Book Talk Bookmark / Book Talk Bookmark / Book Talk Bookmark
Book Talk Ideas
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book to read
·  state the genre
·  describe one or two
of the characters
·  share what conflict/problem
the main character is
·  share what the main
character is thinking
and/or feeling
·  share the plot of the story
·  talk about the setting
·  share one connection
you have made with this
·  share something you read in the book that
kept you thinking – it
impacted you
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book
·  what new things have
you learned
·  share the author’s purpose
·  share any surprising
facts that you have learned
·  share if you will read another book on the same topic / Book Talk Ideas
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book to read
·  state the genre
·  describe one or two
of the characters
·  share what conflict/problem
the main character is
·  share what the main
character is thinking
and/or feeling
·  share the plot of the story
·  talk about the setting
·  share one connection
you have made with this
·  share something you read in the book that
kept you thinking – it
impacted you
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book
·  what new things have
you learned
·  share the author’s purpose
·  share any surprising
facts that you have learned
·  share if you will read another book on the same topic / Book Talk Ideas
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book to read
·  state the genre
·  describe one or two
of the characters
·  share what conflict/problem
the main character is
·  share what the main
character is thinking
and/or feeling
·  share the plot of the story
·  talk about the setting
·  share one connection
you have made with this
·  share something you read in the book that
kept you thinking – it
impacted you
·  share title and author
·  share why you selected
the book
·  what new things have
you learned
·  share the author’s purpose
·  share any surprising
facts that you have learned
·  share if you will read another book on the same topic