Module Title: Discussion of Controversial Issues as a Teaching and Learning Strategy


Instructions: Please use this worksheet for activities on the Discussion of Controversial Issues as a Teaching and Learning Strategy. Please remember to save after completion


At the completion of this module, you should be able to;

  1. Identify controversial issues relevant to your course.
  2. Analyze multiple viewpoints of an issue.
  3. Review various classroom discussion facilitation strategies and examples.
  4. Develop questions to promote class discussion of controversial issues.

Activity 2: How to Analyze the Multiple Viewpoints of an Issue

Before an informed discussion can occur, it is helpful to analyze the multiple viewpoints of a topic or issue. This activity could be assigned to individuals or groups using one or more topics.

For example, an individual could select a topic and provide informed answers to these questions. Alternatively, a group could work together to define the multiple perspectives on an issue.

  • Economic: What are the financial consequences of this?
  • Security: How will this affect safety and defense?
  • Social: How will this affect people's relationships with one another?
  • Cultural: How does this affect the culture and values of the participants?
  • Environmental: What are the consequences of this to the environment?
  • Political: What impact does the political actors and institutions have on this?
  • Human Rights: How is this affected by the claims to rights of those involved?
  • Moral: What are the moral consequences of this?
  • Legal: Does the law allow for this decision to be made?
  • Principle: Is there a broad value or standard that influences this decision?
  • Feasibility: Do we have the ability to undertake the action proposed?
  • Significance: Is this problem worth our time and attention?
  • Solvency: Will the proposed action solve or significantly reduce the problem?

Instructions:To participate in this activity, watch video or read transcript of the Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico reaches US Gulf Coast. Then use the space provided below to define the multiple perspectives of the oil spill in terms of economic, security, social, cultural, etc. as listed above.

Human Rights:

Activity 3:How to Develop Questions to Promote Class Discussion of Controversial Issues

As a guide to developing questions to promote effective discussions, it is important to note the differences among the following terms.

Instructions: Please use the spaces provided to develop questions for your course.

  • Topic - An event, place, an act or a process.
    Example: ______
  • Problem - An item that needs to be addressed to help clarify the issue.
    Example: ______
  • Current Issue - What to do about what is happening?/What is facing society that is important?
    Example: ______
  • Current Event - What is happening?
    Example: ______
  • Specific Case Issues - Specific time and place. This is more focused and may be easier to deliberate.
    Example: ______
  • Large Perennial Issues – Crosses time and place.
    Example: ______
  • Public Issue - What policy is the best response to an issue that impacts many people?Example: ______
  • Private Issue - What an individual will do when faced with a challenging question?

Example: ______

  • Controversial Political Issues - Involving interpretation of the law
    Example: ______
  • Constitutional Issues: Of, or related to the constitution

Activity 4: A Plan to Integrate Discussion of Controversial Issues into your course

To develop a plan to integrate discussion of controversial issues into your course, instructors should consider the following questions:

  • How will discussion of controversial issues benefit students in my course?
  • How do I want my students to approach these discussions?
  • What kind of classroom environment can I foster to aid these discussions?
  • What will I do to prepare for these discussions?
  • Will I disclose or mask my viewpoints during discussion?
  • How do my political views influence what I think is a controversial issue in the first place and what criteria do I use to determine whether and how to approach this issue in my teaching?
  • Do I/Should I/How will I address the discussion of controversial issues in my syllabus?
  • Do I/How do I grade discussions of controversial issues?

Instructions: To assist you to develop a plan appropriate to your course, please use the spaces provided to document your plan of action. You may print it out.

  1. How will discussion of controversial issues benefit students in my course?

  1. How do I want my students to approach these discussions?

  1. What kind of classroom environment can I foster to aid these discussions?

  1. What will I do to prepare for these discussions?

  1. Will I disclose or mask my viewpoints during discussion?

  1. How do my political views influence what I think is a controversial issue in the first place and what criteria do I use to determine whether and how to approach this issue in my teaching?

  1. Do I/Should I/How will I address the discussion of controversial issues in my syllabus?

  1. Do I/How do I grade discussions of controversial issues?