Management HandbookForm Instructions



This “Notice” must be used to notify a non-assisted Housing Credit household that their annual recertification date is pending. The household must be recertified every 12 months so we can determine their continued eligibility and compliance with the Housing Credit Program. You may wish to use a “yellow” highlighter to bring attention to areas of the form that have the greatest importance to the household’s circumstances.

Please process the form as follows:

  1. Send a copy of this “Notice” to the appropriate residents approximately 120 days prior to their annual recertification due date. Be sure to attach form TC-31 "Applicant/Resident Information Sheet” to the “Notice”. Place a photocopy of this “Notice” in the resident file with the certification paperwork for Housing Credit program compliance.

Be sure to set a date and time for this interview to take place. Always take into consideration the work schedules of your residents when making these appointments. It may be necessary to make appointments after office hours or on weekends to accommodate the recertification process.

  1. Enter the date the “Notice” is being sent on the “120-Day First Notice” line.
  2. Fill in the Property name, date, resident’s ACTUAL recertification due date, and apartment #. Fill in the resident’s name where indicated.
  3. Enter the date and time you set aside for the resident’s interview. Be sure to circle a.m. or p.m. to indicate morning or afternoon times.
  4. Enter the property’s telephone number and be sure to sign the letter.
  1. Residents should respond to their “Notice” by the scheduled date and time listed.

For example:

Recertification date:September 1, 2005

Send “Notice” on:May 1, 2005 (120 days prior to the annual date)

Appointment date/time:May 10, 2005 at 10:30 a.m.

  1. If the resident household does not respond by the requested date, send a photocopy of the original “Notice” with the words “SECOND NOTICE” stamped on the top, preferably in red or blue ink. Enter the date the second “Notice” is being sent on the “90-Day Second Notice” line. Also, write in a new appointment date and time in red or blue ink. Be sure to photocopy this “Second Notice” and keep a copy in the resident file with the certification to show compliance with the Housing Credit requirements.
  1. If the resident does not respond to the “Second Notice”, follow the same steps as in paragraph 4 above, but write “THIRD NOTICE” and enter the date on the “60-Day Third Notice” line.
  2. If the resident still does not respond, contact them in person (knock on door, etc.). If you still do not get them to respond, send them a (thirty) 30-day written “Lease Termination Notice”. For example:

Second “Notice” Sent:June 1, 2005 Appointment Date/Time: June10, 2005

Third “Notice” Sent:July 1, 2005 Appointment Date/Time: July 10, 2005

NO RESPONSE:Immediately contact in person

If they still do not cooperate, send a “30-day “Notice” to Terminate”:

August 1, 2005(30 days prior to Annual Recertification date of September 1, 2005)

  1. If the resident responds to the “30-day Notice to Terminate” and wants to complete their recertification, contact your Supervisor for approval. If approved, complete the recertification immediately. However, do NOT rescind the “30-day Termination Notice” until the recertification has been completed and approved by Occupancy. If the resident does not recertify, the Lease terminates and the resident must move out.
  1. For residents who do respond promptly, complete the annual recertification interview and verification process in a timely manner. Remember that ALL verifications must be dated within the 120-day time frame to be valid. The Resident Certification should be signed and dated at least 30-days prior to the annual recertification effective date. This ensures that the resident gets a full 30-day notice of any rent and/or utility charge changes (amend or renew the Lease as applicable).
  1. At least 45 days prior to the actual effective date of the recertification, send all paperwork to your Occupancy Supervisor for Housing Credit Program eligibility and compliance approval. NO EXCEPTIONS! If recertifications are late as stated above in paragraph #6, send the paperwork immediately when completed.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact your Occupancy Supervisor for assistance.

Annual Recert “Notice” HC (4/05)Page 1 of 2TC-45t