Please send your application to:
Richard Gibson, Cheltenham Borough Council, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 1PP. Email:
Closing date for applications is 5.00pmFriday 20th September 2013
Final decisions will be made by the Borough Council’s Cabinet on 15 October 2013.
1.Contact Details
Name of Organisation / St Paul’s Road Area Residents’ Association (SPRA)Address / C/O 26 Dunalley Street, Cheltenham, GL50 4AP
Telephone / 01242-232004
Email /
Name of Contact Person / Les Thurlow
Position in the organisation / Chairman
2. Organisational Status Please tick all that apply:
Registered charity / Charity number:Company Limited by guarantee / Company number:
Charitable Trust / Constituted Voluntary organisation / X
Other (please explain)
If you are a charity with an income over £5,000, have you registered with the Charity Commission? NO - Income is not above £5000/Annum If not, we may contact you about this.
Is your organisation signed up to the Gloucestershire Compact?
If not, are you willing to consider it? Yes, if required
3. About any previous funding
Please note: to be considered for funding this year your organisation must have submitted appropriate monitoring information from previous awards
Have you received funding from this grant scheme before? YesWhen was your latest award? 2011
Has the project for which you were funded been completed? Yes, the funds have been spent but the project is ongoing.
Have you presented a final year report and monitoring documentation for that year? Yes
3. About Your Project
Name of projectSPRA Community Project
Project timescale: Now and ongoing
Start date:
Started in 2010 / Finish date:
Please give a brief description of your project including what it aims to achieve (maximum of 100 words). This will appear in public documents so please be accurate.
Streetwatch involves SPRA, police and University of Glos, Criminology Dept. Residents, students, university course lecturers, PCs, PCSOs, make joint walks to improve community relations, increase street safety and assist those in need, help deter crime and ASB, monitor the environment (Litter, fly-tipping, uncollected trash, non-working street lighting, dangerous potholes, broken pavements); PLUSEnvironment improvement continues with joint management of 2 community gardens(Edible and Midwinter), Front garden tree plantings, street planning with Glos Highways, Street cleanliness, and public art projects.
How will this project build up community pride and enable your group to be more influential in supporting your community and improving your neighbourhood?
By working with major influences in the area, including, UofGlos, Police, CBC, GCC (Highways)
What permissions and/or licences do you need to achieve your project and what are your plans / timescale to secure these permissions?
Licenses are being pursued for the Streetwatch members. Courses are being taken now to train participants.
Who will benefit from the project?
The whole community in St Pauls and therefore Cheltenham in general
How will you know if the project has been a success?
Feedback from residents and other participants and the meeting of our stated goals.
What are the longer term plans for the project once the grant funding has come to an end?
Ongoing. This kind of community activity shows continued long term benefits.
Who else will you work with to deliver the project?
Any knowledgeable organisation who can help us meet our goals, but there is a great deal of experience and expertise in our partners, UniversityofGlos, the police and the local councils.
4. Please complete if your project involves children and young people or vulnerable adults
Do you have a Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults Policy? (Please note we may request to see a copy of it)No. No children under 18 are involved.
Are all your staff and volunteers who will be associated with the project CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked?
For Streetwatch, Yes.
For other volunteer work in the community, has not been required so far.
If no to either of the above, what measures do you have in place to safeguard children and young people and/or vulnerable adults on your project?
We follow the guidelines of our partners in the community for any specific project.
5. About the money you are asking for
£Total amount your project will cost / 10000
Amount you are asking the council for / 5000
Where is the rest of the funding coming from?
Please itemise each source
SOURCE / £ / Is this funding secured?
University of Glos
Police contribution
Suppliers contribution / 500-1000
100-200 / NOT YET But assumed
Contribution in equivalent labour hours
Streetwatch 350 hours
Gardens 400 hours
Other 200 hours / 5000 minimum / YES
6. How you will spend the money
Total spend / Grant requestedEquipment or materials (please specify)
High Visibility jackets for Streetwatch members (£15pp)
Gardens – tools, hardware
Gardens – Compost and consumables
Gardens – Plants
Gardens – Gate Locks
FrontGardens and public space planting
Community Notice Board- repair or replacement / 350
160 / 350
Staff expenses
Streetwatch annual mobile phone costs / 100 / 100
Room hire/rent or other overheads (please specify)
No fixed overheads / 0 / 0
Annual Liability Insurance for Streetwatch members (renewal due Jan 2014)
Security Industry Assoc (SIA) training courses @ £60 pp x3
1 x SIA License
Streetwatch signage printing
Streetwatch printing of recruitment leaflets
Streetwatch printing of newsletter(s) / 350
250 / 350
TOTALS / 5100 / 5000
This part is to be signed by all applicants.
If you are submitting this form by email, please print and send a signed copy (at least a copy of your signature page) in the post to the address on the front of this form.
Declaration and Data Protection Statement Data Protection Act
I confirm that the organisation/group named in this form has authorised me to sign this application on their behalf.
The information contained in this application is correct, to the best of my knowledge, and I confirm that any grant aid received will be used solely for the purposes specified in the application.
I agree to my name and my organisation’s details being held on paper or electronic files.
I understand that the information in this form may be shared with other local funders.
Don’t forget to send the following:
A copy of your constitution Please see website and click on Constitution
A copy of your latest accounts – to be sent seperately
SignatureName of person signing / Les Thurlow
Position in Organisation / Chairman
Date / 17 Sept 2013
Community Pride Grant Application Guidelines
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