May 2005
- Students name ways they
can serve others
- Recognize that at Mass they are sent forth to serve the Lord
- Learn that Jesus gave us an example of service
- Recall experiences of life changes and discover Jesus’ promise of new life
- Understand that everything that is alive grows and changes
- Understand that we will rise to new life and be forever with God
- Realize that after death there is life with Jesus
- Remember Jesus’ presence is with us at Mass and in the Eucharist
- Realize that images of Jesus are symbols of his constant presence
- Author Study: Patricia Polacco
- Literacy Place Stories:
Balto: The Dog Who Saved Nome
Ibis: A True Whale Story
When the Monkeys Came Back
The Little Painter of Sabana Grande
- Comprehension:
Main Idea/Details
Drawing Conclusions
The Many Lives of Benjamin Franklin
Follow the Drinking Gourd
Miss Spider’s Tea Party
- Words with /ōō/o, ue, ew,
- Syllabication(compound words)
- R-controlled vowel
- Vowel /e/ ea
- Suffixes -er, -est, -y, -ly
- Homophones
- 3-letter blends
- Final blends –st, -nd
- Words with /ô/o
- Digraph /ch/ ch, tch
Written Language
- Using periods, question marks, and exclamation points as end punctuation
- Using commas and quotation marks
- Understanding that a complete sentence is a complete thought
- Showing ownership
- Parts of speech (common nouns, proper nouns, verbs, adjectives)
- Writing the three parts of a paragraph – topic sentences, detail sentences, and closing (or wrap-up) sentence
- Adverbs
- Irregular verbs
- Making plurals
- Forming contractions
- Lesson 15AA – words with or
- Learn lowercase cursive letters c, q, n, m, y, x, v,and z
- Using correct body position (sitting position)
- Correct page placement (paper position)
- Pencil position (grippers)
- Basic strokes (undercurve, downcurve, overcurve, and slant)
- Keys to legibility (shape, size, spacing, slant)
- Please make sure your child has a gripper at school. Grippers are sold at school for $2.00.
- Chapter 14 – Telling Time
Explore 1 minute
Time to the hour
Time to the half-hour
Time to 15 minutes
- Chapter 15 – Understanding Time
Sequencing months
Dates on a calendar
Days, weeks, months, years
Estimate time
- Chapter 16–Interpret Tables and Graphs
Make a graph
Range, median, and mode
Locate points on a grid
Read line graphs
Make a prediction
- Chapter 17 – Probability
Interpreting outcomes of games
Certain or impossible
Likely or unlikely
Likelihood of events
Equally likely