Overview Field Activity Collection System (FACS) Log

Topic / Information
USGS Activity ID
i.e. YYPRJ## * / 87039
Other ID (if any) / CI_87; BLSK87-1 and -2; B-12-87-LA
Organization(s)/Program / U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Integrated Science Center, Saint Petersburg (Coastal and Marine Geology Program),
United StatesGeological Survey,Reston, Virginia
Louisiana Geological Survey
Alpine Ocean Seismic Surveys
Blue Streak Barge
Project/Theme / Coastal Erosion
Coastal ChangeHazards
Area of Operation / Chandeleur Islands, Northern Gulf of Mexico – Louisiana / Mississippi
Principal Investigator(s) / JeffWilliams (USGS), JackKindinger (USGS-FISC), SheaPenland (LGS), John Suter (LGS)
Information Specialist(s) / JeffWilliams / Chandra Dreher
Activity Type / Coring, Vibracore
Scientific Purpose/Goals / Characterization of the geological framework, mapping sediment distribution and coastal erosion of barrier islands.
Platform / Blue Streak 8
Starting Date / 09/15/1987
Starting Port/Location / Pearlington, MS
Ending Date / 09/24/1987
Ending Port/Location / Pearlington, MS
Equipment Used / Navigation Loran-C, Ore 3.5 kHz pinger system, 40ft. long Alpine-type pneumatic vibracore apparatus
Information to be Derived (for example, Grain Size, Depth to Basement) / Core description sheets, interpreted core profiles.
Summary of Activity and Data Gathered / Near- and off- shoreof Chandeleur Islands, Breton Island and Curlew Island on the bay and gulf sides of the islands a total of 77 cores were collected. 71 of these cores data are referenced in a U.S. Geological Survey Data Series. (Data Series in progress)
Notes (include staff, shop time etc) / This cruise is an up date to USGS CMG 87039. 87039 data archive included some of the offshore gulf side of the islands cores (32) and this 87CI updates the previous archive with near- and off- shore cores on the bay and gulf sides of the Chandeleur Islands, Breton Island and Curlew Island. A total of 71 cores are referenced in a U.S. Geological Survey Data Series. (Data Series in progress). The crew, dates and platform information were assumed to be the same as 87039. All 1987 Chandeleur Island area cores are named CI-87-core #, and 4 cores are named CI-87-core #-CURLEW. A complete reference of the cores is in a U.S. Geological Survey Data Series. (Data Series in progress). The combined cruises completed transects on the gulf and bay sides of the islands.
Jeff Williams’ Notes: Collect 40-ft. long continuous vibracores at sites selected from hi-res seismic profiles collected in a survey in June 1987. Interpretation of the cores and seismic profiles will be used to determine the stratigraphy and structure of the shallow subbottom of the region. Long-term purpose of program is to locate and identify potential offshore sand borrow areas for beach replenishment projects.
Also referenced in Kindinger, J.L., Penland, S., Williams, S.J., and Suter, J.R., 1989, Inner shelf deposits of the Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama region, Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 39th Annual Meeting; and Gulf Coast Section SEPM, 36th Annual Meeting; Transactions - Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 39, p. 413-420.
Kindinger, J.L., Penland, S., Williams, S.J., Brooks, G.R., Suter, J.R., and McBride, R.A., 1991, Late quaternary geologic framework, North-central Gulf of Mexico: Coastal Sediments '91, v. 1, p. 1096-1110.
Brooks, G.R., Kindinger, J.L., Pendland, S., Williams, S.J., and McBride, R.A., 1995, East Louisiana continental shelf sediments: A product of delta reworking, Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11 no. 4, p. 1026-1036.

*The St. Petersburg naming convention is as follows: YYPRJ##, where YY is a 2 digit abbreviation for the calendar year the data were collected, PRJ is a 3 letter acronym for the project, task, or theme the data were collected under, and ## is a sequential number for each field activity under that PRJ for that calendar year. If a project already has adopted a standardized unique and meaningful field activity naming convention, there are ways to incorporate it into the system. Please caution against using strictly geographic specific PRJs. We strongly suggest using topical ones instead, since locations may be revisited for various purposes during a field season. Arnell Harrison ((727-803-8747 x3111) will coordinate assigning these Field Activity IDs with input from the PIs or project data managers.

Version 2