A new facility for disabled people was officially opened at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre today(Friday 12th July). The ‘Changing Places’ facility includes an electronic hoist which covers almost the whole room, a height adjustable changing bed, a height adjustable wash basin and a peninsular toilet all of which are particularly suitable for wheelchair users. The new facility is now available either for customers using the Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre, or for disabled people who are visiting the Stowmarket area and need access to specialist facilities.

At the same time two of the cubicles in the main swimming pool changing room have also been adapted to make them more suitable for disabled people, with one cubicle having its own shower and toilet and a fixed height changing bed. This cubicle is particularly suitable for customers with mobility issues who may have a carer with them.

Anselm Gurney, General Manager for Everyone Active at the centre, said “This is a massive improvement to the facilities for disabled people at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre and will make it much easier for disabled people to use the swimming pool and take part in other activities. This means we can truly be an inclusive centre and offer activity for everyone. We are very grateful to Mid Suffolk District Council for providing the funding and also to Mid Suffolk Disability Forum for working closely with us to ensure that the design of the new facilities meets the needs of disabled people.”

Diana Kearsley, Councillor with Portfolio Responsibility for Communities who will be opening the new Changing Places facility said: “This project has significantly improved access for disabled people and is another example of the highly successful partnership between Mid Suffolk District Council and Everyone Active.”

For further information about the facilities and activities provided for disabled people at Mid Suffolk Leisure Centre please ring 01449 674980.

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For more information please contact:

Claire James, PR Manager for Everyone Active on 07890 922757 or email