effects on Romans

5. Compare Patricians and Plebeians – origins of terms and clothing, lifestyles


TEACHER presentation – Roman Republican Government

6.  Roman army/legion

7.  Rome vs. Carthage – 1st Punic war and Roman navy

8.  Punic wars 2 and 3 (Hannibal)


TEACHER presentation – Effects of Conquest

9.  The 4 reformers – Gracchus Brothers and Generals Sulla and Marius

10.  Julius Caesar and the 1st Triumvirate

11.  Death of Caesar and end of the Republic and 2nd Triumvirate

12.  Augustus Caesar and his rule

13.  Pax Romana


14.  Housing (poor vs. rich) and city life in Rome

15.  Leisure – gladiators and the Coliseum

16.  Leisure – chariot racing and the Circus Maximus

17.  Leisure – baths and hygiene

18.  Food, cooking, farming, food importation

19.  Family – father, naming family members, women, moms, clothes

20. Children – education, toys, games


TEACHER presentation – Five Reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire

21.  Diocletian and Constantine


22. Ancient/Pagan Roman Religions

23. Beginnings of Christianity

24. Christianity and Rome

TEACHER presentation – Roman Contributions – government and law, roads, entertainment, architecture, engineering, water and aqueducts


Rome Research Project Rubric

A. Research

15. Wow!! Used library time wisely and thoroughly completed ALL research components!

12. Used library time nicely and has all questions answered for research

10. Library time could have been used more efficiently—research is lacking/short responses

8. Goofed around during library time and research is incomplete

0-7. Where is your research??

B. Power Point Presentation

i. Title Page

5. Title Page is creative and grabs attention; includes topic, your name, and a picture!

4. Title page has all components; pretty nice!

3. Title page there but missing information

0-2. Whoa, dove right into presentation without a title page!

ii. Vocabulary Words

10. All vocabulary words thoroughly defined AND have a picture for each word!

8. All vocabulary words defined; most have pictures

6. Some vocabulary words missing, hardly any pictures

4. Only a few words defined; some definitions are incorrect; only one picture

0-2. Where are your vocabulary words???

iii. Content

30. Amazing job!!! You hit every question and explained them all perfectly!!!

27. Great explanations!! You taught every question with good detail

24. Nice work—some questions need to be answered or some things unclear

21. Nice attempt at answering questions but very unsure of self; classmates confused

18. Some questions were not answered and the ones that were were confusing

15. Less than half of the questions are answered; research seriously lacking

12. Poor attempt at answering a few questions; obviously no research completed

0-11. Little to none questions answered

iv. Pictures

10. Great pictures used with every slide!! Really helps explain your topic!!

8. Used nice pictures for each slide

6. Used pictures but unsure why some were used on a particular slide

4. Few pictures used; most do not have anything to do with topic

0-2. No pictures; very unclear pictures

v. Visual Presentation

10. Looks amazing!! Nice, clear choice of fonts, colors, and pictures. Easy to read!!!

8. Great job! Fonts were clear, colors were included, pictures nicely placed

6. Some fonts are difficult to read; colors too dark or too bright; fuzzy pictures

4. Have to strain to see words or pictures; looks messy or unorganized

0-2. My eyes are hurting from trying to read and figure out your slides

vi. Presentation

10. Awesome presentation! Nice pace, good voice projection, very confident; engaging!!

8. Presentation was good! Decent pace, loud enough, some confidence

6. Presentation was average

4. Presentation was boring or confusing; too fast or too slow; too loud or too soft

0-2. Did not present

C. Note Taking

10. Took well-written notes during presentations; listened quietly and stayed on-task; never disruptive!

8. Took notes; listened nicely

6. Took some notes; needed re-direction at times

4. Few notes taken; off-task

0-2. Did not take notes; disruptive during presentations

Score: ______/100 Comments: