Identifying Polygon Attributes Jigsaw

Overview: Students will participate in a jigsaw activity to discover the defining attributes of quadrilaterals. Each table group will receive a blank attribute sheet, and group members will move around the room to become an expert in a particular polygon. They’ll then all return to their original group to teach their table mates the attributes of their polygon.

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to state the defining attributes of quadrilaterals, parallelograms, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, and rhombi.

Standards Addressed:

-  5.G.B.3

Standards for Mathematical Practice Addressed:

-  MP3, MP7

Materials Required:

-  Sample shapes for each polygon

-  Sheet of sample shapes for each polygon

-  Blank “Attributes” chart for every student


-  Square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, quadrilateral, congruent

Lesson Details:

-  Have students share real-world examples of polygons they’ve seen in their daily life

-  Connect to students’ background knowledge by sharing what students already know about 2-dimensional shapes (may create a KWL chart)

-  Introduce the jigsaw activity task – each table will receive a blank attributes chart. It will be each team member’s responsibility to become an expert in ONE shape on the chart. They’ll move around the room to gather into groups for each polygon, at which point they’ll have samples and drawings of the polygon.

-  In their polygon groups, students need to discuss and fill in the defining attributes of their shape. They should only write in information that applies to ALL polygons of that shape. Once they’ve completed filling in the chart for their shape, they need to prepare to present to their original table mates.

-  Students will move back into their original table groups and take turns presenting and teaching the attributes and characteristics of their assigned polygon. Team mates can ask questions and discuss clarify information, and the presenter is responsible for answer them.

-  At the end of the jigsaw, all students should have a fully completed attributes chart that can be used in future lessons.

Criteria for Success: Conduct an informal assessment by stating a characteristic/attribute and asking students to share what polygon it describes. Choose some characteristics that may apply to multiple polygons, and discuss as a class why that is.
