Lawson Concert Band 2013

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Lawson Public School Band for 2013.

This week your child took part in a “blow test” to join Lawson School Band. Attached is a copy of their interests and results. Your child has been selected to play the ______.

Below are some details about how our band program operates.

How Our Band Works

The band program is jointly managed by Damian Kowald in liaison with our Music Tutors. Your child now joins and continues the proud tradition that is The Lawson Public School Band.
Our conductors are Daniel Johnson and Judy Murray and we welcome Mr Elliot Reynolds. New band members will jointhe Training Band and there will progress to Concert Band at the discretion of the tutors. The two bands will combine throughout the year for various performances which will be announced in the school newsletter.


Tutorial groups will be held Thursday afternoon during school time. Students will receive a 30 minute group tutorial during the day. Tutors will devise timetables so that students can rotate times and not miss the same lesson. Students are asked to make up lessons missed.

Band rehersal will continue to be at 7.45am Friday Morning in the Hall. Supervision will be from 7.40am ( students are asked to arrive 5 minutes before to help setup).

Instrument Hire

The cost of hiring an instrument through the school has been kept to $120 per year ($30 per term). There is also an initial deposit of $100, refundable when the instrument is returned without need of repair. This fee is paid to the school office.

For students who own their own instrument, an annual payment of $20 is paid to the school office to assist in the purchase of music scores and other equipment.

Tutor Books

Students are also required to initially purchase a tutor book from the office which is used for the first 6 months. The school has been able to purchase these books. You will be advised of the cost of these which will be kept to a minimum.

Action required ASAP

To ensure we have the instruments and books ready for your child to start Week 3 next year we require the following registration form completed this week so the lesson schedules can be organised.

To be fair to all students who try out for the band we ask that you commit to the band for 1 semester to enable the student to gain a grasp of the new instrument.

Thank you to all parents who are encouraging their children to embark on this musical program. I trust it is a rewardingprogram for all participants.


Damian Kowald Chantal Beltran

Band Coordinator Principal

Lawson Public School – Band Registration Form

I give permission for my son/daughter ………………………………… to participate in the schools band program.

My child would like to play the …………………………………….



Please tick the following boxes that

We Own our own instrument

Will be renting an instrument through the school

Father name: …………………………………………..

Mother name: …………………………………………….



…………………………………………. Postcode: ………..

Phone (Home) ………………………………………………

(wk) ……………………………………………..

(mob) …………………………………….

Parent’s signature: ………………………………………..Date : ………………..